作为网络运营工程师,您会收到来自 VMware Aria Operations 的关于您负责的数据存储的电子邮件。即使您当前没有使用 VMware Aria Operations ,电子邮件通知仍会将有关问题告知您。
Alert was updated at Tue Jul 01 16:34:04 MDT: Info: datastore1 Datastore is acting abnormally from Mon Jun 30 10:21:07 MDT and was last updated at Tue Jul 01 16:34:04 MDT Alert Definition Name: Datastore is running out of disk space Alert Definition Description: Datastore is running out of disk space Object Name: datastore1 Object Type: Datastore Alert Impact: risk Alert State: critical Alert Type: Storage Alert Sub-Type: Capacity Object Health State: info Object Risk State: critical Object Efficiency State: info Symptoms: SYMPTOM SET - self Symptom Name | Object Name | Object ID | Metric | Message Info Datastore space use reaching limit datastore1 | b0885859-e0c5-4126-8eba-6a21c895fe1b | Capacity|Used Space | HT above 99.20800922575977 > 95 Recommendations: - Storage vMotion some virtual machines to a different datastore - Delete unused snapshots of virtual machines - Add more capacity to the datastore Notification Rule Name: All alerts - datastores Notification Rule Description: Alert ID: a9d6cf35-a332-4028-90f0-d1876459032b Operations Manager Server - Alert details
- 验证是否为标准电子邮件警示配置了出站警示。请参见《VMware Aria Operations 配置指南》中的“为 VMware Aria Operations 出站警示添加标准电子邮件插件”主题。
- 验证是否为标准电子邮件警示配置了出站警示。请参见《VMware Aria Operations 配置指南》。
- 验证是否为警示定义配置了通知,以向用户发送消息。有关如何创建警示通知的示例,请参见《VMware Aria Operations 配置指南》中的“用户方案:创建电子邮件警示通知”主题。
- 验证是否为警示定义配置了通知,以向用户发送消息。有关如何创建警示通知的示例,请参见《VMware Aria Operations 配置指南》。
- 如果您确定建议能够解决问题,请实施这些建议。请参见在数据存储上运行建议操作以解决警示。
- 如果您需要有关受影响对象的更多信息,请继续调查。首先查看数据存储的其他已触发症状。请参见评估受影响数据存储的其他触发症状。