Im Rahmen des Prozesses nach der Installation sollten Sie Ihre RaaS-Konfigurationen überprüfen. RaaS, die Abkürzung für „Returner as a Service“, ist die zentrale Komponente in Automation Config. RaaS stellt RPC-Endpoints bereit, um Verwaltungsbefehle von der Automation Config-Benutzeroberfläche zu erhalten, sowie RPC-Steuerungs-Endpoints, um mit verbundenen Salt-Mastern zu kommunizieren. Die RaaS-Konfigurationseinstellungen befinden sich in der /etc/raas/raas-Konfigurationsdatei auf dem RaaS-Knoten.

Bevor Sie beginnen

Die Konfiguration des RaaS-Knotens gehört zu einer Reihe von Schritten nach der Installation, die in einer bestimmten Reihenfolge durchgeführt werden müssen. Führen Sie zunächst eines der Installationsszenarien durch und lesen Sie sich dann die folgenden Seiten für die Vorgehensweise nach der Installation durch:

Überprüfen der Konfigurationseinstellungen

  1. Öffnen Sie die RaaS-Konfigurationsdatei auf dem RaaS-Knoten. In der Regel ist die Datei in /etc/raas/raas gespeichert.
  2. Überprüfen Sie die folgenden erforderlichen Einstellungen:
    Einstellung Beschreibung
    customer_id Ihre Kunden-ID oder Beispiel-UUID.

    username, password, host und port können so konfiguriert werden, dass sie mit Ihrer Datenbankkonfiguration übereinstimmen. Weitere Informationen zum sicheren Speichern von Anmeldedaten finden Sie im Knowledgebase-Artikel Sichern von Anmeldedaten in Ihrer Automation Config-Konfiguration.

  3. Überprüfen Sie die folgenden zusätzlichen Einstellungen:
    Einstellung Beschreibung
    tls_minumum Legt die minimale TLS-Version fest, die RaaS akzeptiert. Diese Eigenschaft ist standardmäßig auf 1.2 festgelegt. Sie können diese Einstellung bei Bedarf in eine niedrigere Versionsnummer ändern. Die Verwendung einer niedrigeren Version als 1.2 wird jedoch aufgrund von Sicherheitsproblemen in früheren Versionen nicht empfohlen.
    tls_crt Pfad der crt-Datei für verschlüsselte Kommunikation. Wenn dieses Zertifikat selbstsigniert ist und nicht mithilfe einer bekannten Zertifizierungsstelle validiert werden soll, legen Sie die Option sseapi_validate_cert in der Konfigurationsdatei des Salt-Masters auf False fest.
    tls_key Zertifikatschlüsseldatei.
    port Port, der für Verbindungen aus der Automation Config-Benutzeroberfläche und den Salt-Controllern verwendet wird.
    audit Fügen Sie die API-Informationen (RaaS) in den Debug-Bericht für Administratorkonten ein. Wenn valid_logins auf True festgelegt ist, werden diese Informationen auch in Fehlerberichte aufgenommen, die von Nicht-Administratorbenutzern erzeugt werden.
    raas_presence_expiration Sekunden der Inaktivität, bevor ein Minion als nicht vorhanden gilt. Der Standardwert beträgt 3600 Sekunden (eine Stunde).
    target_grou[s_from_master_pnly Legen Sie diese Eigenschaft auf „true“ fest, wenn die tgtmatch-Engine auf Ihren Salt-Mastern aktiviert ist, andernfalls auf „false“.


Die folgende Datei zeigt die RaaS-Standardkonfigurationsdatei, die eine Erläuterung der verschiedenen Konfigurationseinstellungen enthält:

# RaaS Default Configuration

# How often to run the compile_commands job that updates the activity tab
activity_tab_cycle: 2

# Elastic APM settings
  service_name:                         # Elastic APM Service Name
  secret_token:                         # Elastic APM Secret Token
  server_url:                           # Elastic APM Server URL
  environment: production

# audit tracking settings
  enabled: false
  valid_logins: false
  auth: true
  rpc: true
  system: true
  tasks: false
  rpc_max_payload: 100

# authentication backends
    log_detail: ERROR
    ssl: {}
    ldap_receive_timeout: 60
    group_level_limit: 20

# Configuration settings for background workers. Settings for each queue:
#   concurrency: number of worker processes (0 = auto calc one per core up to max)
#   max_tasks: worker recycles after running this many tasks
#   max_memory: in kB, 0=auto, None=unlimited
#   result_expires: how long results are stored in Redis, in seconds
#   prefetch_multiplier: How many messages to prefetch at a time multiplied by the number of concurrent processes
#   without_heartbeat: When true, don't send event heartbeats. Reduces Redis usage.
#   without_mingle: When true, Don't synchronize with other workers at start-up. Reduces worker startup up time.
#   without_gossip: When true, Don't subscribe to other workers events. Reduces redis usage.
#   use_fair_scheduler: Use Celery's fair scheduling algorithm, better for long running tasks
  combined_process: true                # Launch celery workers and RaaS processes together.  Set to False if running celery separately.
  broker: redis
  backend: redis
  log_level: warning
    concurrency: 0
    max_tasks: 100000
    max_memory: 0
    result_expires: 60
    prefetch_multiplier: 1
    without_heartbeat: false
    without_mingle: true
    without_gossip: true
    use_fair_scheduler: true
    concurrency: 0
    max_tasks: 100000
    max_memory: 0
    result_expires: 60
    prefetch_multiplier: 1
    without_heartbeat: false
    without_mingle: true
    without_gossip: true
    use_fair_scheduler: true
    concurrency: 0
    max_tasks: 100000
    max_memory: 0
    result_expires: 60
    prefetch_multiplier: 1
    without_heartbeat: false
    without_mingle: true
    without_gossip: true
    use_fair_scheduler: true

# how often to run cache jobs (in seconds)
cache_cycle: 30

# path to RaaS cache directory
cachedir: /var/lib/raas/cache

# how often to run clean up jobs (in seconds)
clean_up_cycle: 900

# path to config directory (can be passed multiple times, order is respected)
- /etc/raas

# read files in config_dir subdirs recursively
config_recurse: false

# HTTP Cookie settings
  name: raas-session
  expires: 43200

# for use with the webpack dev server only, Add the Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * header
cors_header_for_webpack: false

# Your customer ID
customer_id: 43cab1f4-de60-4ab1-85b5-1d883c5c5d09

# directory to serve files from
directory_root: /srv/raas

# enable (true) or disable (false) grains indexing. 
enable_grains_indexing: true

# enable (true) or disable (false) cmd details in get_cmds API call. Should be disabled when return counts are large.
enable_cmd_details: true

# Limit returns passed to UI so they don't crash the browser. 0 is unlimited. Recommended to set as a mutliple of 50.
cmd_returns_max: 0

# path to extension module directory
extension_modules: /var/lib/raas/cache/ext_mods

# Use FIPS-compliant encryption
fips_mode: false

# Limit masterfs returns passed to UI so they don't crash the browser. 0 is unlimited. Recommended to set as a mutliple of 50.
fs_returns_max: 0

# the address to bind to

# time to check unresponsive jobs (in minutes)
job_unresponsive_check: 5

# time to stop checking unresponsive jobs (in minutes)
job_unresponsive_check_stop: 2880

# JSON Web Token settings
  expires: 3600                         # token expiration in seconds
  login_expires: 60                     # external authentication, login token expiration in seconds
  algorithm: HS256
  max_logins: 100

# How long to keep historical data in days (leave unset to keep forever)
  audit:                                # How long to keep audit log (if audit is enabled)
  events: 1                             # How long to keep salt events
  jobs:                                 # How long to keep job data (commands, jids, returns)
  schedule:                             # How long to keep past schedule data

# Content and style of banner to show on UI login screen. A YAML block scalar
# can help with long message content:
#   message: >
#     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod
#     tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
  enabled: false
  style: info                           # info or warning
  message: ''

# date and time format for console logs
log_datefmt: '%H:%M:%S'

# date and time format for logfile logs
log_datefmt_logfile: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'

# path to log file
log_file: /var/log/raas/raas

# loglevel for logfile logs, options: all, garbage, trace, debug, profile, info, warning, error, critical, quiet
log_file_loglevel: error

# log format for console logs
log_fmt_console: '[%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s'

# log format for logfile logs
log_fmt_logfile: '%(asctime)s,%(msecs)03.0f [%(name)-17s][%(levelname)-8s:%(lineno)-4d][%(processName)s:%(process)d]

# loglevels for specific python modules
log_granular_levels: {}

# options: all, garbage, trace, debug, profile, info, warning, error, critical, quiet
log_level: error

# master RSA private key size
master_key_size: 2048

# expiration timeout for pending master keys in seconds
master_pending_key_expiration: 7200

# master/minion will be marked as unknown if they haven't reported back within X seconds.
raas_presence_expiration: 3600

# max number of unresponsive master checks
master_unresponsive_check_limit: 2

# template used to generate master users
master_username_template: master_{}

# Automatically accept masters, use only for development.
master_autoaccept: false

# System metrics settings
  enabled: true                         # If True, enable the collection of system metrics
  prometheus: false                     # If True, enable the Prometheus endpoint at /metrics (also set prometheus_username and prometheus_password)
  prometheus_username:                  # Static username for retrieving /metrics
  prometheus_password:                  # Static password for retrieving /metrics
  snapshot_interval: 60                 # How often to record snapshot metrics, in seconds
  max_query_timedelta: 86400            # Maximum timedelta for a single call to get_system_metrics, in seconds
  keep: 30                              # How long to retain metrics data, in days

# ignore some minion grains, glob matching allowed
  mode: blacklist
  grains: []

# 0=off, max seconds to lock when adding minion keys and cache. This throttles insert of minions into the database.
minion_onboarding_throttle: 0

# max number of auto calculated processes per type. example: 8 max web, 8 max background workers
max_processes: 8

# Minion deployment settings
  max_minion_deployment_time: 3600      # Maximum time (in seconds) allowed for minion deployment after which status will be marked as failed
  airgap_install: false                 # Deploy minions in an airgapped environment

newrelic_config_file: /etc/raas/newrelic.ini

newrelic_enabled: false

# number of web server processes (0 = auto calc one per core up to max)
num_processes: 0

# number of password attempts to start blocking
password_attempts: 50

# number of seconds to sleep following a failed attempt
password_sleep: 30

# path to RaaS process ID file
pidfile: /var/lib/raas/run/

# path to directory for RaaS PKI keys
pki_dir: /etc/raas/pki

# port to bind to
port: 8080

# delta proxy monitoring options
  monitored: false
  monitor_interval: 90
  rebalance_interval: 120
  tgt: deltaproxy*
  tgt_type: glob

# vRA Integration
  validate_ssl: true                    # If True, raas proxy will validate ssl certs
  exclude_host: false                   # If True, raas proxy will not pass the host header to CSP
  saved_params_timeout: 90              # How many seconds elapse before we get that latest vra params from the db

# To use the the environment variable REDIS_URL, set `url: ENV`.
  url: redis://localhost:6379           # Redis URL without '/{database_number}' at the end
  broker_db: '0'                        # queue database number
  result_db: '1'                        # result storage database number
  cache_db: '2'                         # cache database number
  ssl: {}

# multiplier used to calculate retry timing on connection failures
retry_timeout_multiplier: 3

root_dir: /

# how often to check for scheduled jobs (in seconds)
schedule_cycle: 10

# how many future schedules are calculated per cycle
scheduler_max_futures_per_cycle: 500

# how many weeks ahead schedules are calculated out to
scheduler_max_futures_weeks_ahead: 12

# SecOps settings
  stats_snapshot_interval: 3600         # Interval in seconds between when stats for Secops will be gathered (ENV Var: SSE_SEC_STATS_SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL)
  username: secops                      # Username used to log in to to get content (ENV Var: SSE_SEC_USERNAME)
  content_url: # URL from which SaltStack Secops content will be downloaded. (ENV Var: SSE_SEC_CONTENT_URL)
  ingest_saltstack_override: true       # If True, existing SaltStack content will be updated otherwise the change will be rejected. (ENV Var: SSE_SEC_INGEST_SALTSTACK_OVERRIDE)
  ingest_custom_override: true          # If True, existing Custom content will be updated otherwise the change will be rejected. (ENV Var: SSE_SEC_INGEST_CUSTOM_OVERRIDE)
  locke_dir: locke                      # Location where SaltStack content in expanded before ingestion. If the path is relative (no leading slash), then it is relative to the RAAS cache dir (ENV Var: SSE_SEC_LOCKE_DIR)
  post_ingest_cleanup: true             # If True, post ingestion the contents of the locke_dir will be cleaned out. (ENV Var: SSE_SEC_POST_INGEST_CLEANUP)
  download_enabled: true                # If True, SaltStack content downloading is enabled. (should be False for air gapped systems) (ENV Var: SSE_SEC_DOWNLOAD_ENABLED)
  download_frequency: 86400             # The frequency in seconds of automated SaltStack Secops content downloads and ingestion. (ENV Var: SSE_SEC_DOWNLOAD_FREQUENCY)
  compile_stats_interval: 10            # Interval in seconds between times that the compile stats will be gathered. (ENV Var: SSE_SEC_COMPILE_STATS_INTERVAL)
  archive_interval: 300                 # The interval in seconds between attempts to archive old assessment/remediation results (ENV Var: SSE_SEC_ARCHIVE_INTERVAL)
  old_policy_file_lifespan: 2           # The lifespan of old lock policy files in days that will remain in the RAAS file system
  delete_old_policy_files_interval: 86400 # The interval in seconds between times that theold lock policy files in the RAAS file system will be deleted
  ingest_on_boot: true                  # If True, SaltStack Secops content will be downloaded and ingested soon after RAAS boot (ENV Var: SSE_SEC_INGEST_ON_BOOT)
  content_lock_timeout: 60              # When multiple RAAS heads are deployed, the SaltStack SecOps content download and ingestion is serialized so only one RAAS head at a time will attempt it.  This is the value for the redis lock timeout. (ENV Var: SSE_SEC_CONTENT_LOCK_TIMEOUT)
  content_lock_block_timeout: 120       # This is the maximum time a RAAS head will block on a lock to perform a SaltStack SecOps download and ingestion. (ENV Var: SSE_SEC_CONTENT_LOCK_BLOCK_TIMEOUT)

# Sentry DSN to report errors (sensitive data is obfuscated)

# path to RaaS directory for socket files
sock_dir: /var/lib/raas/sock

# for development only, always serve the session cookie regardless of the request being http or https
spa_serve_cookie_always: false

# REQUIRED: fill in your database info
# - SQLAlchemy options -
# - To use the the environment variable DATABASE_URL, set `url: ENV`. For example:
#   $ export DATABASE_URL=postgres://user:secret@localhost:5432/raas_db_name
# - To store database credentials in an encrypted file, run "raas save_creds"
#   after installation.
# - It is possible, but not recommended practice, to specify database credentials
#   in plaintext in this section as `username: user` and `password: secret`.
# - Make sure you specify the correct SSL parameters by setting `ssl: False`
#   or `True` and filling in the correct fields in `ssl_opts` OR
#   adding the right query parameters in the DATABASE_URL.
# - NOTE DATABASE_URL takes precedence over all other settings except username and password
  dialect: postgresql
  driver: psycopg2
  pool_size: 10
  pool_timeout: 10
  pool_recycle: 3600
  chunksize_yield_per_small_table: 1000
  chunksize_yield_per_big_table: 5000
  ssl: false
  ssl_opts: {}

# strict transport security header enabled (aka HSTS, HTTPS only)
strict_transport_security_header_enabled: true

# Do not calculate target group membership locally, have masters send it.
target_groups_from_master_only: false

# cross-site request forgery cookie enabled
tornado_xsrf_cookies_enabled: true

# check the running environment prior to starting services
verify_env: true

# Vulnerability Management settings
  vman_dir: vman                        # Location where SaltStack content in expanded before ingestion. If the path is relative (no leading slash), then it is relative to the RAAS cache dir (ENV Var: SSE_VMAN_DIR)
  download_enabled: true                # If True, SaltStack content downloading is enabled. (should be False for air gapped systems) (ENV Var: SSE_VMAN_DOWNLOAD_ENABLED)
  download_frequency: 86400             # The frequency in seconds of automated SaltStack Vulnerability Management content downloads and ingestion. (ENV Var: SSE_VMAN_DOWNLOAD_FREQUENCY)
  username: vman                        # Username used to log in to to get content (ENV Var: SSE_VMAN_USERNAME)
  content_url: # URL from which SaltStack Vulnerability Management content will be downloaded. (ENV Var: SSE_VMAN_CONTENT_URL)
  ingest_on_boot: true                  # If True, SaltStack Vulnerability Management content will be downloaded and ingested soon after RAAS boot (ENV Var: SSE_VMAN_INGEST_ON_BOOT)
  post_ingest_cleanup: false            # If True, post ingestion the contents of the vman_dir will be cleaned out. (ENV Var: SSE_VMAN_POST_INGEST_CLEANUP)
  content_lock_timeout: 2000            # When multiple RAAS heads are deployed, the SaltStack vulnerability management content download and ingestion is serialized so only one RAAS head at a time will attempt it.   (ENV Var: SSE_VMAN_CONTENT_LOCK_TIMEOUT)
  compile_stats_interval: 60            # Interval in seconds between times that the compile stats will be gathered. (ENV Var: SSE_VMAN_COMPILE_STATS_INTERVAL)
  stats_snapshot_interval: 3600         # Interval in seconds between when stats for VMan will be gathered (ENV Var: SSE_VMAN_STATS_SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL)
  old_policy_file_lifespan: 2           # The lifespan of old policy files in days that will remain in the RAAS file system
  delete_old_policy_files_interval: 86400 # The interval in seconds between times that theold vman policy files in the RAAS file system will be deleted
  tenable_asset_import_enabled: true    # If True, minion grains in SSE will be sent to tenablefor matching assets
  tenable_asset_import_grains:          # Choose the minion grains that needs to be sent to tenable.Grain fqdn and ipv4 will be sent even if not included here.For additional information, please refer
  - fqdn
  - ipv4
  - ipv6
  - hostname
  - mac_address
  - netbios_name
  - bios_uuid
  - manufacturer_tpm_id
  - ssh_fingerprint
  - mcafee_epo_guid
  - mcafee_epo_agent_guid
  - symantec_ep_hardware_key
  - qualys_asset_id
  - qualys_host_id
  - servicenow_sys_id
  - gcp_project_id
  - gcp_zone
  - gcp_instance_id
  - azure_vm_id
  - azure_resource_id
  - aws_availability_zone
  - aws_ec2_instance_ami_id
  - aws_ec2_instance_group_name
  - aws_ec2_instance_state_name
  - aws_ec2_instance_type
  - aws_ec2_name
  - aws_ec2_product_code
  - aws_owner_id
  - aws_region
  - aws_subnet_id
  - aws_vpc_id
  - installed_software
  - bigfix_asset_id

# how long to wait while reading body (seconds), when None uses tornado default

# maximum amount of data for body, when None uses tornado default

# maximum amount of incoming data to buffer, when None uses tornado default

# in kB, 0=auto
webserver_max_memory: 0

# in seconds, 0=disabled
webserver_max_time: 0

# max interval in seconds subscription updates can be sent
websocket_debounce: 5

# time in seconds to send ping over websocket to keep it open
websocket_ping_interval: 15

# timeout in seconds to wait for websocket ping
websocket_ping_timeout: 600

# in seconds, polling time for non-database listening subscriptions
websocket_polling: 15

# time in seconds for a websocket ticket to expire
websocket_ticket_expiration: 5

Nächste Schritte

Nach dem Konfigurieren des RaaS-Knotens müssen Sie zusätzliche Schritte nach der Installation durchführen. Der nächste Schritt ist das erstmalige Anmelden bei der Automation Config -Benutzeroberfläche. Weitere Informationen zur Fortsetzung des Verfahrens nach der Installation finden Sie unter Erste Anmeldung und Ändern der Standardanmeldedaten.