This topic describes how to configure event and metric monitors for your applications using PCF Metrics’ Beta monitors-api endpoint.

Note: You must have the appropriate permissions to view or manage application monitors in PCF Metrics.

View Monitors

You can use the following cURL and API commands to view event and metric monitors.


To view monitors using cURL, run the following command:

 curl -H “Authorization: $(cf oauth-token)” -vvv -G “https://monitors-api.sys.DOMAIN/api/v1/$(cf app APP_NAME –guid)/monitors” | jq 


  • DOMAIN is your domain

  • APP_NAME is the name of your app


To view monitors via API, run the following command:

 GET https://monitors-api.sys.DOMAIN/api/v1/APP_GUID/monitors 


  • DOMAIN is your domain

  • APP_GUID is the GUID of your app

Delete Monitors

You can use the following cURL and API commands to delete event and metric monitors.


To delete monitors using cURL, run the following command:

 curl -H “Authorization: $(cf oauth-token)” -vvv -G “https://monitors-api.sys.DOMAIN/api/v1/$(cf app APP_NAME –guid)/monitors/MONITOR_GUID” -X DELETE 


  • DOMAIN is your domain

  • APP_NAME is the name of your app

  • MONITOR_GUID is the GUID of your app


To delete monitors via API, run the following command:

 DELETE https://monitors-api.sys.DOMAIN/api/v1/APP_GUID/monitors/MONITOR_GUID 


  • DOMAIN is your domain

  • APP_GUID is the GUID of your app

  • MONITOR_GUID is the GUID of your app

Create Monitors

You can use the following cURL and API commands to create event and metric monitors.

The following attributes are optional and can be omitted from your commands if not needed:

  • warning_threshold
  • critical_webhook_url
  • critical_json_payload
  • warning_webhook_url
  • warning_json_payload


To create monitors using cURL, run the following command:

 curl -H “Authorization: $(cf oauth-token)” “https://monitors-api.sys.DOMAIN/api/v1/$(cf app APP_NAME –guid)/monitors” -d ‘{ “metric_name”: “cf.system.latency”,“metric_type”: “gauge”,“metric_unit”: “milliseconds”,“name”: “monitor_name”,“snooze_time_in_minutes”: 1,“threshold_comparator”: “<=”,“critical_threshold”: 100.0,“warning_threshold”: 70.0,“critical_webhook_url”: “critical_webhook_url”,“critical_json_payload”: “critical_json_payload”,“warning_webhook_url”: “warning_webhook_url”,“warning_json_payload”: “warning_json_payload” }’ 


  • DOMAIN is your domain

  • APP_NAME is the name of your app


To create monitors via API, run the following command:

 POST https://monitors-api.sys.DOMAIN/api/v1/APP_GUID/monitors 


  • DOMAIN is your domain

  • APP_GUID is the GUID of your app


 { “name”: “Lathrop CPU”, “metric_name”: “cf.system.cpu”, “metric_type”: “gauge”, “metric_unit”: “percentage”, “snooze_time_in_minutes”: 15, “threshold_comparator”: “>=”, “critical_threshold”: 10, “warning_threshold”: 5, “critical_webhook_url”: "", “critical_json_payload”: "", “warning_webhook_url”: "", “warning_json_payload”: "" } 

View Triggered Monitors

You can use the following cURL and API commands to view triggered event and metric monitors.


To view triggered monitors using cURL, run the following command:

 curl -H “Authorization: $(cf oauth-token)” -vvv -G “https://monitors-api.sys.DOMAIN/api/v1/$(cf app APP_NAME –guid)/triggered_monitors” | jq 


  • DOMAIN is your domain

  • APP_NAME is the name of your app


To view triggered monitors via API, run the following command:

 GET https://monitors-api.sys.DOMAIN/api/v1/APP_GUID/triggered_monitors 


  • DOMAIN is your domain

  • APP_GUID is the GUID of your app

Configure Monitors via YAML

In addition to configuring monitors directly via API, you can also automate monitors configuration via YAML file.

To automate monitor configuration via YAML file, create a YAML file using the YAML File Format Examples below, then run the following command:

 curl -H “Authorization: $(cf oauth-token)” -H “Content-Type: application/yaml” –data-binary “@/PATH-TO-FILE.yml” -k “https://monitors-api.sys.DOMAIN/api/v1/$(cf app APP_NAME –guid)/monitors” -vvv -X PUT 


  • DOMAIN is your domain

  • APP_NAME is the name of your app

YAML File Format Examples

The examples below show the correct format for automating monitor configuration via YAML file.

The following attributes are optional and can be omitted from your YAML file if not needed:

  • warning_threshold
  • critical_webhook_url
  • critical_json_payload
  • warning_webhook_url
  • warning_json_payload

YAML Format for Metric Monitors

The following is an example YAML file for configuring a metric monitor.

  • metric_name: cf.system.latency metric_type: gauge metric_unit: milliseconds name: Latency snooze_time_in_minutes: 1 threshold_comparator: “>=” critical_threshold: 60 warning_threshold: 50 critical_webhook_url: critical_webhook_url critical_json_payload: critical_json_payload warning_webhook_url: warning_webhook_url warning_json_payload: warning_json_payload

YAML Format for Event Monitors

The following is an example YAML file for configuring an event monitor.

  • metric_name: metric_type: event metric_unit: per minute name: App Start snooze_time_in_minutes: 1 threshold_comparator: “>=” critical_threshold: 1 warning_threshold: 0 critical_webhook_url: critical_webhook_url critical_json_payload: critical_json_payload warning_webhook_url: warning_webhook_url warning_json_payload: warning_json_payload

YAML Format for Multiple Monitors

The following is an example YAML file for configuring multiple monitors.

  • metric_name: cf.system.latency metric_type: gauge metric_unit: milliseconds name: Latency snooze_time_in_minutes: 1 threshold_comparator: “>=” critical_threshold: 60 warning_threshold: 50
  • metric_name: cf.system.cpu metric_type: gauge metric_unit: percentage name: CPU snooze_time_in_minutes: 1 threshold_comparator: “>=” critical_threshold: 60 warning_threshold: 50
  • metric_name: metric_type: event metric_unit: per minute name: App Start snooze_time_in_minutes: 1 threshold_comparator: “>=” critical_threshold: 1 warning_threshold: 0
  • metric_name: cf.system.memory metric_type: gauge metric_unit: percentage name: Lathrop Memory snooze_time_in_minutes: 5 threshold_comparator: “>=” critical_threshold: 10 warning_threshold: 5
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