To configure the Management Pack for VMware Cloud Director , you can add an adapter instance and credential in vRealize Operations Manager . You can optionally modify adapter-level and instance-level properties.
Configure the Management Pack for VMware Cloud Director You must create an adapter instance for the Management Pack for VMware Cloud Director . The adapter instance defines the adapter type and identifies the VMware Cloud Director host system.
Filtering the Events that the Management Pack for VMware Cloud Director Imports The VMware Cloud Director uses acceptlist files, called events_white_list.txt for admin and Single Sign-on credentials (SSO) and org_tenant_events_white_list.txt file for tenant credentials, to filter events that it retrieves from VMware Cloud Director .
Configuring Adapter Properties You configure adapter-level properties in the file and instance-level properties in the vcloud_instanceID .properties file. The adapter-level configuration file contains properties that affect all adapter instances. The instance-specific configuration files contain properties that affect only particular adapter instances. The adapter-level properties file is in the conf folder. The instance-level properties file is in the work folder.
Import Dashboard Perform the following procedure on vRealize Operations Manager standalone to import a dashboard to the Management Pack for VMware Cloud Director .