The overview dashboard provides an overall representation of Kubernetes environment, nodes, pods, and containers. The overview provides information of the overall health status of clusters, nodes, and pods with their respective historical trend and metric chart.
Kubernetes Overview - Environment The Kubernetes overview environment widget provides an overall view of Kubernetes adapter instances, its associated objects information, alerts, and health status of objects.
Kubernetes Overview - Nodes The Kubernetes overview nodes widget provides detailed set of information of nodes, node properties, health status, metrics, and hierarchical representation of pod relationship.
Kubernetes Overview - Pods and Container The Kubernetes Overview pods and container widget provides detailed set of information of pods health status, hierarchical representation of pod relationship, metrics and so on.
Kubernetes POD and Container Availability - Overview The Kubernetes POD and Container Availability - Overview widget provides the heat map details for the PODs and Containers of a cluster. You can view all the details about the PODs and Containers associated with the entire cluster.