vRealize Operations Management Pack for Horizon displays the following properties for the Horizon adapter.

Object Metric Group Name Description
Application Pool Configuration Global Entitlement Displays the Cloud Pod Global Entitlement pool name if the pool is a part of Global Pool, otherwise the value will be NIL.
Parent Farm Displays the RDS Farm where the Application Pool is a part of the setup.
Pool ID Displays the unique identification of the RDS Application Pool. This identifies which Application Pool is associated with a given Application Session.
Pool Name Displays the name of the Application Pool to the end user.
Status Status Displays the Status of the application pool. Investigate if it is not enabled as that means it is not available for user consumption.
Application Session Client Horizon Client Agent Version Displays the version number of Horizon Client software. Best Practice is to match the Horizon version.
Connection Server Availability No of LDAP Replication Servers in Error State Displays the number of LDAP replication servers in error state.
Status Displays the status of the connection server.
Pod CPU Total Capacity Displays the Sum of all vSphere Clusters capacity that are part of Horizon. This is physical, configured capacity.
Inventory vSphere Clusters Displays the present number of vSphere clusters in the pod, including the management clusters & NSX Edge cluster. This should match the documented architecture or plan. If not, either update the documentation or the actual deployment.
Connection Servers Displays the number of Horizon Connection Servers in the Pod. It counts any server regardless of operational status so it's registered with the Pod. This should match the documented architecture or plan. If not, either update the documentation or the actual deployment
Memory Total Capacity Displays the Sum of all vSphere Clusters capacity that are part of Horizon. This is physical, configured capacity.
RDS Farm RDS Host RDS Host OS Displays the operating system details of the RDS Host.
Availability Status Displays the Status of the RDS Farm. Investigate if it is not enabled as that means it is not available for user consumption.
Inventory Application Pools Displays the Number of application pools in the farm. This should match the documented architecture or plan. If not, either update the documentation or the actual deployment
Configuration Description Displays the description text explaining the RDS Farm.
Farm Type Displays the farm type of the RDS farm.
Horizon Agent Version Displays the version number of Horizon Agent software. Best Practice is to match the Horizon version. In an automated pool, there is only one agent version. In manual farm, there can bemore than one versions.
Planned Number of Sessions Displays the maximum number of sessions that the Horizon Architect plans this Farm to have.
Planned Session CPU Size Displays the average session expected CPU consumption. If the actual reality is above this number, then the plan has under estimated the actual demand.
Planned Session Memory Size Displays the average session expected memory consumption. If the actual reality is above this number, then the plan has under estimated the actual demand.
Protocol Type Displays the type of Horizon protocol, such as PCoIP and Blast. Each protocol has their own characteristics.
RDS Host Summary Operating Systems Displays the Windows Server OS version of the RDS Host.
Memory Total Capacity Displays the Sum of all vSphere Clusters capacity that are part of Horizon. This is physical, configured capacity.
RDS Session Client Horizon Client Agent Version Displays the version number of Horizon Client software. Best Practice is to match the Horizon version.
Horizon Client OS Type Displays the Operating Systems of the device where Horizon Client is running. Capabilities may vary among OS.
Site Inventory Pods Displays the number of pods in the site.
RDS Farms Displays the present number of RDS Farms in the Site. This should match the documented architecture or plan. If not, either update the documentation or the actual deployment.
RDS Hosts Displays the present number of RDS Hosts in the Site. This should match the documented architecture or plan. If not, either update the documentation or the actual deployment.
VDI Virtual Machines See VDI Virtual Machines, and adjust accordingly.
User Client Horizon Client Agent Version Displays the version number of Horizon Agent software. Best Practice is to match the Horizon version.
Horizon Client IP Address Local Displays the Network IP Address of Horizon Client. This is the internal LAN IP address.
Horizon Client OS Type Displays the Operating Systems of the device where Horizon Client is running. If the user uses more than one client, this will show multiple values.
Security Gateway Address Displays the network IP Address of the Horizon Security Gateway that the user used to connect. It can be used to understand the Horizon client connectivity path and for troubleshooting network connectivity issues.
Security Gateway DNS Displays the DNS name of the Horizon Security Gateway that the user used to connect. It can be used for understanding Horizon Client connectivity path and for troubleshooting network related issues.
VDI Desktop VDI DNS Name Displays the DNS name of assigned desktop from VDI pool.
Pool Usage RDS App Host VM MOID Displays the User date timestamp DNS name of assigned RDS host VM MOID for Application Session.
RDS App Pool Name Displays the User Date Time stamp of application pool accessed by the user.
RDS Desktop Host VM MOID Displays the User date timestamp DNS name of assigned RDS host VM MOID for RDS Desktop Session.
RDS Desktop Pool Name Displays the User Date Time stamp of RDS Desktop Pool for RDS Desktop Session.
VDI Application Pool Name Displays the name of the application pool that the user currently uses.
VDI Pool Name Displays the VDI pool that the user currently uses.
VDI VM Name Displays the vSphere virtual machine that the user currently uses.
VDI Session Client Horizon Client Agent Version Displays the version number of Horizon Agent software. Best Practice is to match the Horizon version.
Horizon Client OS Type Displays the Operating Systems of the device where Horizon Client is running. Capabilities may vary among OS.
CPU Total Capacity Displays the Sum of all vSphere Clusters capacity that are part of Horizon. This is physical, configured capacity.
Memory Total Capacity Displays the Sum of all vSphere Clusters capacity that are part of Horizon. This is physical, configured capacity.
VDI Pool Configuration Configured CPU Displays the size of a VDI VM in terms of CPU resources. This property is only applicable for automated pool.
Configured Desktops Displays the number of VDI virtual machines that the pool are designed to have. This is the highest possible number for that pool.
Horizon Agent Version Displays the version number of Horizon Agent software. Best Practice is to match the Horizon version. In an automated pool, there is only 1 agent version. In manual pool, there can be more than one versions.
Operating Systems Displays the Desktop OS provided by the VDI Pool. This is only applicable for automated pool. Manual pool can have multiple OS.
Protocol Type Displays the type of Horizon protocol, such as PCoIP and Blast. Each protocol has their own characteristics.
CPU Total Capacity Displays the size of the VDI Pool capacity in terms of CPU resources.
Desktop Agent Agent Unreachable Displays the number of Horizon Agent that is not reachable by Connection Server. Best Practice is to keep this number 0.
Configuration Error Displays the number of Horizon Desktop Agent with configuration error. Best Practice is to keep this number 0.
Disabled Agents Error Displays the number of Horizon Desktop with disabled agent.
Domain Failure Error Displays the number of Horizon Desktop with domain joining failure.
Invalid IP Error Displays the number of Horizon Desktop with invalid IP address. Indicates networking issue preventing desktops from receiving valid IP, possibly DHCP or networking configuration related.
Protocol Failure Error Displays the number of Horizon Desktop with Horizon network protocol (Eample - Blast, PCoIP) problem.
Reboot Required Error Displays the number of Horizon Desktop that requires reboot.
Startup In Progress Displays the number of VDI desktops starting up and reaching the available state. This should be close to 0, otherwise it could indicate a pool availability issue.
Desktop State Assigned User Connected Displays the number of users connected to the pool. Assigned means the user has been configured with access to the pool. This metric excludes unassigned users.
Capacity Used Displays the percentage of desktops in a VDI Pool that are considered in use out of the total number of desktops. If Capacity Used = 100 percent, no additional desktops are available.
Customizing Displays the number of desktops in the customizing process. They are not available for user consumption while in this stage.
Deleting Displays the number of desktops being deleted (in process).
Disable in Progress Displays the number of desktops being disabled (in process). A disabled desktop is not usable.
Disabled Displays the number of disabled desktops. Best practice is to keep this number low.
Error Displays the number of desktop with error.
In Progress A desktop agent status of In Progress indicates that the desktop is being created, but it is not ready for use. If a single desktop or larger number of desktops remain in this state this can indicate an issue with the destop image or Horizon environment.
Maintenance Mode Desktops Displays the number of desktop in maintenance mode. Best practice is to keep this number low.
Provisioned A desktop agent status of provisioned indicates that the desktop has been created, but it is not ready for use. If a single desktop or larger number of desktops remain in this state this can indicate an issue with the destop image or Horizon environment.
Unassigned User Connected Displays the number of unassigned users connected to the pool. Investigate why this happen as only assigned users should be connected.
Unknown Displays the number of desktop with unknown error.
Used Displays the number of VDI desktops in used. Best Practice is to keep this number below the capacity.
Waiting for Agent Displays the number of desktops waiting for Horizon Agent to report. This should be 0.
Memory Total Capacity Displays the size of the VDI Pool capacity in terms of memory resources.
Inventory vSphere Clusters Displays the present number of vSphere clusters in the pod, including the management clusters & NSX Edge cluster. This should match the documented architecture or plan. If not, either update the documentation or the actual deployment.
Session Planned Sessions Displays the number of sessions that the VDI Pool is designed to have. Compare this plan with the actual number of session.
World CPU Total Capacity Displays the Sum of all vSphere Clusters capacity that are part of Horizon. This is physical, configured capacity.
Utilization Displays the Sum of all vSphere clusters CPU utilization.
Memory Total Capacity Displays the Sum of all vSphere Clusters capacity that are part of Horizon. This is physical, configured capacity.
Utilization Displays the Sum of all vSphere clusters memory utilization.
Inventory Connection Servers See Connection Servers, and adjust accordingly.
Sites Displays the present number of Horizon Sites in the inventory. This should match the documented architecture or plan. If not, either update the documentation or the actual deployment.
UAG Servers Displays the present number of Universal Access Gateway in the inventory. This should match the documented architecture or plan. If not, either update the documentation or the actual deployment.
VDI Virtual Machines Displays the present number of VDI Virtual Machines in the inventory. This should match the documented architecture or plan. If not, either update the documentation or the actual deployment.
vSphere Clusters Displays the present number of vSphere clusters in the inventory. If the vsphere clusters are reused across 'n' pods then the count of cluster will be 'n' times.
vSphere Datastores Displays the present number of vSphere datastores in the inventory that are associated with Horizon, be it shared or local datastores. This should match the documented architecture or plan. If not, either update the documentation or the actual deployment.
Resource Property Group Property Name Metric Key
VDIPool Pool Properties | Status Enabled enabled
Provisioning Enabled provisioningEnabled
Suspend Provisioning On Error suspendProvisioningOnError
User Assignment userAssignment
Last Provisioning Error lastProvisioningError
Capacity Configured Maximum Desktops maxDesktops
Configured Minimum Desktops minDesktops
Number of Usable Desktops noOfDesktops
Number of Spare Desktops spareDesktops
Provisioning Error provisioningError
Error error
Datastore Count dsCount
Name(s) dsName
Capacity (GB) capacity
Availability Desktops Machine Error states
RDSDesktopPool Pool Properties | Summary Pool Name poolName
Description description
Global Entitlement entitlements
Provisioning Enabled provisioningEnabled
RDSFarm Summary Configured Maximum Sessions Type maxSessionsType
Farm ID farmId
Farm Name farmName
Farm Display Name farmDisplayName
Farm Type farmType
RDS Server Count rdsServerCount
Farm Enabled farmEnabled
Application Count applicationCount
Maximum Sessions maxSessions
Count dsCount
Datastore (Only for Automated Farm) Name(s) dsName
Capacity (GB) capacity
Application Pool Pool Properties | Summary Farm Name farmName
Pool ID PoolID
Pool Name poolName
Description description
Global Entitlement entitlements
Desktop Pool Name desktopPoolName
Application Version applicationVersion
Pool Properties | Status Enabled enabled
RDSHost Status Agent Unreachable agentUnreachable
Provisioning Error provisioningError
Error State agentErrorStates
Summary Farm Name farmName
DNS Name dnsName
RDS Host Enabled rdsHostEnabled
Pod Status Endpoint Health podEndpointStatus
Summary Number of Datastores dsCount
Number of RDS Farms farmCount
Number of RDS Hosts rdsServerCount
Number of Unmanaged Machines unmanagedMachineCount
Number of VDI Machines vdiVirtualMachineCount
Name(s) dsName
Capacity capacity
Number of Users usersCount
ConnectionServer Certificate Properties Default Certificate defaultCertificate
Valid valid
StartTime startTime
Expiration Time expirationTime
Invalid Reason invalidReason
Services Status PCoIP Secure Gateway PCoIPSecureGateway
Blast Secure Gateway BlastSecureGateway
Security Gateway SecurityGateway
Summary DNS Name dnsName
Status status
Version version
Build Number buildNumber
Enabled enabled
Number of LDAP Replication Servers in Error State ldapReplicationErrorCount
Data Collection Enabled collectionEnabled
Data Collection Status collectionState
Horizon License Licensed licensed
User Application RDS Server DNS Names rdsHostDnsName
RDS Server MOIDs rdsHostmoid
RDS Application Pools rdsAppPools
VDI Application Pools vdiAppPools
VDI Machine MOIDs vdiMachineMoid
VDI Machine DNS Names vdiMachineDnsName
RDS Desktop Pool Names desktopPoolName
RDS Server MOIDs rdsHostmoid
RDS RDS Server DNS Names rdsHostDnsName
Names clientName
Types clientType
HorizonClient Client Versions clientVersion
Broker IP Addresses clientBrokerIpAddress
IP Addresses clientAddress
Agent Versions agentVersion
VDI Pool Names desktopPoolName
Machine MOIDs moid
VDI Desktop VDI DNS Names dnsName
VDI Session Global Entitlement globalEntitlement
Pool Name poolName
Summary DNS Name dnsName
MOID moid
Client Name clientName
Client Type clientType
HorizonClient Client Version clientVersion
Security Gateway Address securityGatewayAddress
Security Gateway DNS securityGatewayDNS
RDSSession Global Entitlement globalEntitlement
Pool Name poolName
Summary DNS Name dnsName
Protocol Type protocolType
Client Name clientName
Client Type clientType
RDS Client Version clientVersion
Security Gateway Address securityGatewayAddress
Horizon Client Security Gateway DNS securityGatewayDNS