telegraf-utils.ps1 product-managed -c cloud_proxy_ip_or_collector_group_name -t token (-v vmwareariaoperations_ip_or_fqdn | [-g gateway_url -a csp_auth_url]) [-d download_tmp_dir -s sleep_seconds -i list_of_IPs -o operation]
Description of arguments:
-c : [REQUIRED] cloud_proxy_ip_or_collector_group_name - Cloud Proxy IP or Collector Group Name
-t : [REQUIRED] token - This can be user_saas_refresh_token or on-prem vmwareariaoperations_auth_token.
on-prem: Auth Token of the user/account. For getting new token
( https://<VMwareAriaOperations_IP>/suite-api/ or curl -ks -X POST https://<VMwareAriaOperations_IP>/suite-api/api/auth/token/acquire -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" -H \"Accept: application/json\" -d \"{\"username\":\"<VMwareAriaOperations_USER>\",\"password\":\"<VMwareAriaOperations_USER_PASSWORD>\"}\")
-d : [OPTIONAL] download_tmp_dir - Temporary directory for agent installation. Default: current directory
-v : [CONDITIONAL] [ON-PREM-SPECIFIC] vmwareariaoperations_ip_or_fqdn - IP/FQDN of VMware Aria Operations master node and required for on-prem.
-o : [OPTIONAL] operation - The type of operation to be performed {install,uninstall} Default: install
-s : [OPTIONAL] sleep_seconds - Time (in seconds) to delay the script execution. This optional parameter will be helpful when this script is used in vRA to have agent installed on deploying VM. Recommended time 600 seconds.
-i : [OPTIONAL] list_of_IPs - This is an optional parameter. Comma separated IPs that are set as properties of a VM in VMware Aria Operations (VM -> Properties -> Network -> <Integer> -> IP Address). If single adapter has multiple IP Addresses, then delimit them using '_'
ex:- If your VM has 3 adapters with IP Address as follows: Adapter1: Adapter2: & Adapter3:
Then this parameter should be given as ",,"
Example: .\telegraf-utils.ps1 product-managed -t 8dab02cc-277c-4383-b910-bd2e89c7e741::8bcde100-6318-44d7-a8dc-11f4ff84b3b -v -c
注: 要运行帮助程序脚本,必须使用
注: 请勿在配置路径中使用空格。带空格的路径可以作为短名称标记传递,例如使用
c:\PROGRA~1 表示
c:\Program Files。
要验证引导状态,请查看 uaf-bootstrap-results 文件。如果安装失败,请在 uaf_bootstrap.log 中查找错误消息。
如果脚本成功,则在一个收集周期(需要 5-10 分钟的时间)过后,将在管理 Telegraf 代理选项卡中更新代理状态。