Once you configure the vCenter Server, the CloudPod health solution starts collecting the health of the following vCenter services.
- VMware Image Builder Manager
- VMware Component Manager
- VMware vSphere Profile-Driven Storage Service
- VMware Service Control Agent
- VMware HTTP Reverse Proxy
- VMware vAPI Endpoint
- VMware vService Manager
- VMware Service Lifecycle Manager API
- VMware Performance Charts
- VMware Syslog Collector
- VMware VSAN Health Service
- VMware vSphere Web Client
- VMware vCenter Server
- VMware Postgres
- VMware ESX Agent Manager
- VMware vSphere Authentication Proxy
- VMware Message Bus Configuration Service
- VMware vSphere Client
- VMware Content Library Service
- VMware Authentication Framework
- VMware Service Lifecycle Manager
- VMware vSphere ESXi Dump Collector
- VMware vCenter-Services
- VMware vSphere Auto Deploy Waiter
- vCenter NTP Server
- vCenter Backup Jobs
- The list of available services differ based on the type of Operating System and the version of vCenter.
- The NTP and Backup Jobs services are available only for VCVA 6.5 version and above.