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Supported MySQL Versions

Data Management for VMware Tanzu supports provisioning database Service Instances running MySQL version 8.0.23.


When you create a MySQL database Service Instance with Data Management for VMware Tanzu, you configure certain MySQL properties.

Database Instance Configuration

The Database Instance Configuration properties identify the name of the default database, the database server port number, and the database administrator user credentials.

Property Name Description Default Value
Database Name The name of the default database. MysqlDB
Database Port No The port number on which the database server runs. (Read-only) 3306
Admin Username The database administrator user name. admin
Admin Password The password for the database adminstrator. Admin!23Admin
Note: Data Management for VMware Tanzu does not support changing the Admin Password from the console or API. You must change this password using a database client. If you change the password in this manner, the new password is not reflected in DMS.

DB Options Configuration

The DB Options Configuration properties control certain runtime characteristics of the MySQL database:

Property Name Description Default Value Restart Required on Update?
default‑time‑zone The time zone for the database server. Possible values are SYSTEM or any time in the range ["-13:59","+14:00"]. UTC Yes
max_connections The maximum number of concurrent connections allowed to the server. 100 No
char‑set‑server The character set with which to start the MySQL server.1 utf8mb4 No
collation‑server The collation with which to start the MySQL server.1 utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci No
slow‑query‑log Enable or disable the logging of slow running queries. OFF No
log‑queries‑not‑using‑indexes Enable or disable the logging of queries that are expected to retrieve all rows. (Used with slow-query-log.) OFF No
long‑query‑time The amount of time after which a query is considered long-running. Database server default No
max‑allowed‑packet The upper limit on the size of a message between client and server. A minimum value of 16384 (16MB) is suggested. Database server default No
innodb‑buffer‑pool‑size The size (in bytes) of the innodb buffer pool.2 Database server default No
innodb‑buffer‑pool‑chunk‑size The chunk size (in bytes) when resizing the innodb buffer pool.2 Database server default Yes
innodb‑buffer‑pool‑instances The number of regions in which the innodb buffer pool is divided.2 Database server default Yes
Note: If you want to set a parameter to the MySQL server default, you must remove/clear the entry.

1 Run the following MySQL query to obtain the possible character set values: SHOW CHARACTER SET;

2 During database Service Instance creation, the innodb-buffer-pool-xxx option values are calculated to use 75% of the configured VM memory. These settings will also be adjusted if you scale up the VM memory. While the default values of these options should be sufficient, you may need to change them if 75% is not optimal for your application.

Note: The innodb-buffer-pool-xxx options are related, and may requiring tuning together. Consult the MySQL InnoDB documentation to research and understand the effects before you change these these options.

Connecting to a MySQL Database Service Instance

To access a MySQL database Service Instance, the host on which the client application is running must have connectivity to the Application Network configured for the instance.

You can use any SQL client application to connect to a database in your MySQL Service Instance. To connect, you must be able to identify the FQDN of the MySQL server host, the port on which the server is running, and the database name. You must also have the MySQL admin credentials on hand. You can obtain this information from the Data Management for VMware Tanzu console as described in Locating the Database Service Instance Connection Parameters.

Using TLS with a MySQL Database Service Instance

Refer to Configuring MySQL to Use Encrypted Connections in the MySQL documentation for more information on using TLS with MySQL.

Note: Data Management for VMware Tanzu does not support verify-full TLS configuration for client applications connecting to a Service Instance.

Requiring TLS

Note: The default SSL/TLS configuration for MySQL on Data Management for VMware Tanzu does not require secure client connections.

You can configure a MySQL Service Instance to require SSL/TLS client connections during creation or after provisioning as follows:

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