Horizon Client 可以在远程会话期间监控网络质量,并在检测到由于高延迟而导致网络不稳定时显示通知消息。网络延迟以往返时间 (Round-Trip Time, RTT) 衡量指标来衡量。

您可以配置 Horizon Client 设置以控制这些通知消息的显示。您还可以配置 Horizon Client 用于确定不稳定网络的阈值参数。



自定义 Horizon Client 如何确定网络质量

为确定网络连接的质量,Horizon Client 会将指定时间间隔内检测到的 RTT 值与一对低阈值和高阈值进行比较,并计算 0% 到 100% 的质量评分。如果评分低于特定百分比,则网络将被视为高延迟且不稳定。

Horizon Client 使用以下规则计算网络质量评分:

rtt = detected RTT value
lowBound = low threshold value
highBound = high threshold value
score = network quality score

If rtt >= highBound, then score = 0

If rtt <= lowBound, then score = 100

If lowBound < rtt < highBound, then score = 100 * ((rtt - lowBound) / (highBound - lowBound))

然后,Horizon Client 使用以下规则确定网络稳定性:

score = network quality score
thresholdGood = minimum score required to indicate good network stability
thresholdPoor = high limit of score range indicating poor network stability

If score >= thresholdGood, the network is considered good and no notification is displayed.

If thresholdPoor <= score < thresholdGood, the network is considered OK and no notification is displayed.

If score < thresholdPoor, the network is considered poor and a notification is displayed.

要自定义 Horizon Client 用于计算网络质量评分并确定网络稳定性的阈值,请按照客户端功能中所述,在 Google Admin 设置中配置 networkStateConfig 策略。