VDI Pool is a collection of VDI VMs, that are identically configured Microsoft Window 10. This dashboard gives an overall performance of the pool, with ability to drill down and troubleshoot the pool performance.

Design Consideration

This dashboard gives an overall performance of the VDI Pools. It is designed both as an entry point and as a drill down from the Datacenter dashboard, providing users the ability to drill down into one of the sessions in the pool.

How to Use the Dashboard

Review the health chart at the top of the dashboard.

  • Count of VDI Pools in the Red shows the number of Horizon VDI Pools with red datacenter KPI. Expect this to be 0 all the time, as none of them should be in the red because red is the worst level.

Review the table Pods with VDI Pools.

  • Expect all of them to be in the green range. At the very least, none of them should be in the red.

Select one of the entries in the table.

  • The VDI Pools of the selected entry are shown in the VDI Pools in the Pod table.

Review the Pools by Performance KPI bar chart.

  • Expect all of them to be in the green range. At the very least, none of them should be in the red.

  • Selecting one of the bars reveals the objects within the bucket. Click the maximize button in the tool bar of the widget to better see the list. Note that you cannot select one of the rows to drive other widget.

Review the table VDI Pools in the Pod.

  • Expect all of them to be in the green range. At the very least, none of them should be in the red.

  • Pay attention to the hosts that are not performing.

  • The number of sessions include both connected and disconnected session.

Select one of the entries in the table.

  • The KPI of the selected entry is shown in the scoreboards. There are four scoreboards showing different aspects of performance.

  • Its relevant property is shown in the property widget.

Select one or more entries in the scoreboard.

  • The line chart below the scoreboard plots the selected metrics.

  • Use the metric chart widget to compare metrics to see if there is any correlation.

  • You can also stack them. For example, you can combine Read IOPS and Write IOPS to get the Total IOPS. But, you should not combine Read Latency and Write Latency to get total latency as you must consider the read to write ratio.