The Management Pack for NSX for vSphere collects metrics for the NSX for vSphere SSL VPN Edge Service objects.

Table 1. NSX for vSphere SSL VPN Edge Service Metrics
Name Category Unit Description Instanced
Service Status Status String Indicates if the service is currently running or not. No
Egress Traffic Network KBps Outgoing network traffic across all clients of the NSX for vSphere SSL VPN Edge Service. No
Ingress Traffic Network KBps Incoming network traffic across all clients of the NSX for vSphere SSL VPN Edge Service. No
Total Traffic Network KBps Total network traffic across all clients of the NSX for vSphere SSL VPN Edge Service. No
Authentication Failures per minute Network Integer Rate at which authentication attempts to the NSX for vSphere SSL VPN Edge Service have failed during the last collection interval. No
Active Clients Network Integer Current number of active clients on the NSX for vSphere SSL VPN Edge Service. No