You can upgrade to an intermediate version of vRealize Business for Cloud. By default, the Update tab in the virtual appliance displays the latest vRealize Business for Cloud version.


  • Take a snapshot of the vRealize Business for Cloud virtual appliance and back up the database.
  • Verify that you have upgraded vRealize Automation to the supported version of vRealize Business for Cloud.


  1. 登录到 Web 控制台,网址为 https://vRealize_Business_for_Cloud_IP_address:5480。
  2. 下载所有 vRealize Automation 报告。
  3. 取消向 vRealize Automation 注册 vRealize Business for Cloud
  4. Click Settings.
  5. Under Update Repository, select Use Specified Repository.
  6. Copy the default repository URL and paste it in the URL field.
  7. Update the version number in URL to the version that you want to upgrade.
    To upgrade to 1.1 version, replace / to / For example,
  8. Click Save Settings.
  9. 单击检查更新以查看可用更新,然后启用安装更新选项。
  10. 单击安装更新
  11. (Optional) If you are upgrading from version 1.0 or 1.0.1 to version 1.1, perform the following steps to re-register vRealize Business Standard with vRealize Automation.
    1. Log into the virtual appliance with the root credentials.
    2. Open the file located at /usr/local/tcserver/vfabric-tc-server-standard/itbm-server/conf/.
    3. Copy the SSL keystore password specified in the bio-ssl.ssl.keystore.password parameter.
    4. Using the vi command, open the following files located at /usr/sbin/ and replace the SSL keystore password set in the\ property for each file.
  12. 成功升级后,执行以下步骤之一手动重新引导虚拟设备。
    • 登录 Web 控制台,导航到系统选项卡,然后单击重新引导
    • 登录虚拟设备并运行重新引导命令。
  13. vRealize Automation 重新注册 vRealize Business for Cloud
  14. 对于升级后第一次登录,系统会提示您输入新的许可证密钥。
    早期的许可证密钥不起作用。此外,如果已在早期版本中配置了 AWS 帐户,还必须重新配置 AWS 帐户。有关详细信息,请参见 配置 Amazon Web Services