这是 Mirage PowerCLI 编写的一个示例脚本。它详细说明了如何在 Mirage PowerCLI 中迁移端点操作系统。
param($server, $username, $password, $cvdname, $baselayername, $domain, $domainuser, $domainpassword) "--------Connect-MirageServer--------" Connect-MirageServer $server $username $password -TrustUnknownCertificate "--------Get-MirageCvd--------" $cvd = Get-MirageCvd $cvdname | Select-Object -First 1 if (!$cvd) { "Can not get cvd with name $cvdname." return } $cvd "--------Get-MirageBaseLayer--------" $baselayer = Get-MirageBaseLayer $baselayername | Select-Object -First 1 if (!$baselayer) { "Can not get base layer with name $baselayername." return } $baselayer "--------New-MirageOsMigration--------" $migration = New-MirageOsMigration -CVD $cvd -BaseLayer $baselayer -Domain $domain -User $domainuser -Password $domainpassword -DownloadOnly -Force | Select-Object -First 1 if (!$migration) { "Fail to start download only OS migration." return } $migration "--------Wait for BI download complete--------" $success = $false $maxRetries = 100 $retryCount = 0 while (!$success) { Start-Sleep -s 20 $migration = Get-MirageOsMigration -Id $cvd.Id if($migration.Status -eq 'DownloadComplete') { $success = $true } elseif($migration.Status -eq 'DownloadCancelled') { "Download only migration cancelled" return } else { $retryCount++ if($retryCount -gt $maxRetries) { "Download only migration is not completed, retry times: $retryCount" return } } } $migration "--------Apply-MirageOsMigration--------" $cvd = Apply-MirageOsMigration $migration if(!$cvd) { "Fail to apply download only migration." return } "OS migration starts" $maxRetries = 100 $retryCount = 0 while ($true) { Start-Sleep -s 20 $assignment = Get-MirageAssignment -CVD $cvd -TaskType 'Migration' if($assignment) { if($assignment.Status -eq 'Failed') { "OS migration flow fails" return } if($assignment.Status -eq 'Completed') { Get-MirageCvd -Id $cvd.Id "OS migration flow succeeds." return } } $retryCount++ if($retryCount -gt $maxRetries) { "Migration assignment is not created/completed, retry times: $retryCount" return } }