A API v1alpha2 declarativa Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Service expõe vários parâmetros para a configuração de clusters do Tanzu Kubernetes. Consulte a lista e a descrição de todos os parâmetros e diretrizes de uso para provisionar e personalizar seus clusters.

Especificação YAML para provisionar um Tanzu Kubernetes cluster usando a API Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Service v1alpha2

A especificação YAML lista todos os parâmetros disponíveis para provisionar um cluster do Tanzu Kubernetes usando a API v1alpha2 do Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Service.
apiVersion: run.tanzu.vmware.com/v1alpha2
kind: TanzuKubernetesCluster
  name: string
  namespace: string
      replicas: int32
      vmClass: string
      storageClass: string
        - name: string
          mountPath: string
            storage: size in GiB
          name: string
      nodeDrainTimeout: int64
    - name: string 
      labels: map[string]string
        -  key: string
           value: string
           effect: string
           timeAdded: time
      replicas: int32
      vmClass: string
      storageClass: string
        - name: string
          mountPath: string
            storage: size in GiB
          name: string
      nodeDrainTimeout: int64
      classes: [string]
      defaultClass: string
        name: string
        cidrBlocks: [string]
        cidrBlocks: [string]
      serviceDomain: string
        httpProxy: string
        httpsProxy: string
        noProxy: [string]
          - name: string
            data: string

Especificação YAML anotada para provisionamento de um Tanzu Kubernetes cluster usando a API v1alpha2 do Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Service

A especificação YAML anotada lista todos os parâmetros disponíveis para provisionar um cluster Tanzu Kubernetes usando a API v1alpha2 do Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Service com documentação para cada campo.
apiVersion: run.tanzu.vmware.com/v1alpha2
kind: TanzuKubernetesCluster
#metadata defines cluster information
  #name for this Tanzu Kubernetes cluster
  name: string
  #namespace vSphere Namespace where to provision this cluster
  namespace: string
#spec defines cluster configuration
  #topology describes the number, purpose, organization 
  #of nodes and the resources allocated for each
  #nodes are grouped into pools based on their purpose
  #`controlPlane` is special kind of a node pool 
  #`nodePools` is for groups of worker nodes
  #each node pool is homogeneous: its nodes have the same   
  #resource allocation and use the same storage
    #controlPlane defines the topology of the cluster 
    #controller, including the number of nodes and  
    #the resources allocated for each 
    #control plane must have an odd number of nodes                              
      #replicas is the number of nodes in the pool
      #the control plane can have 1 or 3 nodes
      #defaults to 1 if `nil`
      replicas: int32
      #vmClass is the name of the VirtualMachineClass 
      #which describes the virtual hardware settings 
      #to be used for each node in the node pool 
      #vmClass controls the CPU and memory available   
      #to the node and the requests and limits on 
      #those resources; to list available vm classes run 
      #`kubectl describe virtualmachineclasses`
      vmClass: string
      #storageClass to be used for storage of the disks 
      #which store the root filesystems of the nodes 
      #to list available storage classes run
      #`kubectl describe storageclasses`
      storageClass: string
      #volumes is the optional set of PVCs to create 
      #and attach to each node; use for high-churn 
      #control plane components such as etcd
        #name of the PVC to be used as the suffix (node.name)
        - name: string
          #mountPath is the directory where the volume   
          #device is mounted; takes the form /dir/path
          mountPath: string
          #capacity is the PVC capacity
            #storage to be used for the disk
            #volume; if not specified defaults to 
            storage: size in GiB
      #tkr.reference.name is the TKR NAME 
      #to be used by control plane nodes; supported
      #format is `v1.21.2---vmware.1-tkg.1.ee25d55`
          name: string
      #nodeDrainTimeout is the total amount of time 
      #the controller will spend draining a node  
      #the default value is 0 which means the node is 
      #drained without any time limit    
      nodeDrainTimeout: int64
    #nodePools is an array that describes a group of   
    #worker nodes in the cluster with the same configuration
    #name of the worker node pool
    #must be unique in the cluster
    - name: string 
      #labels are an optional map of string keys and values  
      #to organize and categorize objects
      #propagated to the created nodes
      labels: map[string]string
      #taints specifies optional taints to register the  
      #Node API object with; user-defined taints are  
      #propagated to the created nodes
        #key is the taint key to be applied to a node
        -  key: string
        #value is the taint value corresponding to the key
           value: string
        #effect is the effect of the taint on pods
        #that do not tolerate the taint; valid effects are
        #`NoSchedule`, `PreferNoSchedule`, `NoExecute`
           effect: string
        #timeAdded is the time when the taint was added
        #only written by the system for `NoExecute` taints
           timeAdded: time
      #replicas is the number of nodes in the pool
      #worker nodePool can have from 0 to 150 nodes
      #value of `nil` means the field is not reconciled, 
      #allowing external services like autoscalers  
      #to choose the number of nodes for the nodePool
      #by default CAPI's `MachineDeployment` will pick 1
      replicas: int32
      #vmClass is the name of the VirtualMachineClass 
      #which describes the virtual hardware settings 
      #to be used for each node in the pool 
      #vmClass controls the CPU and memory available   
      #to the node and the requests and limits on 
      #those resources; to list available vm classes run 
      #`kubectl describe virtualmachineclasses`
      vmClass: string
      #storageClass to be used for storage of the disks 
      #which store the root filesystems of the nodes 
      #to list available storage classes run
      #`kubectl describe ns`
      storageClass: string
      #volumes is the optional set of PVCs to create 
      #and attach to each node for high-churn worker node 
      #components such as the container runtime
        #name of this PVC to be used as the suffix (node.name)
        - name: string
          #mountPath is the directory where the volume   
          #device is mounted; takes the form /dir/path
          mountPath: string
          #capacity is the PVC capacity
            #storage to be used for the disk
            #volume; if not specified defaults to 
            storage: size in GiB
      #tkr.reference.name points to the TKR NAME 
      #to be used by `spec.topology.nodePools[*]` nodes; supported
      #format is `v1.21.2---vmware.1-tkg.1.ee25d55`
          name: string
      #nodeDrainTimeout is the total amount of time 
      #the controller will spend draining a node  
      #the default value is 0 which means the node is 
      #drained without any time limit    
      nodeDrainTimeout: int64
  #settings are optional runtime configurations 
  #for the cluster, including persistent storage 
  #for pods and node network customizations 
    #storage defines persistent volume (PV) storage entries 
    #for container workloads; note that the storage used for 
    #node disks is defined by `topology.controlPlane.storageClass` 
    #and by `spec.topology.nodePools[*].storageClass`
      #classes is a list of persistent volume (PV) storage 
      #classes to expose for container workloads on the cluster  
      #any class specified must be associated with the 
      #vSphere Namespace where the cluster is provisioned
      #if omitted, all storage classes associated with the  
      #namespace will be exposed in the cluster
      classes: [string]
      #defaultClass treats the named storage class as the default
      #for the cluster; because all namespaced storage classes 
      #are exposed if specific `classes` are not named,
      #classes is not required to specify a defaultClass
      #many workloads, including TKG Extensions and Helm,
      #require a default storage class 
      #if omitted, no default storage class is set
      defaultClass: string
    #netowrk defines custom networking for cluster workloads
      #cni identifies the CNI plugin for the cluster
      #use to override the default CNI set in the 
      #tkgservicesonfiguration spec, or when customizing  
      #network settings for the default CNI
        #name is the name of the CNI plugin to use; supported
        #values are `antrea`, `calico`, `antrea-nsx-routed`
        name: string
      #pods configures custom networks for pods
      #defaults to if CNI is `antrea` or `calico` 
      #defaults to empty if CNI is `antrea-nsx-routed`
      #custom subnet size must equal or exceed /24
      #cannot overlap with Supervisor Cluster workload network 
        #cidrBlocks is an array of network ranges; supplying 
        #multiple ranges may not be supported by all CNI plugins
        cidrBlocks: [string]
      #services configures custom network for services
      #defaults to
      #cannot overlap with Supervisor Cluster workload network 
        #cidrBlocks is an array of network ranges; supplying
        #multiple ranges many not be supported by all CNI plugins
        cidrBlocks: [string]
      #serviceDomain specifies the service domain for the cluster
      #defaults to `cluster.local`
      serviceDomain: string
      #proxy configures proxy server to be used inside the cluster
      #if omitted no proxy is configured 
        #httpProxy is the proxy URI for HTTP connections
        #to endpoints outside the cluster
        #takes form `http://<user>:<pwd>@<ip>:<port>`
        httpProxy: string
        #httpsProxy is the proxy URL for HTTPS connections 
        #to endpoints outside the cluster
        #takes the frorm `http://<user>:<pwd>@<ip>:<port>`
        httpsProxy: string
        #noProxy is the list of destination domain names, domains, 
        #IP addresses, and other network CIDRs to exclude from proxying
        #must include Supervisor Cluster Pod, Egress, Ingress CIDRs
        noProxy: [string]
      #trust configures additional certificates for the cluster
      #if omitted no additional certificate is configured
        #additionalTrustedCAs are additional trusted certificates 
        #can be additional CAs or end certificates
          #name is the name of the additional trusted certificate
          #must match the name used in the filename
          - name: string
            #data holds the contents of the additional trusted cert 
            #PEM Public Certificate data encoded as base64 string
            #such as `LS0tLS1C...LS0tCg==` where "..." is the 
            #middle section of the long base64 string
            data: string