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The vCPU and memory resources initially available to a Service Instance VM are determined by the Instance Configuration Mode specified for the Organization to which the provisioning user belongs.

Data Management for VMware Tanzu supports two modes of vCPU and memory resource configuration when a user provisions a service instance:

  • Free Mode - The provisioning user specifies the vCPU and memory settings for the Service Instance VM.
  • Plans Mode - The vCPU and memory settings for the Service Instance VM are constrained by the currently configured instance plans, one of which must be selected by the provisioning user.

Plans Mode requires that you define at least one instance plan for the Data Management for VMware Tanzu installation. No additional configuration is required on your part for Free Mode.

Working with Instance Plans

Note: The procedures in these topics are applicable only when at least one Organization in the management domain is configured to use Plans Mode instance resource sizing.

An instance plan is a named, pre-defined combination of compute and memory resources. When you configure an instance plan, you provide a name, a number vCPUs, and a memory amount in GBs.

You view and manage instance plans in the Instance Plans console view.

You can add, update, or delete an instance plan at any time:

  • Newly-added plans are immediately available to users.
  • Instance plan updates do not affect service instances that were previously provisioned using the plan; these instances retain their existing resource configuration. The updated plan configuration is then available to newly-provisioned services.
  • Deleting a plan permanently removes the plan. It does not affect service instances that were previously provisioned using the plan; these instances retain their existing resource configuration.

All instance plans that you configure are available to any user that is a member of an Organization configured with the Plans Mode instance configuration mode.

Adding an Instance Plan

You add an instance plan to make a specific combination of vCPU and memory resources available to provisioned Service Instance VMs.

Perform the following procedure to define a new instance plan:

  1. Select Instance Plans from the left navigation pane.

    This action displays the Instance Plans view, a table that lists the configured instance plans.

  2. Click ADD NEW PLAN in the upper right corner of the view.

    This action opens the Add Instance Plan form.

  3. Set the desired resource configuration properties:

    Property Name Value
    Plan name The name of the instance plan.
    vCPU The number of vCPU cores to assign to a provisioned Service Instance VM.
    Memory The amount of memory (in GBs) to allocate to a provisioned Service Instance VM.
  4. Click ADD

    The new instance plan is added to the table, and becomes immediately available to users.

Updating an Instance Plan

You may choose to change the name or the vCPU or memory resource configuration of an existing instance plan.

Changes that you make to instance plan resource configuration properties apply only to newly-provisioned service instances; service instances that were previously provisioned with the instance plan retain their existing resource configuration.

Perform the following procedure to update the properties of an instance plan:

  1. Select Instance Plans from the left navigation pane.

    This action displays the Instance Plans view, a table that lists the configured instance plans.

  2. Examine the instance plans listed in the table, identify the plan whose properties you wish to update, and navigate to that table row.

  3. Click the pencil icon in the Action column.

    The Update Instance Plan dialog displays.

  4. Update the desired properties. You can update the plan name, number of vCPUs, and the memory configuration.

  5. Click UPDATE.

    The instance plan properties are updated, and the updated configuration is immediately available to users.

Deleting an Instance Plan

If you no longer require an instance plan, you may choose to delete it. Deleting an instance plan does not affect service instances that were previously provisioned using the plan; these instances retain their existing resource configuration.

Perform the following procedure to delete an instance plan:

  1. Select Instance Plans from the left navigation pane.

    This action displays the Instance Plans view, a table that lists the configured instance plans.

  2. Examine the instance plans listed in the table, identify the plan that you want to delete, and navigate to that table row.

  3. Click the trash can icon in the Action column.

    The Delete Instance Plan dialog displays.

  4. Click CONFIRM to permanently delete the instance plan.

    The instance plan is removed from the table, and is no longer available to any Organization.

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