You can export a PEM-format certificate from a Windows system. On Windows, the PEM certificate encoding is called Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER).


Become familiar with how to use Certificate Manager on a Windows system. For more information, see the Microsoft TechNet Web site at


  1. On the Windows system, open Certificate Manager (certmgr.exe).
  2. Right-click the certificate to export and select All Tasks > Export.
  3. Select options in the Certificate Export Wizard.
    1. Select Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER) for the file export format.
      For the certificate to work with Horizon FLEX, you must choose this option.
    2. Provide a location to save the certificate and a file name.
    3. Review the settings you selected and click Finish.
    The certificate file is saved to the location you indicated.