您可以在 Workstation Pro
中使用 vmcli 命令行实用程序,从 Linux 终端窗口或在 Windows 命令提示符下与 Hypervisor 进行交互。通过使用 vmcli 命令,您可以执行各种虚拟机操作,例如创建新虚拟机或虚拟机模板。
运行 vmcli 命令行实用程序
您可以从 Linux 终端窗口或在 Windows 命令提示符下运行 vmcli。也可以创建脚本以运行多个命令。
要运行 vmcli 命令并获取相应语法来使用可用的功能,请运行以下命令。
vmcli --help
vmcli --help Usage: vmcli [-v | --version] [<vmx location>] <module> <command> [<args>] [--verbose] [-h | --help] [<vmx location>] Top level arguments: -v, --version Display the version information. Global arguments: <vmx location> (required for commands working with VMs) Location of the vmx file to work with. Can be the first or last argument on the command line. --verbose Enable verbose logging. -h, --help Display the help information Available modules: Chipset Chipset options. ConfigParams Set VM configuration parameters. Disk Module to perform disk operations. Ethernet Setup the ethernet configuration in the guest. Guest guest ops HGFS HGFS options. MKS Mouse, keyboard and screen operations. Nvme Setup NVME ports in the guest. Power Set the power state of the vm. Sata Setup SATA ports in the guest. Serial Setup serial ports in the guest. Snapshot Snapshot configuration Tools Tools related configuration. VM VM related Operations VMTemplate Create and Deploy vm template VProbes Setup VProbes in the guest
要了解每个模块或操作相关语法的更多信息,以 Power 模块为例,可运行以下命令。
vmcli Power --help
vmcli Power --help Usage: vmcli [-v | --version] [<vmx location>] Power [--verbose] [-h | --help] query Start Stop Pause Reset Suspend Unpause [<vmx location>] Top level arguments: -v, --version Display the version information. Global arguments: <vmx location> (required for commands working with VMs) Location of the vmx file to work with. Can be the first or last argument on the command line. --verbose Enable verbose logging. -h, --help Display the help information Module: Power Set the power state of the vm. Arguments available to module "Power": query Query the power state of the VM. Start Start the virtual machine. Stop Stop the virtual machine. Pause Pause the virtual machine. Reset Rest the virtual machine. Suspend Suspend the virtual machine. Unpause Unpause the virtual machine.
vmcli Power query --help
vmcli power query --help Usage: vmcli [-v | --version] [<vmx location>] Power query [--verbose] [-h | --help] [-f | --format <2, 1, 0>] [<vmx location>] Top level arguments: -v, --version Display the version information. Global arguments: <vmx location> (required for commands working with VMs) Location of the vmx file to work with. Can be the first or last argument on the command line. --verbose Enable verbose logging. -h, --help Display the help information Module: query Query the power state of the VM. Arguments available to module "query": -f, --format <2, 1, 0> Sets the format of the output.
使用 vmcli 从现有虚拟机创建模板
vmwcli <source vmx path> vmtemplate create -p <template vmtx path> -n <template name>
变量 | 说明 |
source vmx path(源 vmx 路径) | 源虚拟机 vmx 的路径,将从该虚拟机创建模板。 |
template vmtx path(模板 vmtx 路径) | 带文件名和 .vmtx 扩展名的新 vmtemplate 文件夹的完整路径。 示例: |
template name(模板名称) | 模板的名称。 |
使用 vmcli 部署虚拟机模板
您可以部署通过 vmcli 命令创建的 VMTemplate
。通过使用以下语法,可在同一位置从指定的 VMTemplate
VMTemplate Deploy -p <Full file path of vmtx file of existing VM template>
使用 vmcli 创建新虚拟机
VM Create -n <vm name> -d <path where vm will be created> -g <guest operating system>
VM Create -n myVM -d ~/Desktop/ -g windows9-64
创建虚拟机并将 ISO 附加到该虚拟机的示例
执行以下步骤后,您可以将新创建的虚拟机添加到虚拟机资源库,然后打开虚拟机电源,以使用 ISO 文件启动客户机安装过程。可使用以下示例中的语法。
echo "----creating VM-----" vmcli VM Create -n windowstest -d ~/Desktop/test -g windows9-64 vmcli ConfigParams SetEntry displayName "windowstest" ~/Desktop/test/windowstest.vmx echo "----create Nvme vmdk related things-----" vmcli nvme SetPresent nvme0 1 ~/Desktop/test/windowstest.vmx vmcli Disk SetBackingInfo nvme0:0 disk windowstest.vmdk 1 ~/Desktop/test/windowstest.vmx vmcli Disk SetPresent nvme0:0 1 ~/Desktop/test/windowstest.vmx echo "----create sata disk for iso mounting-----" vmcli Sata SetPresent sata0 1 ~/Desktop/test/windowstest.vmx vmcli Disk SetBackingInfo sata0:0 cdrom_image ~/Documents/iso/22621.1.220506-1250.ni_release_CLIENT_ENTERPRISES_OEM_x64FRE_en-us.iso 1 ~/Desktop/test/windowstest.vmx vmcli Disk SetPresent sata0:0 1 ~/Desktop/test/windowstest.vmx echo "----create ethernet related things-----" vmcli Ethernet query ~/Desktop/test/windowstest.vmx vmcli Ethernet SetVirtualDevice ethernet0 vmxnet3 ~/Desktop/test/windowstest.vmx vmcli Ethernet SetConnectionType ethernet0 nat ~/Desktop/test/windowstest.vmx vmcli Ethernet SetAddressType ethernet0 generated "" ~/Desktop/test/windowstest.vmx vmcli Ethernet SetLinkStatePropagation ethernet0 true ~/Desktop/test/windowstest.vmx vmcli Ethernet SetPresent ethernet0 1 ~/Desktop/test/windowstest.vmx vmcli ConfigParams SetEntry bios.bootOrder "cdrom,hdd" ~/Desktop/test/windowstest.vmx echo "---------Done-------"