API portal for VMware Tanzu supports deployments in both Kubernetes and Tanzu Application Service (TAS). This guide covers the specifics for Kubernetes.
There are two ways of applying configurations:
You may specify configuration in a yaml file and supply it to the installation script with --values
tag. (See Additional Configuration During Installation)
You may set environment variables on the api-portal-server
deployment, and restart the deployment to apply the changes:
kubectl set env deployment.apps/api-portal-server KEY=VALUE
kubectl rollout restart deployment api-portal-server
This guide will list out the properties and the env vars available to configure for API portal for VMware Tanzu.
API portal for VMware Tanzu displays API Groups and detailed documentation from any OpenAPI source URL locations in JSON format. To modify the OpenAPI source URL locations, you may choose one of these two options:
Set the following properties in the values.yaml
and re-run installation script:
sourceUrls: "https://my-scg-operator/openapi,https://other-openapi-provider/openapi.json"
Edit the deployment's environment variable API_PORTAL_SOURCE_URLS
in the installation namespace and restart the deployment:
kubectl set env deployment.apps/api-portal-server \
API_PORTAL_SOURCE_URLS="https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json, https://petstore3.swagger.io/api/v3/openapi.json"
If you'd like API portal to trust the source URLs that are served with self signed or untrusted TLS certificates, you may choose one of htese two options:
Set the following properties in the values yaml and rerun installation script:
sourceUrls: "https://my-untrusted.url"
trustInsecureSourceUrls: true
Edit deployment's environment variable API_PORTAL_TRUST_INSECURE_SOURCE_URLS
in the installation namespace and restart the deployment:
kubectl set env deployment.apps/api-portal-server API_PORTAL_TRUST_INSECURE_SOURCE_URLS=true
To identify a specific API portal instance, you can set the following fields to be displayed in the UI landing page: title
and description
. By default, title
is set to "API portal" and description
is set to "API portal for
To change the default values, set the properties using values.yaml
or environment variable directly in the deployment:
title: "Changed title"
description: "This is my new description"
kubectl set env deployment.apps/api-portal-server API_PORTAL_TITLE="Changed Title"
kubectl set env deployment.apps/api-portal-server API_PORTAL_DESCRIPTION="Changed Description"
By default, the "try it out button" is enabled for each API group configured. If you would like to turn it off across the whole API portal instance, you can use either the values.yaml
file or environment variable directly in the deployment:
tryItOutEnabled: false
kubectl set env deployment.apps/api-portal-server API_PORTAL_TRY_IT_OUT_ENABLED="false"
To improve performance and reduce traffic, API portal caches OpenAPI descriptors locally. The following options are available:
K8s Installation Yaml Property Key | Environment Variable Key | Description | Default value |
apiPortalServer.sourceUrlsCacheTtlSec |
Time after which they will be refreshed (in seconds) | 300 sec |
apiPortalServer.sourceUrlsTimeoutSec |
Timeout for remote OpenAPI retrieval (in seconds) | 10 sec |
For example, to modify the cache ttl to 2 minutes, and timeout to 1 minutes, you may add the following properties to the installation yaml file:
sourceUrlsCacheTtlSec: "120"
sourceUrlsTimeoutSec: "60"
Alternatively you may set environment variable:
kubectl set env deployment.apps/api-portal-server API_PORTAL_SOURCE_URLS_CACHE_TTL_SEC=120
kubectl set env deployment.apps/api-portal-server API_PORTAL_SOURCE_URLS_TIMEOUT_SEC=60
API portal has an associated service of type ClusterIP
. You can expose this service via common Kubernetes approaches such as ingress routing or port forwarding. Consult your cloud provider's documentation for Ingress options available to you.
If you are installing API portal as part of a Tanzu Application Platform (TAP) installation, VMware recommends leveraging Contour's HTTPProxy.
API portal offers a configuration that automatically exposes its associated service by creating an HTTPProxy
resource with a custom domain. In order to configure the domain, the following property is available:
(Default: ""): Domain name for the exposed service of API portal.Example:
ingressDomain: example.com
If you also configure an Ingress Issuer, this exposed service will use TLS automatically.
Note: The domain name will be prepended with the api-portal
value, e.g.: api-portal.example.come
Before adding an Ingress, ensure that you have an ingress controller running in your Kubernetes cluster according to your cloud provider documentation.
To use an Ingress resource for exposing an API portal instance:
In the namespace where the API portal was created, locate the ClusterIP
service associated with the api-portal-server
Create a file called ingress-config.yaml
, with the following YAML definition:
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: api-portal-ingress
namespace: api-portal
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: contour
- host: api-portal.my-example-domain.com
- pathType: Prefix
path: "/"
name: api-portal-server
number: 8080
For the host
and serviceName
values, substitute your desired hostname and service name.
This example Ingress resource configuration uses the Project Contour Ingress Controller. You can adapt the example configuration if you wish to use another Ingress implementation.
Apply the Ingress definition file. The Ingress resource will be created in the same namespace that the Gateway instance.
Examine the newly created Ingress resource:
kubectl -n api-portal get ingress api-portal-ingress
api-portal-ingress <none> api-portal.my-example-domain.com 80 2m51s
kubectl -n api-portal describe ingress api-portal-ingress
Name: api-portal-ingress
Namespace: api-portal
Default backend: default-http-backend:80 (<error: endpoints "default-http-backend" not found>)
Host Path Backends
---- ---- --------
/ api-portal-server:80 ()
As the example output shows, the api-portal.my-example-domain.com
virtual host in the Ingress definition is mapped to the api-portal-server
service on the backend.
Ensure that you can resolve the Ingress definition hostname (in this example, api-portal.my-example-domain.com
) to the IP address of the Ingress resource.
The IP address is shown in the Address
field of the output from the kubectl describe
For local testing, use the command below to open your /etc/hosts file.
sudo vim /etc/hosts
Resolve the hostname by adding a line to the hosts file. api-portal.my-example-domain.com
For extended evaluation, you might create a wildcard DNS A record that maps any virtual host on the domain name (for example, *.my-example-domain.com
) to the Ingress resource.
You should now be able to connect to your API portal via the Ingress resource, using a web browser or an HTTP client such as HTTPie or cURL.
http api-portal.my-example-domain.com
In order for API portal for VMware Tanzu to support trying out APIs in the web browser, the OpenAPI locations provided in API_PORTAL_SOURCE_URLS
must allow CORS access from the API portal URL. In the case of Spring Cloud Gateway, their CORS configuration must be configured to allow this access. Please review the documentation for CORS configuration for the Spring Cloud Gateway product you are using:
In case the OpenAPI server url uses self-signed certs, you might need to do the following steps for your system to trust the cert and use some features on API portal.
In MacOS:
The resources used by API portal can be configured in the values yaml file using the next properties:
(Default: 512Mi): memory requested for the API portal container used to decide which Kubernetes node should be used for that instance (See units for memory)requestCpu
(Default: 100m): CPU requested for the API portal container used to decide which Kubernetes node should be used for that instance (See units for CPU)limitMemory
(Default: 1024Mi): if the container exceeds the memory limit, the container will be terminated or restartedlimitCpu
(Default: 500m): the container will not be allowed to exceed this limit except for extended periods of time. However, the container will not be terminatedExample:
requestMemory: "512Mi"
requestCpu: "100m"
limitMemory: "1024Mi"
limitCpu: "500m"
For more details, check the official Kubernetes documentation: Manage resources for Containers
Security is one of the foremost concerns of VMware. API portal supports multiple mechanisms to allow the user configure TLS when connecting to source URLs, and also to expose an HTTPProxy when defining a custom domain name.
API portal is currently integrated with cert-manager's ClusterIssuer. This integration allows API portal to set and use a cluster-wide generated certificate to provide secured connections.
The integration with a functional ClusterIssuer can be configured using the following property:
(Default: ""): Name of the ClusterIssuer that generates and issues certificates.Example:
ingressIssuer: tap-ingress-selfsigned
By configuring this property, API portal will automatically:
API portal allows the usage of self-signed certificates from custom Certification Authorities (CA) in order to establish trusted connections to source URLs serving the content via TLS (HTTPS).
The certificate can be configured using the following property:
(Default: ""): The certificate needs to be provided in PEM formatExample:
caCertData: |
Note: Make sure the property trustInsecureSourceUrls
is not set to true
if you want API portal to use properly the custom CA certificate.
As explained in the Automatic HTTPProxy creation section, API portal creates an HTTPProxy
resource automatically for users that define the ingressDomain
value. And if ingressIssuer
is also defined, as documented in using cert-manager ClusterIssuer, the HTTPProxy
resource is configured with TLS with a certificate requested from the specified ingress-issuer.
API portal allows overriding that TLS configuration for the HTTPProxy resource via this set of parameters:
(Default: ""): Name of the Kubernetes TLS secret that contains the desired TLS certificate, its related key, and potentially the CA certificate that was used to sign the server certificate.ingressTls.namespace
(Default: ""): Namespace of the Kubernetes TLS secret. If left empty, the secret is assumed to be in the same namespace of the deployment of API portal.Example:
secretName: tls-secret
namespace: tls-secret-namespace
ingressDomain: domain-used-by.me
Note: If the secret is located in a different namespace than API portal, a TLSCertificateDelegation
resource is needed to delegate the usage of that certificate.
API portal will create this resource automatically alongside the HTTPProxy resource. Learn more about different use cases using this link: Contour Documentation - TLS Certificate Delegation.
Defining ingressIssuer
in the values.yaml
file of API portal automatically puts a Certificate in the configuration of the HTTPProxy
resource. In order to leverage a custom cert-manager's Issuer to provide self-signed TLS with this configuration, these are the steps that you need to follow to generate a certificate to be used in API portal:
Create a certificate.yaml
file that defines an issuer and a certificate. For example:
apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: Issuer
name: ca-issuer
namespace: api-portal
selfSigned: {}
apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: Certificate
name: api-portal-cert
namespace: api-portal
secretName: api-portal-cert-secret
- api-portal.INGRESS-DOMAIN
name: ca-issuer
Where INGRESS-DOMAIN is the value that will match the ingressDomain
value that will be used when installing API portal.
Add the issuer and certificate to your cluster by running:
kubectl apply -f certificate.yaml
Configure API portal to use the newly created certificate. Update the values used during installation to include the following:
secretName: api-portal-cert-secret
secretNamespace: api-portal
ingressDomain: INGRESS-DOMAIN
# Additional configuration below this line as needed