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A Data Management for VMware Tanzu template is a software blueprint for deploying a specific minor version of a specific database engine. For example, Data Management for VMware Tanzu makes available a template for PostgreSQL version 11.10 and for MySQL version 8.0.

VMware tests and certifies templates before making them available to Data Management for VMware Tanzu installations. New DMS templates and template software updates are released to Tanzu Network.

The Provider Administrator manages templates for all Organizations in the Data Management for VMware Tanzu installation. Every template that the Provider Administrator publishes is available to every registered Organization. Similarly, every action that the Provider Administrator performs on a template affects each Organization's use of the template in the same manner.

About Template Download and Use

Data Management for VMware Tanzu automatically checks for new templates and template software updates if both the Tanzu Net Token and Provider Repo Storage Settings are configured. When both are set, DMS checks Tanzu Network every 24 hours, and automatically downloads any new templates and template software updates available at the time of the check.

Note: Downloading templates and updates can take some time, and is dependent on the network latency between the Provider VM and Tanzu Network.

Data Management for VMware Tanzu saves a local copy of each template and template software update that it downloads from Tanzu Network to the Provider Repo.

An Agent copies a template from the Provider Repo to the agent's Local Storage the first time that the template is used to provision a Service Instance in its Onboarded Cluster. The Agent then locally acquires the template for any subsequently-provisioned Service Instances that use the template.

About Templates in Air-Gapped Environments

If Data Management for VMware Tanzu is deployed in an air-gapped environment (an environment with no internet connectivity), the Provider Administrator is required to periodically check Tanzu Network or VMware Customer Connect for updates. If any new templates or updates are available, the Provider Administrator must download the release and manually populate the Provider Repo, preserving the existing directory structure.

About Template Status and Actions

The actions that the Provider Administrator can perform on a template depend on its current status:

Status Description Actions Permitted
NOT AVAILABLE The template is in the process of being downloaded from Tanzu Network; it will remain in this state until the download completes. None
AVAILABLE The template is newly downloaded from Tanzu Network. Publish
PUBLISHED The template is accessible to users, and can be used to provision a Service Instance. Unpublish
UNPUBLISHED The template is registered with the provider. Service Instances deployed using the template will continue to receive updates. New instances cannot be provisioned from the template. Publish, Retire
RETIRED The template is no longer accessible to users, and can never again be used in DMS. Service Instances deployed using the template will not receive updates. New instances cannot be provisioned from the template.
Note: Retiring a template is an irreversible action.
operation in progress An operation on the template is in progress. None

About Template Software Updates

Data Management for VMware Tanzu automatically updates Service Instances provisioned from any non-retired templates. If an update requires a reboot of the Service Instance VM or a restart of the service, DMS applies the update during the maintenance window configured for the instance.

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