NSX Advanced Load Balancer 控制器 对每个版本实施功能限制。因此,配置需要满足 Basic 版要求,才能从 Enterprise 版转换为 Basic 版。
以下是 configuration audit API 的示例输出。以下输出显示 Basic 版不支持的配置和功能。根据输出执行所需的操作,然后再更改许可证版本。
[admin:ctrl]: > show configuration audit tier basic +--------------------+---------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Object Type | Name | License Violations | +--------------------+---------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | VirtualService | vs-1 | Object refers to system default object marked for removal: StringGroup System-Rewritable-Content-Types | | | | Field VirtualService.analytics_policy.full_client_logs.enabled cannot have True as its value in BASIC license tier. Allowed value: False. | | | | Field VirtualService.enable_autogw cannot have True as its value in BASIC license tier. Allowed value: False. | | | | Field VirtualService.content_rewrite cannot be set in BASIC license tier. | | | | Field VirtualService.sideband_profile cannot be set in BASIC license tier. | | | | | | ServiceEngineGroup | Default-Group | Field ServiceEngineGroup.ha_mode cannot have HA_MODE_SHARED as its value in BASIC license tier. Allowed value(s): HA_MODE_LEGACY_ACTIVE_STANDBY. | | | | Field ServiceEngineGroup.hm_on_standby cannot have True as its value in BASIC license tier. Allowed value: False. | | | | Field ServiceEngineGroup.app_cache_percent cannot have 10 as its value in BASIC license tier. Allowed value: 0. | | | | | | Pool | vs-1-pool | Field Pool.connection_ramp_duration cannot have 10 as its value in BASIC license tier. Allowed value: 0. | | | | | +--------------------+---------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
以下是将默认许可套餐从 Enterprise 版更改为 Basic 版时检查的其他事项。
仅采用相同基础版本的 NSX Advanced Load Balancer 控制器 和 SE 支持更改许可证版本。采用不同修补程序版本的控制器和 SE 也支持许可证套餐更改选项。
引入了配置审核工具以检查目标版本不支持的配置。在将版本从 Enterprise 更改为 Basic 之前,需运行配置审核 API 以确定需要移除的 Enterprise 版功能并解决这些问题。
配置审核 API 对系统中的所有对象执行许可检查,并报告各种违规问题。它会忽略系统默认对象中的违规问题,因为这些问题是在内部处理的。
可以使用 NSX Advanced Load Balancer CLI 或 REST API 检查不支持的配置,并执行所需的操作:
CLI:show configuration audit tier <tier_name>
REST API:/api/config-audit/tier/ <tier_name>