The VCF Management Network Performance dashboard helps you to know the details of network utilization across hosts in your VCF management domain components. You can view attributes like network data transmit rate, data receive rate, data transmitted per second, usage rate, and network IO usage and many other attributes.

You can use the dashboard widgets in several ways.
  • VCF Host Network Utilization – Use this widget to know the host network utilization details.
  • Top -5 VM Network Data Transmit Rate – Use this widget to know the Top-5 VMs and their network data transmit rate.
  • Top -5 VM Network Data Receive Rate – Use this widget to know the Top-5 VMs and their network data receive rate.
  • Top -5 VM Network Drop Packages – Use this widget to know the Top-5 VMs network drop packages.
  • Network Top VMs Talkers – Use this widget to know the Top VM talkers in the VCF host network.
  • List of ESXi for Network Admin – Administrators can use this widget to view the list of ESXis in the VCF management domain components.