Sie können Details zu Palo Alto-Einheiten in VMware Aria Operations for Networks suchen.

Hier sind einige Beispiele für Suchabfragen:
Elemente Abfragen
Palo Alto-Adresse

Palo Alto address where vm = <>

VM where Address = <>

Palo Alto-Adressgruppe

Palo Alto address group where Translated VMs = <>

VM where address group = <>

Palo Alto-Gerät

Palo Alto Device where Version = <>

Palo Alto Device where connected = true

Palo Alto Device where family = 'PA-5060'

Physisches Palo Alto-Gerät Palo Alto Physical Device where model = 'PA-5060'
Palo Alto-VM-Gerät Palo Alto VM Device where model = 'PA-VM'
Palo Alto-Gerätegruppe

Palo Alto Device Group where device = <>

Palo Alto Device Group where address = <>

Palo Alto Device Group where address group = <>

Palo Alto-Dienst

Palo Alto service where Port = <>

Palo Alto service where Protocol = <>

Palo Alto-Dienstgruppe Palo Alto service group where Member = <>
Palo Alto-Richtlinie

Palo Alto Policy where Source vm = <> and Destination vm = <>

Palo Alto Policy where Source IP = <> and Destination IP = <>

Palo Alto-Firewall Palo Alto firewall where Rule = <>
Palo Alto-Zone Palo Alto Zone where device = <>
Virtuelles Palo Alto-System

Palo Alto Virtual System where Device = <>

Palo Alto Virtual System where Device Group = <>

Hinweis: Mit Ausnahme der Abfragen können Sie auch Facets zur Analyse der Suchergebnisse verwenden.