您可以使用 Python 脚本排除 App Volumes 功能故障。

下面介绍的脚本需要使用 Python 2.7.9 或更高版本。

  • 检索应用程序分配的映射详细信息


    • 用法:

      usage: mapping_details.py [-h] [-t TYPE] [-p XMP_PORT] [-o CSV_PATH]
                                [-u SEARCH_USER] [-g SEARCH_GROUP]
                                [-d SEARCH_DOMAIN]
                                xmp_host xmp_domain xmp_user xmp_password
      positional arguments:
        xmp_host              XMP host url
        xmp_domain            XMP user domain
        xmp_user              XMP user name
        xmp_password          XMP user password
      optional arguments:
        -h, --help            show this help message and exit
        -t TYPE, --type TYPE  All, AppVolumes, DaaS
        -p XMP_PORT, --port XMP_PORT
                              XMP host port
        -o CSV_PATH, --output CSV_PATH
                              Output csv file path
        -u SEARCH_USER, --user SEARCH_USER
                              Search user name
        -g SEARCH_GROUP, --group SEARCH_GROUP
                              Search group name
        -d SEARCH_DOMAIN, --domain SEARCH_DOMAIN
                              Search domain name
    • 脚本格式:

      mapping_details.py <IP/FQDN> <domain> <username> '<password>' -p 8443
    • 代码示例(检索所有分配):

      qbi@qbi-vm ~ # mapping_details.py qbi-ubuntu.eng.vmware.com falcon administrator '<password>' -p 8443
      Get assignments successfully.
      qbi@qbi-vm ~ # cat assignments.csv
      key,user name,assignment,application name,bundle name,package name,assignment type,Os type
      MIRAGEDOMAIN\qbi only||Mozilla Firefox (3.0.3),MIRAGEDOMAIN\qbi only,qbi-only-win10-x64,Mozilla Firefox (3.0.3),,,Native,Windows 10 (x64)
      MIRAGEDOMAIN\qbi only||Adobe Flash Player 21 NPAPI,MIRAGEDOMAIN\qbi only,qbi-only-win10-x64,Adobe Flash Player 21 NPAPI,,,Native,Windows 10 (x64)
      MIRAGEDOMAIN\qbi only||Mozilla Maintenance Service,MIRAGEDOMAIN\qbi only,qbi-only-win10-x64,Mozilla Maintenance Service,,,Native,Windows 10 (x64)
      MIRAGEDOMAIN\qbi only||Mozilla Firefox 45.0.1 (x86 en-US),MIRAGEDOMAIN\qbi only,qbi-only-win10-x64,Mozilla Firefox 45.0.1 (x86 en-US),,,Native,Windows 10 (x64)
      MIRAGEDOMAIN\qbi only||Python 2.6.6,MIRAGEDOMAIN\qbi only,qbi-only-win10-x64,Python 2.6.6,,,Native,Windows 10 (x64)
      FALCON\qbi||Adobe Flash Player 21 NPAPI,FALCON\qbi,qbi-win10-x64,Adobe Flash Player 21 NPAPI,,,Native,Windows 10 (x64)
      FALCON\qbi||Mozilla Maintenance Service,FALCON\qbi,qbi-win10-x64,Mozilla Maintenance Service,,,Native,Windows 10 (x64)
      FALCON\qbi||Mozilla Firefox 45.0.1 (x86 en-US),FALCON\qbi,qbi-win10-x64,Mozilla Firefox 45.0.1 (x86 en-US),,,Native,Windows 10 (x64)
      MIRAGEDOMAIN\qbi||Adobe Flash Player 21 NPAPI,MIRAGEDOMAIN\qbi,qbi-win10-x64,Adobe Flash Player 21 NPAPI,,,Native,Windows 10 (x64)
      MIRAGEDOMAIN\qbi||Mozilla Maintenance Service,MIRAGEDOMAIN\qbi,qbi-win10-x64,Mozilla Maintenance Service,,,Native,Windows 10 (x64)
      MIRAGEDOMAIN\qbi||Mozilla Firefox 45.0.1 (x86 en-US),MIRAGEDOMAIN\qbi,qbi-win10-x64,Mozilla Firefox 45.0.1 (x86 en-US),,,Native,Windows 10 (x64)
      FALCON\Users||FirefoxWin10x64,FALCON\Users,app-bundle-assignment,Mozilla Firefox (3.0.3),FirefoxWin10x64,,Native,Windows 10 (x64)
      FALCON\Users||CutePDF Professional 3.7 (Evaluation),FALCON\Users,users-win7,CutePDF Professional 3.7 (Evaluation),,,Native,Windows 7 (x64)
      FALCON\Users||FileZilla Client,FALCON\Users,users-win7,FileZilla Client,,,Native,Windows 7 (x64)
      MIRAGEDOMAIN\Users||CutePDF Professional 3.7 (Evaluation),MIRAGEDOMAIN\Users,users-win7,CutePDF Professional 3.7 (Evaluation),,,Native,Windows 7 (x64)
      MIRAGEDOMAIN\Users||FileZilla Client,MIRAGEDOMAIN\Users,users-win7,FileZilla Client,,,Native,Windows 7 (x64)
  • 检索连接和分离故障的详细信息

    下面的脚本检索连接和分离故障的详细信息,其中包括涉及 AppStack 的故障。

    • 用法:

      usage: fetch_volume_failures.py [-h] [-t SEARCH_DURATION] [-u SEARCH_USER]
                                      [-d SEARCH_DOMAIN] [-s PAGE_SIZE]
                                      [-c | -v | -o CSV_PATH]
                                      login_host login_domain login_user
      positional arguments:
        login_host            Login host url in format hostname<:port>
        login_domain          Login user domain
        login_user            Login user name
        login_password        Login user password
      optional arguments:
        -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                              Last1Hour, Last12Hour, Last24Hour, Last72Hour, All
        -u SEARCH_USER, --user SEARCH_USER
                              Search user name
        -d SEARCH_DOMAIN, --domain SEARCH_DOMAIN
                              Search domain name
        -s PAGE_SIZE, --size PAGE_SIZE
                              Size of each page of the results
        -c, --concise         Print results in concise view
        -v, --verbose         Print results in itemed view
        -o CSV_PATH, --output CSV_PATH
                              Output to csv file in given path (default)
    • 脚本格式:

      python fetch_volume_failures.py <IP/FQDN> <domain> <username> '<password>'
    • 代码示例:

      python fetch_volume_failures.py falcon administrator '<password>' # output as volume_failures.csv for last 1 hour
      python fetch_volume_failures.py falcon administrator '<password>' -v # show results of last 1 hour in screen
      python fetch_volume_failures.py falcon administrator '<password>' -t Last24Hour # show last 24 hour result
      python fetch_volume_failures.py falcon administrator '<password>' -t All -u hez -d vmwarem # show all results of hez@vmwarem for last 1 hour


    • 时间戳

    • 是否可写?- 指示这是可写卷 (Y) 还是 AppStack (N)。


      可写卷是一项测试版功能。有关更多信息,请联系您的 VMware 代表。

    • 连接/分离 - 指示这是连接故障还是分离故障。

    • 用户/域 - 发生故障的用户名和域。

    • 文件位置 - 文件位置。格式为 <datacenter>/<node>/<vcenter>/<datastore>/<vmdk path>

    • 虚拟机位置 - 文件位置。格式为 <datacenter>/<node>/<vcenter>/<vm name>


    • 用户是相应组的成员吗?

    • 是否在桌面上安装了代理并且是最新的?


