Upgrade Application Service Adapter

This topic gives you the steps to upgrade Application Service Adapter for VMware Tanzu Application Platform.

You can perform a fresh installation of Application Service Adapter by following the instructions in Install Application Service Adapter.

When upgrading to a new major or minor version of Application Service Adapter, see the documentation for that version for version-specific configuration and upgrade instructions.

You can find new patch versions of Application Service Adapter on the TanzuNet product page directly, or sign up to receive email alerts when the product is updated.

Note: Upgrades are not currently supported if you have enabled the experimental Cartographer integration. Existing application workloads will not behave correctly after upgrading from v1.0 to v1.1.


Before you upgrade Application Service Adapter:

  • Verify that you meet all the prerequisites of the target Tanzu Application Service Adapter version. If the target Tanzu Application version does not support your existing Kubernetes version, VMware recommends upgrading to a supported version before proceeding with the upgrade.
  • Install or update the Tanzu CLI and plugins
  • Verify that all packages are reconciled by running tanzu package installed list -A.
  • It is strongly recommended to upgrade the Tanzu Application Platform version to the latest patch version of the currently installed major-minor (for example, 1.2).

Update the new package repository

Follow these steps to update the new package repository:

  1. Add the target version of the Application Service Adapter package repository:

    tanzu package repository add tas-adapter-repository \
      --url registry.tanzu.vmware.com/app-service-adapter/tas-adapter-package-repo:${TAS_ADAPTER_VERSION} \
      --namespace tap-install
  2. Verify you have added the new package repository by running:

    tanzu package available list \
      --namespace tap-install

Upgrading to v1.1.0

  1. Update your tas-adapter-values.yaml file.


    VMware recommends making a backup copy of tas-adapter-values.yaml before modifying it.

    Image repositories are now created for each app instead of using one repository for all images. You are no longer required to specify paths for packages and droplets.

    Edit your tas-adapter-values.yaml and remove the following config:

     hostname: "APP-REGISTRY-HOSTNAME"

    Replace it with the following config:

       repository_prefix: "REPOSITORY-PREFIX"


    • REPOSITORY-PREFIX is the host and path combination used as the base for package and droplet images produced by Application Service Adapter.
      • For example: if REPOSITORY-PREFIX is gcr.io/tas-adapter-, then app's package images are stored at gcr.io/tas-adapter-<app-guid>-packages and app's droplet images are stored at gcr.io/tas-adapter-<app-guid>-droplets.

Perform the upgrade of Application Service Adapter

To upgrade, run:

tanzu package installed update tas-adapter \
  -p application-service-adapter.tanzu.vmware.com \
  --version "${TAS_ADAPTER_VERSION}" \
  --values-file tas-adapter-values.yaml \
  --namespace tap-install

Where TAS_ADAPTER_VERSION is the target revision of Application Service Adapter you are migrating to.

Verify the upgrade


Run the following command in the directory where the tas-adapter-values.yaml file resides.

To verify the versions of packages after the upgrade, run:

tanzu package installed list --namespace tap-install

Your output should be similar, but probably not identical, to the following example output:

  Retrieving installed packages...
  NAME                        PACKAGE-NAME                                 PACKAGE-VERSION  STATUS
  api-auto-registration       apis.apps.tanzu.vmware.com                   0.1.1            Reconcile succeeded
  appsso                      sso.apps.tanzu.vmware.com                    2.0.0            Reconcile succeeded
  buildservice                buildservice.tanzu.vmware.com                1.7.2            Reconcile succeeded
  cartographer                cartographer.tanzu.vmware.com                0.5.3            Reconcile succeeded
  cert-manager                cert-manager.tanzu.vmware.com                1.7.2+tap.1      Reconcile succeeded
  contour                     contour.tanzu.vmware.com                     1.22.0+tap.4     Reconcile succeeded
  eventing                    eventing.tanzu.vmware.com                    2.0.1            Reconcile succeeded
  ootb-templates              ootb-templates.tanzu.vmware.com              0.10.2           Reconcile succeeded
  policy-controller           policy.apps.tanzu.vmware.com                 1.1.2            Reconcile succeeded
  service-bindings            service-bindings.labs.vmware.com             0.8.0            Reconcile succeeded
  source-controller           controller.source.apps.tanzu.vmware.com      0.5.0            Reconcile succeeded
  tap                         tap.tanzu.vmware.com                         1.3.0            Reconcile succeeded
  tap-telemetry               tap-telemetry.tanzu.vmware.com               0.3.1            Reconcile succeeded
  application-service-adapter application-service-adapter.tanzu.vmware.com 1.0.1            Reconcile succeeded
  tekton-pipelines            tekton.tanzu.vmware.com                      0.39.0+tap.2     Reconcile succeeded
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