vRealize Operations Management Pack for Horizon displays the following properties for the Horizon adapter.

Table 1. Properties of vRealize Operations Management Pack for Horizon
Resource Name Metric Group Metric Key Description
Horizon Adapter Instance MP4H Version Version of the Adapter
Horizon VDI Pool Pool Properties \ Summary Pool ID Pool ID
Pool Name Pool Name
Description Description
Global Entitlement Displays the Cloud Pod Global Entitlement pool name if the pool is a part of Global Pool, otherwise the value will be NIL
Type Type of the Pool
Number of Application Pools The number of Application Pools in the inventory at present
Display Name Display Name of the Pool
Cluster Name Names of the vSphere Clusters used for automated VDI Pools
Horizon Agent Version The version number of Horizon Agent software. Best Practice is to match the Horizon version. In an automated pool, there is only 1 agent version. In manual farm, there can be > 1 version
Operating Systems The Desktop OS provided by the VDI Pool. This is only applicable for automated pool. Manual pool can have multiple OS
Protocol Type The type of Horizon protocol, such as PCoIP and Blast. Each protocol has their own characteristics
Access Group Access Group
Pod Name Pod Name of the Object
Source Source of the VDI machines, whether they are instant, linked, or full clone
Desktop Status Customizing The number of desktops in the customizing process. They are not available for user consumption while in this stage
Deleting The number of desktops being deleted (in process)
Disable In Progress The number of desktops being disabled (in process). A disabled desktop is not usable
Disabled The number of disabled desktops. Best practice is to keep this number low
Error The number of desktops with error. Investigate the reason behind it
In Progress A desktop agent status of In Progress indicates that the desktop is being created, but it is not ready for use. If a single desktop or larger number of desktops remain in this state this can indicate an issue with the desktop image or Horizon environment.
Maintenance Mode The number of desktops in maintenance mode. Best practice is to keep this number low
Provisioned A desktop agent status of provisioned indicates that the desktop has been created, but it is not ready for use. If a single desktop or larger number of desktops remain in this state this can indicate an issue with the desktop image or Horizon environment
Unassigned User Connected The number of unassigned users connected to the pool. Investigate why this happened as only assigned users should be connected
Unassigned User Disconnected The number of unassigned users who are disconnected from the pool. They should not be connected in the first place
Unknown The number of desktops with unknown error. Investigate the reason behind it
Used The number of VDI desktops used. Best Practice is to keep this number below the capacity
Waiting for Agent The number of desktops waiting for Horizon Agent to report. This should be 0. If not, it should only be temporarily so
Agent Status Number of Desktops failed with Agent Unreachable Message
Configuration Error The number of Horizon Desktops with configuration error. Best Practice is to keep this number 0
Disabled Agents Error The number of Horizon Desktops with disabled agent. Investigate why this happened as agent is required by Horizon
Domain Failure Error The number of Horizon Desktops with domain joining failure. Investigate why this happened
Invalid IP Error The number of Horizon Desktops with invalid IP address. Indicates networking issue preventing desktops from receiving valid IP, possibly DHCP or networking configuration related
Protocol Failure Error The number of Horizon Desktops with Horizon network protocol (e.g. Blast, PCoIP) problem. Investigate why this happened as protocol is required by Horizon
Reboot Required Error The number of Horizon Desktops that require reboot. Reboot the Desktop to address the issue
Startup In Progress The number of VDI desktops starting up and reaching the available state. This should be close to 0, otherwise it could indicate a pool availability issue
Pool Status Enabled
Provisioning Enabled Provisioning Enabled
Suspend Provisioning On Error Suspend Provisioning On Error
User Assignment User Assignment
Last Provisioning Error Last Provisioning Error For Automated Desktop Pool
Capacity Configured Maximum Desktops Configured Maximum Desktops
Configured Minimum Desktops Configured Minimum Desktops
Number of Usable Desktops Number of Usable Desktops
Number of Spare Desktops Number of Spare Desktops
Provisioning Error An error occurred during provisioning
Datastore Count Number of the vSphere Datastores
Name(s) Names of Datastores
Capacity (GB) Capacity of the Datastore in GB
Availability Desktop Machine Error States Desktop Machine Error States
Configuration Golden Image Full path description of the golden image being used for the Desktop Pool
Snapshot Path Full path description of the snapshot being used for the Desktop Pool
Image State The state of the current desktop image after pool creation or edit operation. Values include (Published, Unpublishing, Unpublish Failed)
Horizon RDS Desktop Pool Pool Properties / Summary Farm Name Farm Name
Pool Name Pool Name
Description Description
Global Entitlement Displays the Cloud Pod Global Entitlement pool name if the pool is a part of Global Pool, otherwise the value will be NIL
Provisioning Enabled Provisioning Enabled
Access Group Access Group
Pod Name Pod Name of the Object
Status Provisioning Enabled Provisioning Enabled
Horizon RDS Farm Summary Count Of Enabled Hosts Farm Enabled
Farm Name Farm ID
Display Name Farm Display Name
Farm Type Type of the Farm
Farm Enabled Farm Enabled
Number of RDS Servers Number of RDS servers
Number of Application Pools Number of application pools in the farm. This should match the documented architecture or plan. If not, either update the documentation or the actual deployment
Configured Maximum Number of Sessions Configured Maximum Number of Sessions
Configured Maximum Sessions Type Indicates if an RDS Farm supports a limited number of sessions or unlimited sessions
Farm ID Farm ID
Cluster Name Cluster Name
Configured Memory The size of the RDS Farm capacity in terms of memory resources, This is the sum of all enabled RDS Hosts
Configured CPU The size of the RDS Farm capacity in terms of CPU resources, This is the sum of all enabled RDS Hosts
Description Free text explaining the RDS Farm
Horizon Agent version The version number of Horizon Agent software. Best Practice is to match the Horizon version. In an automated pool, there is only 1 agent version. In manual farm, there can be > 1 version
Protocol Type The type of Horizon protocol, such as PCoIP and Blast. Each protocol has their own characteristics
RDS Host OS Free text explaining the RDS Farm
Access Group Access Group
Pod Name Pod Name of the Object
Datastore (Only for Automated Farm) Count Count of Datastores
Name(s) of Datastores Names of Datastores
Capacity (GB) Capacity of the Datastore in GB
Farm Properties / RDS Host Status Customizing Number of RDS Hosts in the farm that is in deleting state
Deleting Number of RDS Hosts in the farm that is in disable in-progress state
Disable in-progress Number of RDS Hosts in the farm that is in disabled state
Disabled Number of RDS Hosts in the farm that is in error state
Error Number of RDS Hosts in the farm that is in in-progress state
In-progress Number of RDS Hosts in the farm that is in maintenance state
Maintenance Number of RDS Hosts in the farm that is in provisioned state
Provisioned Number of RDS Hosts in the farm that is in provisioning state.
Provisioning Number of RDS Hosts in the farm that is in connected state
Connected Number of RDS Hosts in the farm that is in disconnected state
Disconnected Number of RDS Hosts in the farm that is in wait for agent state
Wait For Agent Number of RDS Hosts in the farm that is in unknown state
Unknown Number of RDS Hosts in the farm that is in already used state
Already in used Number of RDS Hosts in the farm that is in available state
Available Number of RDS Hosts in the farm that is in validating state
Validating Number of RDS Hosts in the farm that is in validating state
Configuration Snapshot Path Full path description of the snapshot being used for the RDS Farm
Image State The state of the current rds host image after farm creation or edit operation. Values include (Published, Unpublishing, Unpublish Failed)
Horizon Application Pool Pool Properties/ Summary Parent Farm The RDS Farm where the Application Pool is a part of.
Pool ID The unique identification of the RDS Application Pool. This identifies which Application Pool is associated with a given Application Session.
Pool Name The displayed name of the Application Pool to the end user.
Description Description
Global Entitlement Displays the Cloud Pod Global Entitlement pool name if the pool is a part of Global Pool, otherwise the value will be NIL.
Desktop Pool Name The VDI Pool where the Application Pool is a part of.
Application Version The version number of the application software.
Access Group Access Group
Pod Name Pod Name of the Object.
Status Enabled Enabled
Horizon RDS Host Summary Farm Name Farm Name
DNS Name DNS Name of the RDS Server.
RDS Host Enabled Indicates if RDS Host is enabled.
Operating System Operating System of RDS Host.
RDS Host State RDS Host is in state currently
Access Group Access Group
Horizon Pod Summary Number of Datastores Number of the vSphere Datastores
Number of RDS Farms The number of RDS Farms in the inventory at present
Number of RDS Hosts The number of RDS Hosts in the inventory at present
Number of Unmanaged Machines Number of Unmanaged Machines in the POD
Number of VDI Machines The number of VDI Virtual Machines in the inventory at present
Names of Datastores Names of the vSphere Datastores
Capacity Capacity of the Datastore in GB
Number of Users Number of users who have atleast one connected session or disconnected session at present
Names of Clusters Names of the vSphere Clusters used for automated VDI Pools and automated Farms
Number of UAG Servers The present number of Unified Access Gateway in the inventory. This should match the documented architecture or plan. If not, either update the documentation or the actual deployment
Number of Clusters Number of clusters in the Pod at present
Number of vCenter Servers Number of vCenter Servers managed by the Horizon Pod
Availability Events DB Status State of the Database
SAML Authenticator Errors Count of Connection Server Authenticators not in an OK state.
TrueSSO Domain DNS Name TrueSSO Domain DNS Name
TrueSSO Connector TrueSSO Connector Status
TrueSSO Domain Status TrueSSO Domain Status
TrueSSO Certificate Server Status TrueSSO Certificate Server Status
TrueSSO Primary Enrollment Server Status TrueSSO Primary Enrollment Server Status
TrueSSO Secondary Enrollment Server Status TrueSSO Secondary Enrollment Server Status
TrueSSO Template Status TrueSSO Template Status
TrueSSO Template Name TrueSSO Template Name
Horizon Connection Server Certificate Properties Default Certificate Is this the default certificate?
Valid Is the certificate valid?
StartTime When is certificate valid from?
Expiration Time When the certificate expires.
Invalid Reason If the certificate is not valid, the reason why.
Services Status PCoIP Secure Gateway PCoIP Secure Gateway
Blast Secure Gateway Blast Secure Gateway
Security Gateway Security Gateway
Summary DNS Name DNS Name of the Connection Server
Status Status
Version Version
Build Number Build number of the connection server
Enabled Indicates if RDS Host is enabled
Number of LDAP Replication Servers in Error State Number of LDAP Replication Servers in Error State
Data Collection Enabled Connection Server used for data collection by Adapter Instance
Data Collection Status Status of data collection by Adapter Instance
Horizon License Licensed Licensed
Availability SAML Authenticator Status Status of the SAML Authenticator service.
SAML Authenticator Label Label of the SAML Authenticator service.
SAML Authenticator passwordMode PasswordMode of the SAML Authenticator service.
SAML Authenticator triggerMode Trigger Mode of the SAML Authenticator service.
SAML Authenticator Type Authenticator Type of the SAML Authenticator service.
Horizon User RDS RDS Desktop Pool Names RDS Desktop Pools that the user currently use
RDS Server MOIDs RDS Server MOIDs
RDS Server DNS Names RDS Server DNS Names
HorizonClient Names Names of the Horizon client device
Types Types of Horizon client: Windows, Mobile, ThinClient etc.
Client Versions The version number(s) of Horizon Client software. Best Practice is to match the Horizon version.
Broker IP Addresses Client Broker IP Addresses.
IP Addresses The Network IP Addresses of Horizon Client. This is the externally visible IP address.
Agent Versions The version number of Horizon Agent software. Best Practice is to match the Horizon version
VDI Desktop VDI Pool Names The VDI pools that the user currently use
Machine MOIDs The Managed Object Identification of assigned desktop from VDI pool.
VDI DNS Names DNS names of assigned desktop from VDI pools.
RDS RDS Desktop Pool Names RDS Desktop Pools that the user currently use
RDS Server MOIDs RDS Server MOIDs
RDS Server DNS Names RDS Server DNS Names.
Application VDI Pool Names The VDI pools that the user currently use
Machine MOIDs The Managed Object Identification of assigned desktop from VDI pool.
VDI DNS Names DNS names of assigned desktop from VDI pools.
RDS Desktop Pool Names RDS Desktop Pools that the user currently use
RDS Server MOIDs RDS Server MOIDs
RDS Server DNS Names RDS Server DNS Names.
Horizon VDI Desktop Session Global Entitlement Global Entitlement attached to the pool where the session is part of.
Pool Name Pool Name
Session Login Timestamp The actual time the session starts. Used for historical reporting on the User object
Last Session Duration The time duration of the session. The value goes up by 5 every 5 minutes if user is connected.
Session Start Time Session Start Time
Session Status Session Status
HorizonClient Names Names of the Horizon client device
Types Types of Horizon client: Windows, Mobile, ThinClient etc.
Client Versions The version number(s) of Horizon Client software. Best Practice is to match the Horizon version.
Security Gateway Addresses IP addresses of the security gateway used by the Horizon client to create the sessions.
Security Gateway DNSs DNS entries of the security gateways used by the Horizon client to create the sessions.
IP Addresses The Network IP Addresses of Horizon Client. This is the externally visible IP address.
Agent Versions The version number of Horizon Agent software. Best Practice is to match the Horizon version
Summary DNS Name The DNS name of assigned desktop from VDI pool
Machine MOIDs The Managed Object Identification of assigned desktop from VDI pool.
Protocol Type Protocol type
Pod Name Pod Name
VM Names Name of the Virtual Machine where the session is created.
User Name Name of logged in User.
Horizon RDS Desktop Session Global Entitlement Global Entitlement attached to the pool where the session is part of.
Pool Name Pool Name
Session Login Timestamp The actual time the session starts. Used for historical reporting on the User object
Last Session Duration The time duration of the session. The value goes up by 5 every 5 minutes if user is connected.
Session Start Time Session Start Time
Session Status Session Status
HorizonClient Names Names of the Horizon client device
Types Types of Horizon client: Windows, Mobile, ThinClient etc.
Client Version The version number(s) of Horizon Client software. Best Practice is to match the Horizon version.
Security Gateway Addresses IP addresses of the security gateway used by the Horizon client to create the sessions.
Security Gateway DNSs DNS entries of the security gateways used by the Horizon client to create the sessions.
IP Addresses The Network IP Addresses of Horizon Client. This is the externally visible IP address.
Agent Versions The version number of Horizon Agent software. Best Practice is to match the Horizon version
Summary DNS Name The DNS name of assigned desktop from VDI pool
Protocol Type Protocol type
VM Names Name of the Virtual Machine where the session is created.
User Name Name of logged in User.
Pod Name Pod Name
Horizon VDI Application Session Session Login Timestamp The actual time the session starts. Used for historical reporting on the User object
Last Session Duration The time duration of the session. The value goes up by 5 every 5 minutes if user is connected.
Session Status Session Status
Session Start Time Session Start Time
Summary DNS Name The DNS name of assigned desktop from VDI pool
Applications Remote Application Names
Protocol Type Protocol type
VM Names Name of the Virtual Machine where the session is created.
User Name Name of logged in User.
Pod Name Pod Name
HorizonClient Names Names of the Horizon client device
Types Types of Horizon client: Windows, Mobile, ThinClient etc.
Client Versions The version number(s) of Horizon Client software. Best Practice is to match the Horizon version.
Security Gateway Addresses IP addresses of the security gateway used by the Horizon client to create the sessions.
Security Gateway DNSs DNS entries of the security gateways used by the Horizon client to create the sessions.
IP Addresses The Network IP Addresses of Horizon Client. This is the externally visible IP address.
Agent Versions The version number of Horizon Agent software. Best Practice is to match the Horizon version
Pool Name Pool Name
Global Entitlement Global Entitlement attached to the pool where the session is part of
Horizon RDS Application Session Session Login Timestamp The actual time the session starts. Used for historical reporting on the User object
Last Session Duration The time duration of the session. The value goes up by 5 every 5 minutes if user is connected.
Session Start Time Session Start Time
Session Status Session Status
Summary DNS Name The DNS name of assigned desktop from VDI pool
Applications Remote Application Names
Protocol Type Protocol type
VM Names Name of the Virtual Machine where the session is created.
User Name Name of logged in User.
Pod Name Pod Name
Horizon Client Names Names of the Horizon client device
Types Types of Horizon client: Windows, Mobile, ThinClient etc.
Client Versions The version number(s) of Horizon Client software. Best Practice is to match the Horizon version.
Security Gateway Addresses IP addresses of the security gateway used by the Horizon client to create the sessions.
Security Gateway DNSs DNS entries of the security gateways used by the Horizon client to create the sessions.
IP Addresses The Network IP Addresses of Horizon Client. This is the externally visible IP address.
Agent Versions The version number of Horizon Agent software. Best Practice is to match the Horizon version
Pool Name Pool Name
Global Entitlement Global Entitlement attached to the pool where the session is part of
Orphaned Entity Desktop Pool Name Entity Name
Orphaned Entity Farm Name Farm Name
Orphaned Entity ResourceKind Type ResourceKind of Orphaned Object
Orphaned Entity Pod Name Pod Name
Horizon Unified Access Gateway Summary UAG Type This property indicates the location or type of UAG as visible to the Horizon connection server. If configured as internal in UAG, this property will be set as "INTERNAL". Else if it is configured as external or others, this property will be set as "EXTERNAL"
Version Version of the Gateway.