After you install the management pack, add and configure an external vRealize Orchestrator or an instance embedded in vRealize Automation from which you run workflows.


  1. On the menu, click Administration and in the left pane click Solutions.
  2. Select Management Pack for vRealize Orchestrator and click the Configure icon.
  3. Configure the adapter instance.
    Option Description
    Display Name The name for the adapter instance.
    Description (Optional) The description of the adapter instance.
    vRealize Orchestrator Host The URL of the vRealize Orchestrator or vRealize Automation instance from where you will run workflows. Specify the FQDN, or the IP address.

    If there is a load balancer for the CAFÉ appliances, the URL must have HostName or IP address of the load balancer in the format HostName or IP.

    Port Port number of the vRealize Orchestrator or vRealize Automation instance which has an embedded vRealize Orchestrator. The default port for vRealize Orchestrator is 8281. The default port for vRealize Automation is 443.
    Auto Discovery Discover objects automatically.
    • To set automatic discovery for objects, select True.
    • To set the automatic discovery off, select False.
    Credential To add the credentials to access the vRealize Orchestrator or vRealize Automation environment , click the plus sign.
    • Credential Kind. From the drop-down menu, select either vRealize Orchestrator Credential or vRealize Automation Credential.
    • Credential name. The name by which you are identifying the configured credentials.
    • vRealize Orchestrator or vRealize Automation Username. The user name of the vRealize Orchestrator or vRealize Automation instance.
    • vRealize Orchestrator or vRealize Automation Password. The password of the vRealize Orchestrator or vRealize Automation instance.
    Collectors/Groups The collector on which the vRealize Automation Management Pack instance will run.
    • For one collector instance, select default collector group.
    • For multiple collectors, to distribute the workload and optimize performance, select the collector to manage the adapter process for this instance.
  4. Click Test Connection to validate the connection.
  5. Click Save Settings.
    The adapter instance is added to the list.

What to do next

Verify that the vRealize Operations Manager management pack is fetching workflows.
  • In the Solutions page, verify that the Collection State column and Collection Status are green under Configured Adapter Instances. The Collection Status displays Data Receiving after the first collection cycle. The default time for a collection cycle is five minutes.
  • In the top pane of vRealize Operations Manager, click the Administration icon and click Inventory. Verify that the vRealize Operations Manager workflows are displayed on the table and sort by the Adapter Type column or filter by name of the adapter instance if necessary.
  • Optionally, discover additional packages to configure workflows.

Ensure that the instance of vRealize Operations Manager where you are configuring the Management Pack for vRealize Orchestrator has an instance of vCenter with vRealize Orchestrator configured. If this is not configured, an alert is displayed in vRealize Operations Manager. You can add a vCenter instance to vRealize Orchestrator to remediate this alert.