This section provides the details of the resolved issues in Horizon Management Pack.

  • Logon metrics are missing for Horizon Server 7.13.1 and Horizon Server 7.13.2
  • UAG views are missing after upgrading the setup to the latest build and some views are not displayed after fresh installation
  • Logon Duration metric <Time taken to Logon> are missing for Horizon 8.2 onwards.
  • Summary dashboard of cloud pod federation object has an empty widget with title 'Unified Access gateway’.
  • Metrics (vdiPoolCount, rdsDesktopPoolCount, applicationPoolCount) have multiple data points in a single collection.
  • RDS Applications session objects in the inventory retains the relationships even after it is logged off.
  • Disk Latency metric seems to be breaking with every install, which also is contributing to the DC KPI not collecting.
  • Incorrect DC KPI value is displayed at RDS Farm level.
  • Global Entitlement Pool Down Status alert keep triggering after fixing the issue.
  • The automatic VDI Pool relationship to the parent Cluster object is missing due to the same folder structure for the clusters in two different vCenters managed by Horizon.
  • Virtual Machine to Session/VDI Pool Relationships are missing due to partial-sync up of vCenter adapter Virtual machine objects collection and MP4H adapter collection. The relationships were getting created only once in 6 hours(Full collection).
  • Pool name & Global Entitlement property missing for Application Sessions.
  • Pod Name missing for all sessions.