您可以自定义并使用以下示例脚本来将克隆的虚拟机 (VM) 加入 Active Directory (AD) 域。此脚本会使用 SSH 在 Linux 虚拟机上运行命令。
如果使用 Winbind 解决方案进行 AD 集成,您需要运行此脚本,因为将克隆的虚拟机加入域的步骤会失败。此脚本会运行一个命令以在每个虚拟机上加入域。如果使用 OpenLDAP 解决方案,则您无需运行此脚本。
要复制和粘贴不包含分页符的脚本内容,请使用此主题的 HTML 版本,您可以从位于 https://www.vmware.com/support/pubs/view_pubs.html 的 Horizon 7 文档页面找到该版本。
此脚本将读取一个输入文件,用于部署 Linux 桌面的示例 PowerCLI 脚本的输入文件中对此做了介绍。此脚本还会以交互方式要求提供以下信息:
- vCenter Server 的 IP 地址
- vCenter Server 的管理员登录名称
- vCenter Server 的管理员密码
- Linux 虚拟机的用户登录名称
- Linux 虚拟机的用户密码
- 有权将计算机加入域中的 AD 用户的登录名称
- 获授权的 AD 用户的密码
<# .SYNOPSIS run command "sudo /usr/bin/net ads join" via SSH .DESCRIPTION The tool is to run the command "sudo /usr/bin/net ads join" to join Linux machine to AD via SSH .NOTES #> #------------------------- Functions ------------------------- function GetInput { Param($prompt, $IsPassword = $false) $prompt = $prompt + ": " Write-Host $prompt -NoNewLine [Console]::ForegroundColor = "Blue" if ($IsPassword) { $input = Read-Host -AsSecureString $input = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($input)) } else { $input = Read-Host } [Console]::ResetColor() return $input } function Check_SSH_Client { Param($IsPlink, $IsPSCP) if ($IsPlink) { if (Test-Path ".\plink.exe") { write-host -ForeGroundColor Yellow 'SSH client "plink.exe" found' } else { write-host -ForeGroundColor Red 'SSH client "plink.exe" not found, please download from its official web site' exit } } if ($IsPSCP) { if (Test-Path ".\pscp.exe") { write-host -ForeGroundColor Yellow 'SSH client "pscp.exe" found' } else { write-host -ForeGroundColor Red 'SSH client "pscp.exe" not found, please download from its official web site' exit } } } function RunCmdViaSSH { Param($VM_Name, $User, $Password, $Cmd, $returnOutput = $false) $VM= Get-VM $VM_Name $IP = $VM.guest.IPAddress[0] write-host "Run cmd on $VM_Name ($IP)" if($returnOutput) { $command = "echo yes | .\plink.exe -ssh -l $user -pw $password $IP " + '"' + $cmd +'"' $output = Invoke-Expression $command return $output } else { echo yes | .\plink.exe -ssh -l $user -pw $password $IP "$cmd" } } function UploadFileViaSSH { Param($VM_Name, $User, $Password, $LocalPath, $DestPath) $VM= Get-VM $VM_Name $IP = $VM.guest.IPAddress[0] $command = "echo yes | .\pscp.exe -l $User -pw $Password $LocalPath $IP" + ":" + "$DestPath" write-host "Upload file: $command" Invoke-Expression $command } #------------------------- Handle input ------------------------- "-----------------------------------------------------" Check_SSH_Client -IsPlink $true -IsPSCP $false "-----------------------------------------------------" $vcAddress = GetInput -prompt "Your vCenter address" -IsPassword $false $vcAdmin = GetInput -prompt "Your vCenter admin user name" -IsPassword $false $vcPassword = GetInput -prompt "Your vCenter admin user password" -IsPassword $true "-----------------------------------------------------" $guestUser = GetInput -prompt 'Your VM guest OS user name' -IsPassword $false $guestPassword = GetInput -prompt 'Your VM guest OS user password' -IsPassword $true "-----------------------------------------------------" $adUser = GetInput -prompt 'Type the AD user name to join the AD' -IsPassword $false "" "`nPlease type the AD user password." [Console]::ForegroundColor = "Yellow" "Plase note that special character should be escaped. For example, $ should be \$" [Console]::ResetColor() $adUserPassword = GetInput -prompt 'Your AD user password' -IsPassword $true "-----------------------------------------------------" #$csvFile = Read-Host 'Csv File ' $csvFile = '.\CloneVMs.csv' #------------------------- Main Script ------------------------- #Connect to vCenter $VC_Conn_State = Connect-VIServer $vcAddress -user $vcAdmin -password $vcPassword if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($VC_Conn_State)) { Write-Host 'Exit since failed to login vCenter' exit } else { Write-Host 'vCenter is connected' } #Read input CSV file $csvData = Import-CSV $csvFile $destFolder = "/home/$guestUser/" #Handle VMs one by one foreach ($line in $csvData) { "-----------------------------------------------------" $VMName = $line.VMName write-host -ForeGroundColor Yellow "VM: $VMName`n" $cmd = "sudo /usr/bin/net ads join -U $adUser%$adUserPassword" Write-Host "Run cmd 'sudo /usr/bin/net ads join' in VM '$VMName' with user '$guestUser'" RunCmdViaSSH -VM_Name $VMName -User $guestUser -Password $guestPassword -Cmd $cmd } Disconnect-VIServer $vcAddress -Confirm:$false exit
PowerCLI C:\scripts> .\ClonedVMs_JoinDomain_SSH.ps1 -------------------------------------------------- Your vCenter address: Your vCenter admin user name: administrator Your vCenter admin user password: ******* -------------------------------------------------- Your VM guest OS user name: ViewUser Your VM guest OS user password: ******* -------------------------------------------------- Type the AD user name to join the AD: viewadmin Please type the AD user password. Please note that special character should be escaped. For example, $ should be \$ Your AD user password: *******