授权是控制向用户提供的访问的过程。通过使用授权策略,您可以指示是否允许经过身份验证的用户访问资源。例如,在受保护资源(如 saml.acme.com)上,您可以限制用户访问权限以使用 same.acme.com/admin 页面。本节介绍了如何配置授权策略以及相应的规则和操作。

SAML 授权策略

下图表示 SAML 授权流程:

SAML 授权规则

SAML 授权支持以下匹配类型:




来自 IdP 的 SAML 响应包含的属性


URI 路径




HTTP 请求方法,例如 GET、POST。



SAML 授权支持以下操作类型:








在授权策略规则匹配时发送 HTTP 本地响应

  1. 必须仅允许具有电子邮件的用户(属性为 [email protected])使用 aviadmin 路径。

  2. 仅允许 GET 请求使用该路径。

  3. 仅允许具有主机标头 admin.acme.com 的请求访问该路径。

如果满足上述条件,才能允许进行访问。否则,必须向用户返回 403 响应代码。


| Field                        | Value                                          +------------------------------+----------------------------------------+
| uuid                         | ssopolicy-86fb0825-8d1f-45f4-a56b-f8bf8adf9a46 |
| name                         | sso1                                           
| authentication_policy        |                                                
|   default_auth_profile_ref   | saml-idp-authz                                
| authorization_policy         |                                                
|   authz_rules[1]             |                                                
|     name                     | Demo_rule                                          
|     index                    | 1                                              
|     enable                   | True                                           
|     match                    |                                                
|       attr_matches[1]        |                                                
|         attribute_name       | email                                          
|         attribute_value_list |                                                
|           match_criteria     | EQUALS                                         
|           match_str[1]       | [email protected]                          
|       path                   |                                                
|         match_criteria       | EQUALS                                         
|         match_case           | INSENSITIVE                                    
|         match_str[1]         | /aviadmin                                      
|       host_hdr               |                                                
|         match_criteria       | HDR_EQUALS                                     
|         match_case           | INSENSITIVE                                    
|         value[1]             | admin.acme.com                          
|       method                 |                                                
|         match_criteria       | IS_IN                                          
|         methods[1]           | HTTP_METHOD_GET                                
|     action                   |                                                
|       type                   | ALLOW_ACCESS                                   
|       status_code            | HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE_403                  
|   authz_rules[2]             |                                                
|     name                     | Deny_rule                                          
|     index                    | 2                                              
|     enable                   | True                                           
|     match                    |                                                
|       path                   |                                                
|         match_criteria       | EQUALS                                         
|         match_case           | INSENSITIVE                                    
|         match_str[1]         | /aviadmin                                      
|     action                   |                                                
|       type                   | HTTP_LOCAL_RESPONSE                            
|       status_code            | HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE_403                  
| type                         | SSO_TYPE_SAML                                  
| tenant_ref                   | admin                                          

此处,只有在满足所有条件时,才会显示规则名称 Demo_rule,并为其提供访问。

如果在 Demo_rule 中不满足任何条件,将显示 Deny_rule,但拒绝访问。您需要在规则(此处为 Deny_rule)中明确定义操作,否则,将默认允许该操作。

  • 如果在单个规则中具有多个条件,则为 AND 匹配。如果具有多个规则,则为 OR 匹配。也就是说,如果配置了多个规则,并且其中的一个规则匹配,则执行该操作。规则检查顺序取决于规则的索引。

  • status_code 字段的默认值为 HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE_403,只有在操作是本地响应时,才会采用该状态代码。对于其他操作(例如,关闭连接或允许访问),将忽略该状态代码。



以下是配置 SAML 授权策略的步骤:

  1. 将授权配置文件附加到包含 IdP 元数据的身份验证策略。例如,配置的授权配置文件为 saml-idp-authz。

    [admin:controller]: > configure ssopolicy ssopolicy1
     [admin:controller]: ssopolicy> authentication_policy default_auth_profile_ref saml-idp-authz 
     [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authentication_policy> save   
  2. 导航到授权策略模式

    [admin: controller]: ssopolicy> authorization_policy  
  3. 在授权策略中配置多个按索引排序的授权规则。以下是名为 rule1 的授权规则的配置示例。

    [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy> authz_rules name rule1
     New object being created
     [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules> 
  4. 为授权策略选择匹配条件,如上面的匹配表中所述。在以下示例中,attr_matches 属性用作匹配条件。

     [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules> match 
     [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules:match> attr_matches 
     New object being created 
     [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules:match:attr_matches>
     attribute_name         Attribute name whose values will be looked up in the access lists. 
     attribute_value_list   (submode)  

    SAML 断言响应中的属性或值通过属性匹配与配置的属性及其值进行匹配。每个 SAML 断言属性可能具有零个或更多关联的值。您可以将多个属性和值配置为每个规则的一部分。只有在所有属性都匹配时,才与规则匹配。匹配可能是肯定匹配或否定匹配。


    2. 否定匹配:DOES_NOT_BEGIN_WITH、DOES_NOT_CONTAIN、DOES_NOT_END_WITH、DOES_NOT_EQUAL、REGEX_DOES_NOT_MATCH 如果属性在断言响应中存在,并且相应属性的值之一与配置的值列表匹配,则与肯定属性匹配规则匹配。如果属性不存在,或者相应属性的所有值都与配置的值列表不匹配,则与否定属性匹配规则匹配。

  5. 在同一规则中搜索多个属性,并在单个规则中配置多个属性匹配,如下所示:

    [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules:match> attr_matches   New object being created 
     [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules:match:attr_matches> attribute_name firstname 
     [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules:match:attr_matches> attribute_value_list match_criteria equals match_str abc 
     [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules:match:attr_matches:attribute_value_list> save 
     [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules:match:attr_matches> save 
     [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules:match> 
  6. 根据以上详细信息,配置如下所示:

    [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules:match> where
     Tenant: admin
     Cloud: Default-Cloud
     | Field                  | Value       |
     | attr_matches[1]        |             |
     |   attribute_name       | email       |
     |   attribute_value_list |             |
     |     match_criteria     | BEGINS_WITH |
     |     match_str[1]       | [email protected] |
     | attr_matches[2]        |             |
     |   attribute_name       | firstname   |
     |   attribute_value_list |             |
     |     match_criteria     | EQUALS      |
     |     match_str[1]       | abc         |
  7. 在同一规则中添加更多要匹配的条件。例如,您可以添加另一个条件以匹配主机标头。

    [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules:match> host_hdr
     [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules:match:host_hdr> match_criteria hdr_
     hdr_begins_with           header value begins with the configure value(s)
     hdr_contains              header value contains configured value(s)
     hdr_does_not_begin_with   header value does not begins with the configure value(s)
     hdr_does_not_contain      header value  does not contains configured value(s)
     hdr_does_not_end_with     header value does not ends with the configured value(s)
     hdr_does_not_equal        header value does not equals the configured value(s)
     hdr_does_not_exist        header does not exist in the HTTP request
     hdr_ends_with             header value ends with the configured value(s)
     hdr_equals                header value equals the configured value(s)
     hdr_exists                header exists in the HTTP request
     [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules:match:host_hdr> match_criteria hdr_begins_with
     [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules:match:host_hdr> value abc.xyz.com
     [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules:match:host_hdr> save
      [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules:match> 
  8. 如果需要,根据 HTTP 方法添加另一个条件,如下所示:

    [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules:match> host_hdr
     [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules:match:host_hdr> match_criteria hdr_
     hdr_begins_with           header value begins with the configure value(s)
     hdr_contains              header value contains configured value(s)
     hdr_does_not_begin_with   header value does not begins with the configure value(s)
     hdr_does_not_contain      header value  does not contains configured value(s)
     hdr_does_not_end_with     header value does not ends with the configured value(s)
     hdr_does_not_equal        header value does not equals the configured value(s)
     hdr_does_not_exist        header does not exist in the HTTP request
     hdr_ends_with             header value ends with the configured value(s)
     hdr_equals                header value equals the configured value(s)
     hdr_exists                header exists in the HTTP request
     [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules:match:host_hdr> match_criteria hdr_begins_with
     [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules:match:host_hdr> value abc.xyz.com
     [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules:match:host_hdr> save
      [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules:match> 
  9. 根据路径的字符串组或字符串值列表匹配路径匹配。这区分大小写,并支持以下匹配操作列表:

    [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules:match> path
     [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules:match:path>
     [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules:match:path> match_criteria begins_with
     [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules:match:path> string_group_refs System-Cacheable-Resource-Types
     [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules:match:path> match_str /acme
     [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules:match:path> save
     [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules:match> save
     [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules>

您可以配置上表中提到的任何操作。在以下示例中,您可以使用 HTTP 状态代码(例如 http_local_response)向用户发送 403 响应。

[admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules> action
[admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules:action>
status_code   HTTP status code to use for local response when a policy rule is matched.
type          Defines the action taken when an authorization policy rule is matched.By default, access is allowed to the requested resource.
watch         Watch a given show command
where         Display the in-progress object
[admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules:action> type http_local_response
[admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules:action> status_code http_response_status_code_403
[admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules:action> save   
 [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules> index 1 
 [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy:authz_rules> save 
 [admin:controller]: ssopolicy:authorization_policy> save 
 [admin:controller]: ssopolicy> save 

以下是基于上述配置步骤的 SSO 策略配置:

| Field                        | Value                                          
| uuid                         | ssopolicy-16fc1b04-f635-439b-97a4-a3890dead864 |
| name                         | ssopolicy1                                     
| authentication_policy        |                                                
|   default_auth_profile_ref   | saml-idp-authz                                
| authorization_policy         |                                                
|   authz_rules[1]             |                                                
|     name                     | rule1                                          
|     index                    | 1                                              
|     enable                   | True                                           
|     match                    |                                                
|       attr_matches[1]        |                                                
|         attribute_name       | email                                          
|         attribute_value_list |                                                
|           match_criteria     | BEGINS_WITH                                    
|           match_str[1]       | [email protected]                                    
|       attr_matches[2]        |                                                
|         attribute_name       | firstname                                      
|         attribute_value_list |                                                
|           match_criteria     | EQUALS                                         
|           match_str[1]       | abc                                            
|       path                   |                                                
|         match_criteria       | BEGINS_WITH                                    
|         match_case           | INSENSITIVE                                    
|         match_str[1]         | /acme                                   
|         string_group_refs[1] | System-Cacheable-Resource-Types                
|       host_hdr               |                                                
|         match_criteria       | HDR_BEGINS_WITH                                
|         match_case           | INSENSITIVE                                    
|         value[1]             | abc.xyz.com                                    
|       method                 |                                                
|         match_criteria       | IS_IN                                          
|         methods[1]           | HTTP_METHOD_GET                                
|     action                   |                                                
|       type                   | HTTP_LOCAL_RESPONSE                            
|       status_code            | HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE_403                  
| type                         | SSO_TYPE_SAML                                  
| tenant_ref                   | admin                                       