The Management Pack for VMware Integrated OpenStack provides you with a high level view of your VMware Integrated OpenStack environment and enables you to drill down to more object-specific information by opening selected objects in external applications. You can investigate problems and better analyze the provided information. You can also make configuration changes, as required.

Table 1. Examples of Use
Application Example of Use
View logging information in Log Insight. Information includes, component logs, neutron logs, nova logs, and API request logs.
Note: To view logging information in Log Insight, you must first integrate Log Insight with the Management Pack for VMware Integrated OpenStack. See Configuring OpenStack with Log Insight
If a provisioning attempt fails, view the Nova logs in Log Insight to determine any errors that occurred.
Open project-related objects in OpenStack Horizon. If a project is approaching their quota, open the project in OpenStack Horizon and view the quota.