您可以在一个 XML 文件中定义安装选项,以便在静默模式下与 Workspace ONE Access Connector 安装程序一起使用。该 XML 文件包含属性和值的列表。

不要求在 XML 文件中定义安装选项。您可以直接在命令行中输入选项。但是,通过使用 XML 文件,您可以创建安装配置,并使用相同的设置快速执行多个安装。


  1. 登录到连接器服务器。
  2. 创建一个名为 filename.xml 的 XML 文件。
  3. 将下面示例 XML 文件的内容复制并粘贴到您的 XML 文件中。
  4. 编辑您的 XML 文件,并根据安装需求修改属性值。
  5. 保存文件。

示例: 示例安装属性 XML 文件

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<!-- List of services to be installed -->
	<property name="ADDLOCAL" value="UserAuthService,DirectorySyncService,KerberosAuthService,VirtualAppService" />

	<!-- Installation Directory -->
	<property name="INSTALLDIR" value="C:\VMware\Silent" />
	<!-- Installation Directory -->
	<property name="TARGETDIR" value="C:\VMware\Silent" />

	<!-- Provide the path for the es-config.json file which you downloaded from the Admin console. -->
	<!-- The file password will be specified through the command line argument WS1_CONFIG_FILE_PASSWORD. -->
	<property name="WS1_CONFIG_FILE_PATH" value="C:\Installer\es-config.json" />

        <!-- Required property for installing connector version 22.05; indicates that the connector is being installed against the Workspace ONE Access cloud service -->
        <property name="WS1_IS_CLOUD_ONLY" value="1" />

	<!-- Proxy Configuration: 0 - No proxy, 1 - Configure Proxy -->
	<property name="WS1_IS_PROXY_ENABLED" value="0" />
	<!-- Proxy Host Name -->
	<property name="WS1_PROXY_HOSTNAME" value="" />
	<!-- Proxy Port Number -->
	<property name="WS1_PROXY_PORT" value="" />
	<!-- Proxy Authentication type: 1 - Anonymous, 2 - Authenticated -->
	<property name="WS1_IS_PROXY_AUTHENTICATED" value="1" />
	<!-- Proxy Username if proxy is Authenticated -->
	<!-- The proxy password will be specified through the command line argument WS1_PROXY_PASSWORD. -->
	<property name="WS1_PROXY_USERNAME" value="" />

	<!-- Syslog Configuration: 0 - No Syslog, 1 - Configure Syslog -->
	<property name="WS1_IS_SYSLOG_ENABLED" value="0" />
	<!-- Syslog Host name -->
	<property name="WS1_SYSLOG_HOSTNAME" value="" />

	<!-- Trust Store Certificate(s) folder path. Provide the folder path for certificates to be installed in the truststore. -->
	<property name="WS1_TRUSTSTORE_CERTS_PATH" value="C:\Installer\Certificates" />

	<!-- Port for UserAuthService -->
	<property name="WS1_USER_AUTH_PORT" value="8090" />
	<!-- Port for DirectorySyncService -->
	<property name="WS1_DIRECTORY_SYNC_PORT" value="8080" />
	<!-- Port for KerberosAuthService -->
	<property name="WS1_KERBEROS_AUTH_PORT" value="443" /> 
        <!-- Port for VirtualAppService -->
	<property name="WS1_APP_SYNC_PORT" value="8008" />

	<!-- SSL Certificate for Kerberos Auth Service: 0 - Self-signed Certificate, 1 - SSL certificate -->
	<property name="WS1_ADD_SSL_CERT" value="0" />
	<!-- File path for the SSL Certificate for Kerberos Auth Service, in .pem or .pfx format -->
	<!-- If SSL Certificate is a .pfx file, its password will be specified through the command line argument WS1_SSL_CERT_PASSWORD. -->
	<property name="WS1_SSL_CERT" value="" />
	<!-- File path for the private key file if SSL Certificate is a .pem file -->
	<property name="WS1_PRIVATE_KEY" value="" />

	<!-- Domain Username in the format DOMAIN\UserName, required to run the Kerberos Auth and Virtual App services as a domain user. It is also used to generate the keytab file for the Kerberos Auth service. -->
	<!-- The password will be specified through the command line argument IS_NET_API_LOGON_PASSWORD -->
	<property name="IS_NET_API_LOGON_USERNAME" value="win21021\admin" />


在静默模式下运行 Workspace ONE Access Connector 安装程序时,请使用 WS1_SETUP_CONFIG_FILE=filepath 参数以指定 XML 文件。