You can import users from a previously-configured LDAP identity provider and assign them the Provider Administrator role in your Data Management for VMware Tanzu installation. You do this by designating LDAP groups to the role in the Provider organization.

Note: You cannot directly create a Provider Administrator Local user in Data Management for VMware Tanzu.


Before you import an LDAP user, ensure that you have configured an LDAP server for your Data Management for VMware Tanzu installation.


Perform the following procedure to import a Provider Administrator user from LDAP:

  1. Select Organizations from the left navigation pane.

    This action displays the Organizations view, a table that lists the configured organizations.

  2. Navigate to the table row for the Provider Organization Name, and click anywhere in that row.

    The Organizations > provider pane, Databases tab displays.

  3. Click the Settings tab.

    The LDAP Integration pane displays.

  4. Click EDIT in the upper right corner of the pane.

    The LDAP Integration dialog displays.

  5. Use the Provider Groups field to specify the LDAP groups whose users you want Data Management for VMware Tanzu to assign the Provider Administrator role.

  6. Click UPDATE.

    Data Management for VMware Tanzu associates the LDAP users in the specified groups to the Provider Administrator role. These users can now log in to the Data Management for VMware Tanzu console using their LDAP credentials.

    Note: An LDAP user is added to Data Management for VMware Tanzu and displays in the Users view after they log in for the first time.
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