RDS Session can either be a desktop session or an application session to an RDS Farm. A farm can have only 1 desktop pool, but can have multiple application pools.

Design Consideration

This dashboard is designed to complement the RDS Farm Performance dashboard and has a similar design. It acts as the details dashboard, allowing you to drill down from farm to one of its host members.

A large environment can have tens of thousands of sessions. To see live performance, use the Live! Horizon Session Performance dashboard.

How to Use the Dashboard

Review the table RDS Farms.

  • Expect all of them to be in the green range. At the very least, none of them should be in the red.

Select one of the entries in the table.

  • The session performance distribution is shown in the bar charts. There are two bar charts, one for the datacenter performance and the other for network performance.

  • The list of sessions in the farm is shown in the RDS Sessions in the Farms table.

Review the table RDS Sessions in the Farms.

  • As this is RDS session, a single session should not be dominating the shared RDS Host. A host serving 10 sessions means that each session should be using 10% on average.

  • The table shows the highest usage in the last 1 week. If that results in to many outliers in your case, change the metric to show the 99th percentile instead. This removes the highest 6–7 results.

Select one of the entries in the table.

  • The KPI of the selected entry is shown in the scoreboards. There are five scoreboards showing different aspects of performance.

  • Its relevant property is shown in the property widget.

Select one or more entries in the scoreboard.

  • The line chart below the scoreboard plots the selected metrics.

  • Use the metric chart widget to compare metrics to see if there is any correlation.

Point to Note

Other than the protocol metrics, each RDS session only has CPU utilization and memory utilization metric.