The Horizon Dashboard and Summary pages are not displayed data.


The following Horizon Dashboards are not displaying data:
  • HorizonAvailability -- VDI Pools: Status -- No data to display
  • HorizonAvailability --VDI Pools: Provisioning Status -- No data to display
The following Horizon Summary pages are not displaying data:
  • Application Pool -> Performance across sessions
  • Application Session -> Performance , Protocol statistics
  • Horizon User -> Protocol KPI
  • RDS Desktop Pool -> RDS Sessions Network Performance Distribution
  • VDI Session -> Performance


If the HorizonAvailability --VDI Pools: Status displays no data, then perform the following steps:
  1. Click the Dashboards tab.
  2. Go to Views -> Manage Views.
  3. Search for Availability \ VDI Pool Enabled using filter option.
  4. Click ACTIONS->Edit View.
  5. In the middle pane, click the remove icon to delete the existing Data.
  6. In left pane, click Data then click the drop-down icon and select Properties.
  7. Expand Pool Properties->Pool Statusand select Enabled.
  8. Drag and drop the selected metric to middle pane.
  9. Under Configuration, enter the Metric label name as Enabled?
  10. Click SAVE.

If the HorizonAvailability --VDI Pools: Provisioning Status displays no data, then perform the following steps:

  1. Click on Dashboards tab.
  2. Go to Views -> Manage Views.
  3. Search for Availability \ VDI Pool Provisioning Enabled using filter option.
  4. Click ACTIONS->Edit View.
  5. In the middle pane, click the remove icon to delete the existing Data.
  6. In left pane, click Data then click the drop-down icon and select Properties.
  7. Expand Pool Properties->Pool Statusand select Provisoning Enabled
  8. Drag and drop the selected metric to middle pane.
  9. Under Configuration, enter the Metric label name as Provisioning Enabled?
  10. Click SAVE.
If the Horizon Summary Pages do not display data, then perform the following step:
  1. On the Horizon Adapter Instance configuration page, under Advanced Settings, set the value to true in Enable Protocol Performance Metric Collection option.