The Management Pack for NSX for vSphere collects metrics for the NSX for vSphere Controller Cluster objects.

Table 1. NSX for vSphere Controller Cluster Metrics
Name Category Unit Description Instanced
Controllers Status Integer Number of controllers provisioned in the cluster. No
Active Status % Percentage of controllers in the cluster that are currently in an active state. No
Provisioned CPU MHZ Amount of processing power allocated to all NSX for vSphere Controllers in the cluster. No
Used CPU MHz Amount of processing power currently being used by all NSX for vSphere Controllers in the cluster. No
Usage CPU % Percentage of allocated processing power currently being used by all NSX for vSphere Controllers in the cluster. No
Provisioned Memory KB Amount of memory allocated to all NSX for vSphere Controllers in the cluster. No
Used Memory KB Amount of memory currently being used by all NSX for vSphere Controllers in the cluster. No
Usage Memory % Percentage of memory power currently being used by all NSX for vSphere Controllers in the cluster. No
Provisioned Disk GB Amount of disk space allocated to all NSX for vSphere Controllers in the cluster. No
Used Disk GB Amount of disk space currently being used by all NSX for vSphere Controllers in the cluster. No
Usage Disk % Percentage of allocated disk space currently being used by al NSX for vSphere Controllers in the cluster. No
Max Observed Throughput Network KBps Maximum observed network utilization of all NSX for vSphere Controllers in the cluster. No
Throughput Network KBps Current network utilization of all NSX for vSphere Controllers in the cluster. No
Usage Network % Percentage of network bandwidth currently being used by all NSX for vSphere Controllers in the cluster, based on the maximum observed network utilization. No