Here are the release notes for the Dynatrace Full-Stack Add-on for VMware Tanzu.


Release Date: Mar 1, 2021

Features included in this release:

  • Internal change, no new features added. Only adapted the OneAgent installer parameters to the new style ones.


Release Date: May 14, 2020

Features included in this release:

  • Added installerargs property to customize OneAgent installation arguments

Fixed with this release:

  • Adds a minor safety-check/mitigation to prevent possible problems during removal of the release
  • Authorization token is now handed over via HTTP header instead of directly in the URL via GET.


Release Date: April 25, 2019

Fixed with this release:

  • For Windows-based VMs the OneAgent BOSH release will now use the .exe instead of the .msi installer
  • Allowing TLS, TLS1.1 and TLS1.2 in order to guarantee a secure download of the OneAgent for Windows-based VMs


Release Date: March 7, 2019

Features included in this release:

  • Optionally verify the agent download. It is off by default, and it can be activated by setting the Dynatrace property validatedownload to true in the runtime config.
  • A custom property has been added on host-level, named BOSHReleaseVersion, that includes the version of Dynatrace BOSH Release installed.

Fixed with this release:

  • Windows job has been refactored. Now if there are issues with the agent download or installation then the deployment fails.
  • Agent logs and config were deleted when draining the Linux OneAgent job. They are now left in place. Also the logs from the job itself.


Release Date: January 22, 2019

Features included in this release:

  • Support for Xenial stemcells
  • Improved logging for download errors
  • Updated integration tests and added documentation for that

Fixed with this release:

  • Dynatrace installation is now validated
  • Download-retry timeout is now respected


Release Date: August 27, 2018

Features included in this release:

  • Option to set hostgroup for VMs in deployment
  • Option to define host tags for VMs in deployment
  • Option to define custom properties for VMs in deployment
  • Option to enable cloud infrastructure monitoring mode
  • Fixed possible race condition which prevented draining the oneagent-release from Windows Diego cells under high load.


Release Date: May 2, 2018

Features included in this release:

  • Job packages in spec files made empty arrays instead of nil
  • oneagenthelper was removed
  • Overall stability of OneAgent deployment improved
  • Fixed race condition with agent auto-update


Release Date: January 18, 2018

Features included in this release:

  • Separate monit task for oneagenthelper
  • Improved logging
  • Added pre-start script to roll out the agent before other jobs run


Release Date: June 9, 2017

Features included in this release:

  • BOSH job for deploying Dynatrace OneAgent to Linux VMs
  • BOSH job for deploying Dynatrace OneAgent to Windows VMs
  • Flag for accepting self-signed certificates for OneAgent deployment
  • Property to specify proxy credentials in proxied environments
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