您可以在 VMware Aria Operations for Networks 中搜索 NSX 防火墙规则。

表 1. NSX 防火墙规则查询
搜索查询 描述
VM where incoming rules.Source Any


Firewall rule where action = allow and service any = true


Firewall Rule Masked Alert 查看未使用的防火墙规则的列表。
New firewall rules in last 24 hours 查看过去 24 小时内创建的防火墙规则。
New firewall rules in last 7 days 查看过去 7 天内创建的防火墙规则。
New firewall rules in last 30 days 查看过去 30 天内创建的防火墙规则。
Firewall rule where flow is not set 查看非活动防火墙规则的列表。
Flow group by firewall rule 查看命中每个防火墙规则的流计数。
Security group where Indirect Incoming Rules is not set and Indirect Outgoing Rules is not set and Direct Incoming Rules is not set and Direct Outgoing Rules is not set 查看未使用的安全组。
Ipset where Indirect Incoming Rules is not set and Indirect Outgoing Rules is not set and Direct Incoming Rules is not set and Direct Outgoing Rules is not set 查看未使用的 IPSet。
Flow where rule id in (1011, 1012, 1013) 命中特定规则 ID 的流。
Flow where application = app1 命中应用程序的流。
  • 未使用的防火墙规则

  • 防火墙规则屏蔽规则警示