This dashboard provides operational insight into critical Horizon Services and their overall health, performance, availability, and risk for the entire Horizon deployment. It allows administrators to have a single pane of glass to see across Unified Access Gateways, Connection Servers, VDI Pools, RDS Farms, and supporting vSphere Clusters to identify areas of operational concern so that proactive remediation steps can be taken.​

Design Considerations

The dashboard is organized so that the order of service criticality is provided in a top to bottom fashion based on how Horizon Users connect to the service.

How to Use this dashboard

Horizon World Critical Issues scoreboard widget provides insight into the overall datacenter and protocol performance for all Horizon sessions, current connected users, and critical issue count for VDI pools and RDS farms. Double-clicking any scoreboard metric allows you trend the metric and change the total frame for the metric you want to trend.

Unified Access Gateway (UAG) widgets

  • UAG Overall Performance: provides insight into the overall performance of the UAG virtual machines as well as the Network (protocol) performance of the connected Horizon sessions to associated with each UAG. The widget allows for quick identification of UAG’s with performance issues, and to determine whether the UAG’s VMs DC performance KPI is impacting the Horizon session Network performance.

  • UAG HTTP Health Check Status (should be 200): provides insight into the UAG’s where the Horizon service is failing its Health Check. If the Health Check status shows a status of “500” or is colored red, this indicates the Horizon services on the UAG are in a failed state, and immediate steps should be taken to recover the services. **note that this widget requires that the Telegraf agent be installed on the UAG VM and the “HTTP Check” metric is properly enabled and collecting.

  • UAG Current Session Disparity: provides insight into potential session imbalance across the UAG’s supporting the Horizon Pods. The higher the disparity % the more imbalance of sessions exists across the UAGs. This can be used to identify load-balancing issues or UAGs not accepting connection requests.

  • UAG Internal vs External: provides insight into differences between External vs. Internal UAGs. **note that this feature requires that the UAG tag option be set on the Horizon Pod to correctly identify which UAG service internal vs. external connections.

  • UAG Detailed Breakdown: provides a list view of all UAG’s and their critical session, service, and performance metrics and properties. This widget allows for quick sorting and identification of UAGs by the desired metric or property.

  • UAG Net Performance to Router: provides a trend analysis chart of the performance and availability of the configured network route in terms of Route Latency (ms) and Route Packet Loss (%) for each UAG. **note that this widget requires that the Telegraf agent be installed on the UAG, and the “Ping Check” metric is configured to the desired network target for monitoring.

  • UAG Connection Trends: provides a trend analysis chart of a UAG’s by the number of Connected Sessions. Allows for quick identification of UAGs near the Connected Session maximum limits (2000), as well as the overall balance of the sessions per UAG.

Connection Server widgets

  • Horizon Connection Server Performance: provides insight into overall performance of the Connection Server VM’s allowing for quick identification of Connection Server’s with performance issues.

  • Connection Server HTTP Health Check (response should be 200): provides insight into the Connection Servers where the Horizon service is failing its Health Check. If the Health Check status shows a status of “500” or is colored red, this indicates the Horizon services on the Connection Server are in a failed state, and immediate steps should be taken to recover the services. **note that this widget requires that the Telegraf agent be installed on the Connection Server VM and the “HTTP Check” metric is properly enabled and collecting.

  • Connection Server Connections Disparity % (should be < 30%): provides insight into potential session imbalance across the Connection Servers supporting the Horizon Pod. The higher the disparity % the more imbalance of sessions exists across the Connection Servers. This can be used to identify load-balancing issues or Connection Servers not accepting connection requests.

  • Horizon Connection Server LDAP Replication Error (should be 0): provides insight into Connection Servers with LDAP replication errors and the overall count of servers with the replication errors that require immediate remediation.

  • Connection Server Detailed Breakdown: provides a list view of all Connection Servers and their critical service and performance metrics and properties. This widget allows for quick sorting and identification of Connection Servers by the desired metric or property.

  • CS Net Performance to Router: provides a trend analysis chart of the performance and availability of the configured network route in terms of Route Latency (ms) and Route Packet Loss (%) for each Connection Server. **note that this widget requires that the Telegraf agent be installed on the Connection Server, and the “Ping Check” metric is configured to the desired network target for monitoring.

  • CS Connection Trend: provides a trend analysis chart of Connection Servers by the number of Connections. Allows for quick identification of Connection Servers near the Connected Session maximum limits (2000), as well as the overall balance of the sessions per Connection Server.

VDI Pool Widgets

  • VDI Pool Provisioning Status: provides a distribution chart of VDI Pool’s by their provisioning status of “true” or “false”. Allows for quick identification of VDI Pools that are no longer provisioning and could potentially impact the availability of the Pool.

  • Horizon VDI Pool Desktops Available (Remaining): provides a distribution chart of VDI Pool’s by the current number of “Available” desktops and the total count of VDI Pools in the same distribution available count range. Allows for quick identification of VDI Pools that are low on Available desktops and should be considered for expansion.

  • Horizon VDI Pool Desktop Agent Status: Error (should be 0): provides a distribution of the VDI Desktop Pools based on the total count of desktops in an error state. Allows for quick identification of VDI Pools with high error rates and require immediate attention to identify the underlying cause.

  • Horizon VDI Pool Login Times: provides a distribution of VDI Pools by the longest login time per pool. Allows for quick identification of which VDI Pools have the worst login times and should be considered for further investigation.

  • VDI Pool Detailed Breakdown (select Pool for Trend analysis): provides a detailed list view of VDI Pools by connectivity and key performance indicators. Allows for quick sorting of the pools by the desired metric. Selecting an individual VDI Pool will provide additional performance trend analysis in the corresponding “VDI Pool Performance Trend (select Pool)” and “VDI Pool Cluster Performance (select Pool)” widgets.

  • VDI Pool Performance Trend (select Pool): provides a trend analysis of VDI Pool Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) based on the selected Horizon Pool.

  • VDI Pool Cluster Performance (select Pool): provides a trend analysis of the supporting vSphere Cluster Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of the selected VDI Pool.

  • Top VDI Pools by Cost per Month: provides a list of the most expensive VDI Pools by (cost/month).

  • Top VDI Pools by Connected Sessions: provides a list of VDI pools by most Connected Sessions.

  • Top VDI Pools by CPU Usage (GHz): provides a list of VDI pools by most CPU consumed in GHz.

  • Top VDI Pools by Memory (GB): provides a list of VDI pools by most Memory consumed in GB.

RDS Farm Widgets

  • RDS Farm Worst Host DC Performance: provides a distribution of RDS Farms based on the worst Datacenter KPI performance of any RDS Hosts within the Farm. Allows for quick identification of RDS Farms where there are RDS Hosts within the Farm that are having VM level performance issues.

  • RDS Farm Capacity: provides a distribution of RDS Farm Capacity based on the computed total available VM configured capacity and the computed average required capacity per Horizon RDS Session in the Farm. Allows for quick identification of RDS Farms where the computed remaining capacity is low and proactive expansion of RDS Farms where necessary.

  • RDS Host Connection Disparity: provides a distribution of RDS Hosts based on the percent disparity of Connected Sessions between the RDS Hosts in the Farm. Allows for quick identification of RDS Hosts where the total disparity of Connected Sessions on the hosts is significantly higher than the Farm average per host. This is useful for identifying RDS Hosts that have an extreme low or high number of Connected Sessions compared to their Farm peers.

  • RDS Farms with Hosts in Error State (should be 0): provides a distribution of RDS Farms by the total number of RDS Hosts in an error state. Allows for quick identification of RDS Farms that have a large number of RDS Hosts in an error state that may impact Farm availability.

  • RDS Farm Detailed Breakdown: provides a detailed list view of RDS Farms by connectivity and key performance indicators. Allows for quick sorting of the RDS Farms by the desired metric or property. Selecting an individual RDS Farm will provide additional performance trend analysis in the corresponding “RDS Farm Performance Trend (select Farm)” and “RDS Farm Cluster Performance (select Farm)” widgets.

  • RDS Farm Performance Trend (select Farm): provides a trend analysis of RDS Farm Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) based on the selected RDS Farm.

  • RDS Farm Cluster Performance (select Farm): provides a trend analysis of the supporting vSphere Cluster Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of the selected RDS Farm.

  • Top RDS Farm Cost per Month: provides a list of the most expensive RDS Farms by (cost/month).

  • Top RDS Farms (connected): provides a list of RDS Farms by most connected sessions.

  • Top RDS Farm by Avg Session CPU%: provides a list of RDS Farms by the highest computed Average of CPU utilization required per Horizon Session.

  • Top RDS Farm by Avg Session Memory: provides a list of RDS Farms by the highest computed Average of Memory utilization required per Horizon Session.

Horizon Session Compliance

  • Horizon Sessions by Protocol Type: provides a distribution of the Horizon sessions by protocol type.

  • Horizon Client Type: provides a distribution of Horizon Sessions by client type (Windows, Mac, Linux, html).

  • Horizon Client Versions: provides a distribution of the Horizon Sessions by client version.

  • Horizon User Agent Version: provides a distribution of Horizon Sessions by Horizon Agent version.

Horizon Pod Compliance

  • Connection Servers by Build: provides a distribution of Horizon Connection Servers by the current build version.

  • Connection Servers by Certificate Status (should be true): provides a distribution of Horizon Connection Servers by their Valid Certificate status. If the value is “False” then the server certificate is not currently valid.

  • Horizon Pod True SSO Connector Errors: provides a distribution of the total number of True SSO Connector errors by pod. Allows for quick identification of pods with True SSO Connectors errors.

  • Horizon Pod SAML Authenticator Errors: provides a distribution of the total number of SAML Authenticator Errors by pod. Allows for quick identification of pods with SAML Authentication errors.