请参阅此示例,在跨三个 vSphere 区域 部署的 主管 上置备 v1beta1 集群。
v1beta1 示例:跨 vSphere 区域的集群
以下示例 YAML 使用 v1beta1 API 在 vSphere Zone 拓扑中置备集群。此示例基于 v1beta1 示例:默认集群而构建。
此示例实施了多个工作节点池。每个节点池都引用一个映射到 vSphere 区域的故障域。有关 vSphere 区域的详细信息,请参见安装和配置 vSphere IaaS 控制平面。
apiVersion: cluster.x-k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: Cluster metadata: name: cluster-zoned namespace: tkg-cluster-ns spec: clusterNetwork: services: cidrBlocks: [""] pods: cidrBlocks: [""] serviceDomain: "cluster.local" topology: class: tanzukubernetescluster version: v1.25.7---vmware.3-fips.1-tkg.1 controlPlane: replicas: 3 workers: #muliple node pools are used machineDeployments: - class: node-pool name: node-pool-1 replicas: 3 #failure domain the machines will be created in #maps to a vSphere Zone; name must match exactly failureDomain: vsphere-zone1 - class: node-pool name: node-pool-2 replicas: 3 #failure domain the machines will be created in #maps to a vSphere Zone; name must match exactly failureDomain: vsphere-zone2 - class: node-pool name: node-pool-3 replicas: 3 #failure domain the machines will be created in #maps to a vSphere Zone; name must match exactly failureDomain: vsphere-zone3 variables: - name: vmClass value: guaranteed-medium - name: storageClass value: tkg-storage-policy