groups: ##### BEGIN FOUNDATION ALERTING RULES ##### - name: BOSHDirectorHealth rules: - alert: BOSHDirectorStatus expr: 'increase(bosh_sli_failures_total{scrape_instance_group="bosh-health-exporter"}[20m]) > 0' for: 20m annotations: summary: "A BOSH Director is down" description: | Losing the BOSH Director does not significantly impact the experience of Tanzu Application Service end users. However, this issue means a loss of resiliency for BOSH-managed VMs. Troubleshooting Steps: SSH into the `bosh-health-exporter` VM in the "Healthwatch Exporter" deployment, and view logs to find out why the BOSH Director is failing. - name: CertificateExpiration rules: - alert: ExpiringCertificate expr: "ssl_certificate_expiry_seconds < 2592000" for: 5m annotations: summary: "A certificate is expiring" description: | At least one certificate ({{ $labels.display_name }}) on your foundation is going to expire within 30 days. - name: OpsManagerHealth rules: - alert: OpsManagerStatus expr: 'probe_success{instance=""} <= 0' for: 10m annotations: summary: "The Ops Manager health check failed" description: | Issues with Ops Manager health should have no direct end user impacts, however it can can impact an operator's ability to perform an upgrade or to rescale the Tanzu Application Service platform when necessary. ##### END FOUNDATION ALERTING RULES ##### ##### BEGIN TAS ALERTING RULES ##### - name: TanzuApplicationServiceSLOs rules: - alert: TanzuSLOCFPushErrorBudget expr: '( (1 - (rate(tas_sli_task_failures_total{task="push"}[28d]) / rate(tas_sli_task_runs_total{task="push"}[28d]) ) ) - 0.99) * (28 * 24 * 60) <= 0' for: 15m annotations: summary: "The `cf_push` command is unresponsive" description: | This alert fires when the error budget reaches zero. This commonly occurs when: - Diego is under-scaled - UAA is unresponsive - Cloud Controller is unresponsive Check the status of these components in order to diagnose the issue. - alert: TanzuSLOCFPushAvailability expr: 'rate(tas_sli_task_failures_total{task="push"}[5m:15s]) * 300 > 0' for: 10m annotations: summary: "The `cf_push` command is unresponsive" description: | This alert fires when the command has been unresponsive for 10 minutes. This commonly occurs when: - Diego is under-scaled - UAA is unresponsive - Cloud Controller is unresponsive Check the status of these components in order to diagnose the issue. - alert: TanzuSLOCanaryAppErrorBudget expr: "( (avg_over_time(probe_success[28d]) - 0.999) * (28 * 24 * 60) ) <= 0" for: 10m annotations: summary: "Your Error Budget for your Canary URLs is below zero" description: | This alert fires when your error budget for your Canary URLs is below zero. If your Canary URLs are representative of other running applications, this could indicate that your end users are affected. Recommended troubleshooting steps: Check to see if your canary app(s) are running. Then check your foundation's networking, capacity, and VM health. - alert: TanzuSLOCanaryAppAvailability expr: "avg_over_time(probe_success[5m]) < 1" for: 1m annotations: summary: "Your Canary URL ({{ $labels.instance }}) is unresponsive" description: | The Canary URL ({{ $labels.instance }}) has been unresponsive for at least 5 minutes. If your Canary URL is representative of other running applications, this could indicate that your end users are affected. Recommended troubleshooting steps: Check to see if your canary app(s) are running. Then check your foundation's networking, capacity, and VM health. - name: TASCLIHealth rules: - alert: TASCLICommandStatus expr: "increase(tas_sli_task_failures_total[10m]) > 0" for: 10m annotations: summary: "Healthwatch Tanzu Application Service CLI tests are failing" description: | One or more CLI tests have been failing for at least 10 minutes. App Smoke Tests run every 5-minutes. When running HA, multiple smoke tests may run in the given 5-minutes. These tests are intended to give Platform Operators confidence that Application Developers can successfully interact with and manage applications on the platform. Note: smoke tests will report a failure if any task (e.g. `push`, `login`) takes more than 5 minutes to complete. Troubleshooting Steps: If a failure occurs, attempt to use the failed CLI command in a terminal to see why it is failing. - name: TASDiego rules: - alert: TASDiegoMemoryUsed expr: 'label_replace( (sum by (placement_tag) (CapacityTotalMemory) - sum by (placement_tag) (CapacityRemainingMemory) ) / sum by (placement_tag) (CapacityTotalMemory), "placement_tag", "cf", "placement_tag", "") > .65' for: 10m annotations: summary: "Available memory for Diego Cells is running low" description: | You have exceeded 65% of your available Diego Cell memory capacity for ({{ $labels.placement_tag }}) for at least 10 minutes. Low memory can prevent app scaling and new deployments. The overall sum of capacity can indicate that you need to scale the platform. It is recommended that you have enough memory available to suffer a possible failure of an entire availability zone (AZ). If following the best practice guidance of three AZs, your % available memory should always be at least 35%. Troubleshooting Steps: Assign more resources to the cells or assign more cells by scaling Diego cells in the Resource Config pane of the Tanzu Application Service tile. - alert: TASDiegoDiskUsed expr: 'label_replace( (sum by (placement_tag) (CapacityTotalDisk) - sum by (placement_tag) (CapacityRemainingDisk) ) / sum by (placement_tag) (CapacityTotalDisk), "placement_tag", "cf", "placement_tag", "") > .65' for: 10m annotations: summary: "Available disk for Diego Cells is running low" description: | You have exceeded 65% of your available Diego Cell disk capacity for ({{ $labels.placement_tag }}) for at least 10 minutes. Low disk capacity can prevent app scaling and new deployments. The overall sum of capacity can indicate that you need to scale the platform. It is recommended that you have enough disk available to suffer a possible failure of an entire availability zone (AZ). If following the best practice guidance of three AZs, your % available disk should always be at least 35%. Troubleshooting Steps: Assign more resources to the cells or assign more cells by scaling Diego cells in the Resource Config pane of the Tanzu Application Service tile. - name: TASMySQLHealth rules: - alert: TASMySQLStatus expr: "_mysql_available <= 0" for: 10m annotations: summary: "The Tanzu Application Service MySQL database is not responding" description: | The MySQL database is used for persistent data storage by several Tanzu Application Service components. Note that this is the SQL database used by system components, not the MySQL service used by applications running on the platform. Tanzu Application Service components that use system databases include the Cloud Controller, Diego Brain, Gorouter, and the User Authorization and Authentication (UAA) server. Troubleshooting Steps: Run mysql-diag and check the MySQL Server logs for errors. - name: TASRouter rules: - alert: TASRouterHealth expr: 'system_healthy{exported_job="router", origin="bosh-system-metrics-forwarder"} <= 0 OR system_healthy{exported_job="router", origin="system_metrics_agent"} <= 0' for: 10m annotations: summary: "The Tanzu Application Service Router is down" description: | The Tanzu Application Service Router being down prevents users from interacting with applications and services on the platform. Troubleshooting Steps: Review detailed Tanzu Application Service Router metrics and logs for details on the cause of the error. - alert: TASRouterCPUUtilization expr: 'system_cpu_user{exported_job="router", origin="bosh-system-metrics-forwarder"} >= 80 OR system_cpu_user{exported_job="router", origin="system_metrics_agent"} >= 80' for: 5m annotations: summary: "The Tanzu Application Service Router is experiencing average CPU utilization above 80%" description: | High CPU utilization of the Gorouter VMs can increase latency and cause throughput, or requests per/second, to level-off. It is recommended to keep the CPU utilization within a maximum range of 60-70% for best Gorouter performance. Troubleshooting Steps: Resolve high utilization by scaling the Gorouters horizontally, or vertically by editing the Router VM in the Resource Config pane of the Tanzu Application Service tile. - alert: TASRouterFileDescriptors expr: "file_descriptors >= 90000" for: 5m annotations: summary: "A Tanzu Application Service Router job has exceeded 90,000 file descriptors over the past 5 minutes" description: | The Tanzu Application Service Router on index ({{ $labels.index }}) has exceeded 90,000 file descriptors over the past 5 minutes. File Descriptors are an indication of an impending issue with the GoRouter. Each incoming request to the router consumes 2 file descriptors. Without the proper mitigations, it could be possible for an unresponsive application to eventually exhaust the file descriptors in GoRouter, starving routes from other applications running on Tanzu Application Service. Troubleshooting steps: (1) Identify which app(s) are requesting excessive connections and resolve the impacting issues with these applications. (2) If above recommended mitigations have not already been taken, do so. (3) Consider adding more GoRouter VM resources to increase total available file descriptors. - name: TASUAA rules: - alert: TASUAAHealth expr: 'system_healthy{exported_job="uaa", origin="bosh-system-metrics-forwarder"} <= 0 OR system_healthy{exported_job="uaa", origin="system_metrics_agent"} <= 0' for: 10m annotations: summary: "A UAA VM has been unhealthy for 10 minutes" description: | The Tanzu Application Service UAA on index ({{ $labels.index }}) has been unhealthy for 10 minutes. If UAA is down, developers and operators cannot authenticate to access the platform. Troubleshooting steps: - Scale the UAA VMs in BOSH - See the [UAA Documentation]( for more details and troubleshooting ideas. # APPLY THIS IF THE USAGE SERVICE IS DESIRED/INSTALLED - name: TASUsageService rules: - alert: TASUsageServiceEventProcessingLag expr: 'sum(usage_service_app_usage_event_cc_lag_seconds) by (deployment) >= 172800' for: 5m annotations: summary: "Usage Service has failed to fetch Events from Cloud Controller (CAPI) for the last 48 hours for the deployment ({{ $labels.deployment }}." description: | This is typically caused when Usage Service is running correctly, but can't reach CAPI. Common issues are Usage Service can not authenticate, Cloud Controller is in a bad state or the network settings are incorrectly set up. Troubleshooting Steps: - Check CAPI - Try `cf curl /v2/app_usage_events`. The response should be 200 with recent events as the payload. - Check UAA - Make sure the Usage Service can authenticate with CAPI. - Check the network settings. * If the Usage Service fails to fetch events for 7 or more days, reach out to support. **Data loss can occur if the Usage Service fails to fetch events for more than 29 days. ** - alert: TASUsageServiceEventFetchingStatus expr: 'sum(usage_service_app_usage_event_fetcher_job_exit_code) by (deployment) >= 1' for: 6h annotations: summary: "Usage Service Event Fetching is failing for the deployment ({{ $labels.deployment }}." description: | Typically, this means the Usage Service is healthy, but CAPI is not returning the information that is being requested. Historically, this has happened either due to network failures, or the UAA component not authenticating the Usage Service application successfully. Troubleshooting steps: - Check to see if you are able to query CAPI for /v2/app_usage_events and /v2/service_usage_events using the `cf curl` command. A failure would indicate there is a problem outside of the Usage Service application affecting the health of the foundation. - Check to see if UAA is working correctly. * If the Usage Service Event Fetching is failing for more than 7 days, reach out to support immediately. **Data loss can occur if Event Fetching fails for more than 29 days.** ##### END TAS ALERTING RULES ##### ##### BEGIN HEALTHWATCH ALERTING RULES ##### - name: HealthwatchTASSLOs rules: - alert: HealthwatchTASFunctionalExporter expr: 'service_up{service="pas-sli-exporter"} < 1' for: 10m annotations: summary: "The Healthwatch Tanzu Application Service Functional Exporter is down" description: | The Healthwatch Tanzu Application Service Functional Exporter has been down for 10 minutes. - alert: HealthwatchTASCounterExporter expr: 'service_up{service="pas-exporter-counter"} < 1' for: 10m annotations: summary: "The Healthwatch Tanzu Application Service Counter Exporter is down" description: | The Healthwatch Tanzu Application Service Counter Exporter has been down for 10 minutes. - alert: HealthwatchTASGaugeExporter expr: 'service_up{service="pas-exporter-gauge"} < 1' for: 10m annotations: summary: "The Healthwatch Tanzu Application Service Gauge Exporter is down" description: | The Healthwatch Tanzu Application Service Gauge Exporter has been down for 10 minutes. ##### END HEALTHWATCH ALERTING RULES ##### ##### BEGIN MYSQL TILE ALERTING RULES ##### - name: MySQLHealth rules: - alert: MySQLSingleNodeAndMultiSiteClusterHealth expr: 'avg by (deployment) (_p_mysql_available unless on (index, deployment) _p_mysql_galera_wsrep_ready unless on (index, deployment) _p_mysql_follower_is_follower * on (index, deployment) (_p_mysql_system_persistent_disk_used_percent < bool 30) * on (index, deployment) (_p_mysql_system_ephemeral_disk_used_percent < bool 95) * on (index, deployment) (_p_mysql_performance_cpu_utilization_percent < bool 90) * on (index, deployment) system_healthy{exported_job=~".*mysql.*", deployment=~"service-instance.*", origin="bosh-system-metrics-forwarder"}) < 1' for: 10m annotations: summary: "MySQL Single node or Multi-Site deployment has been unhealthy for 10 minutes" description: | One or more MySQL Single node or Multi-site cluster instances have been unhealthy for at least 10 minutes. This may have an impact on applications connected to those databases. Troubleshooting Steps: - Check the MySQL Server logs for errors - Check disk capacity - Check CPU utilization - See more at and - alert: MySQLLeaderFollowerClusterHealth expr: 'avg by (deployment) (_p_mysql_follower_slave_io_running * on (index, deployment) _p_mysql_follower_slave_sql_running * on (index, deployment) _p_mysql_available * on (index, deployment) (_p_mysql_system_persistent_disk_used_percent < bool 30) * on (index, deployment) (_p_mysql_system_ephemeral_disk_used_percent < bool 95) * on (index, deployment) (_p_mysql_performance_cpu_utilization_percent < bool 90) * on (index, deployment) system_healthy{exported_job=~".*mysql.*", deployment=~"service-instance.*", origin="bosh-system-metrics-forwarder"}) <= .5' for: 10m annotations: summary: "MySQL Leader-Follower deployment has been unhealthy for 10 minutes" description: | One or more MySQL Leader-Follower cluster instances have been unhealthy for at least 10 minutes. This may have an impact on applications connected to those databases. Troubleshooting Steps: - Check the MySQL Server logs for errors - Run the inspect errand to see if nodes are correctly configured for replication - Check disk capacity - Check CPU utilization - See more at and - alert: MySQLHighAvailabilityClusterHealth expr: 'avg by (deployment) (_p_mysql_galera_wsrep_ready * on (index, deployment) _p_mysql_available * on (index, deployment) (_p_mysql_system_persistent_disk_used_percent < bool 90) * on (index, deployment) (_p_mysql_system_ephemeral_disk_used_percent < bool 95) * on (index, deployment) (_p_mysql_performance_cpu_utilization_percent < bool 90) * on (index, deployment) system_healthy{exported_job=~".*mysql.*", deployment=~"service-instance.*", origin="bosh-system-metrics-forwarder"}) <= .67' for: 10m annotations: summary: "MySQL High Availability deployment has been unhealthy for 10 minutes" description: | One or more MySQL High Availability cluster instances have been unhealthy for at least 10 minutes. This may have an impact on applications connected to those databases. Troubleshooting Steps: - Check the MySQL Server logs for errors - Run mysql-diag on the mysql-jumpbox instance for the cluster to check the cluster's state - Ensure no infrastructure event is affecting intra-cluster communication - Check disk capacity - Check CPU utilization - See more at and ##### END MYSQL TILE ALERTING RULES ##### ##### BEGIN RABBITMQ ALERTING RULES ##### - name: RabbitMQHealth rules: - alert: RabbitMQClusterHealth expr: 'avg by (deployment) (min by (deployment, index) ( (1 - _p_rabbitmq_rabbitmq_system_disk_free_alarm) or (1 - _p_rabbitmq_rabbitmq_system_mem_alarm ) or system_healthy{origin="bosh-system-metrics-forwarder", exported_job=~"rabbitmq-server|rabbitmq-haproxy"} or (_p_rabbitmq_rabbitmq_erlang_reachable_nodes == bool on (deployment) group_left count(system_healthy{origin="bosh-system-metrics-forwarder"}) by (deployment) ) ) ) < .5' for: 5m annotations: summary: "At least 50% of RabbitMQ nodes for a deployment are down" description: | View the RabbitMQ Details dashboard in order to diagnose the issue for the ({{ $labels.deployment }}) deployment. ##### END RABBITMQ ALERTING RULES #####