The Management Pack for Cisco HyperFlex collects the metrics listed in the table below, according to Cisco HyperFlex resource kinds.

Resource Kind Resource Group Resource Attribute Attribute Type
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Details Allocated vCPU vCPU that is currently allocated.
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Details Boot Time Time of the most recent boot in time since the epoch.
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Disk Compression Savings Proportion of disk space that is compressed.
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Details CPU Core Count Rolled up number of CPU Cores from all the Nodes in the Cluster.
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Details Data Replication Factor Number of nodes that data gets written to.
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Disk DeDup Savings Proportion of data that no longer had to be written to disk due to Data Deduplication. A Dedup savings of -1.0 indicates that this is a compute node and is not contributing to managed storage.
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Disk Free Disk Space Computed using: used_disk_space √∑ total_disk_space
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Disk Free Disk Space Computed using: (total_disk_space - used_disk_space) √∑ total_disk_space
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Status Health State Health State of the Cluster
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Details Host Count Number of nodes associated with the Cluster
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Details HyperFlex Core Rest API Version API version
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Details ID The entity ID of the cluster
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Details Model Number Cluster Model Number
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Details Product Version Cluster Product Version
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Disk Reclaimed Space Amount of disk reclaimed from the cleaner garbage collector.
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Status State State of the Cluster
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Status Status Color Status code of the cluster. Values of this could be 'red'
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Disk Total Addressable Disk Space Byte addressable memory.
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Disk Total Disk Space Total disk capacity of the cluster.
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Details Total Memory Rollup total memory for all the Nodes in the Cluster
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Disk Total Node Savings Rollup of the total savings for all the Nodes in the Cluster
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Disk Total Physical Disk Space The total aggregate capacity for all disks in the cluster.
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Disk Total Unique Addressable Disk Space Unique Byte addressable memory
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Disk Total Unique Disk Space Rollup of the unique disk space for all the Nodes in the Cluster
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Details Total vCPU Total available vCPU for the cluster
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Performance Uptime How long the system has been running. Computed using: {timestamp of this metric} - boot_time
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Disk Used Disk Space Disk space allocated to VMs.
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Disk Used Disk Space Disk space allocated to VMs. Computed using: used_disk_space √∑ total_disk_space
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Details vCenter Cluster ID ID for the vCenter Cluster
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Details vCenter Cluster Name Name of the vCenter Cluster
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Details vCenter Data Center Id ID for the vCenter Data Center
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Details vCenter Data Center Name Name of the vCenter data center
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Details vCenter IP Address IP address for the vCenter
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Details Virtual ID Virtual ID
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Details VM Count Count of VMware VMs being run on the Cisco HyperFlex Cluster.
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Performance Max CPU Usage Max CPU usage across all ESXi Hosts running on the Cisco UCS HyperFlex Cluster.
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Performance Max Memory Usage Max memory usage across all ESXi Hosts running on the Cisco UCS HyperFlex Cluster.
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Performance Memory Used by All Hosts Memory used by all ESXi Hosts on the related Cisco HyperFlex cluster.
Cisco HyperFlex Cluster Performance Total Memory Usage Total memory usage across all ESXi Hosts running on the Cisco UCS HyperFlex Cluster.
Cisco HyperFlex Datastore Details Accessible
Cisco HyperFlex Datastore Details Data Block Size DataStore data block size
Cisco HyperFlex Datastore Status Node IDs Datastore associated Node IDs
Cisco HyperFlex Datastore Disk Free Disk Capacity Computed using: used_disk_space √∑ total_disk_space
Cisco HyperFlex Datastore Disk Free Disk Capacity Computed using: (total_disk_space - used_disk_space) √∑ total_disk_space
Cisco HyperFlex Datastore Details ID Datastore ID
Cisco HyperFlex Datastore Details Mounted Whether the datastore is virtually mounted
Cisco HyperFlex Datastore Disk Total Disk Space Rollup of the Total Disk space for the Datastore
Cisco HyperFlex Datastore Disk Uncompressed Used Disk Rollup of the Uncompressed Used Disk for the Datastore
Cisco HyperFlex Datastore Details URL Datastore URL
Cisco HyperFlex Datastore Disk Used Disk Capacity Unshared used disk space Computed using: used_disk_space √∑ total_disk_space
Cisco HyperFlex Datastore Disk Used Disk Space Unshared used disk space
Cisco HyperFlex Datastore Details Virtual ID Datastore Virtual ID
Cisco HyperFlex Datastore Details Virtual Name Datastore Virtual Name
Cisco HyperFlex Disk Capacity Free Disk Capacity Computed using: used_space √∑ total_space
Cisco HyperFlex Disk Capacity Free Disk Capacity Computed using: (total_space - used_space) √∑ total_space
Cisco HyperFlex Disk Details ID The entity ID of the disk
Cisco HyperFlex Disk Details Model Number Disk Model Number
Cisco HyperFlex Disk Details Serial Number Disk Serial Number
Cisco HyperFlex Disk Details Slot Number Disk slot number
Cisco HyperFlex Disk Status State Disk State
Cisco HyperFlex Disk Status Status Disk Status
Cisco HyperFlex Disk Capacity Total Space Total capacity of the Disk
Cisco HyperFlex Disk Capacity Used Disk Capacity Computed using: used_space √∑ total_space
Cisco HyperFlex Disk Capacity Used Space Used Space
Cisco HyperFlex Disk Details Vendor Disk Vendor
Cisco HyperFlex Disk Details Version Disk Version
Cisco HyperFlex Node Details Managed Object ID Node Managed Object ID
Cisco HyperFlex Node Disk Compression Savings Proportion of disk space that is compressed.
Cisco HyperFlex Node Disk DeDup Savings Proportion of data that no longer had to be written to disk due to Data Deduplication. A Dedup savings of -1.0 indicates that this is a compute node and is not contributing to managed storage.
Cisco HyperFlex Node Details Disk Count Number of disks associated with the Node
Cisco HyperFlex Node Details Gateway Address Node Gateway Address
Cisco HyperFlex Node Status Host State State of the Node
Cisco HyperFlex Node Status Hypervisor State The reported state of the VM manager (HyperVisor).
Cisco HyperFlex Node Details ID Node ID
Cisco HyperFlex Node Details IO Visor Version Version of the IO Visor which is responsible for the NFS(Network File System) so that the hypervisor can access virtual drives.
Cisco HyperFlex Node Details IP Address Node IP Address
Cisco HyperFlex Node Details Model Number Node Model Number
Cisco HyperFlex Node Details Name Node Name
Cisco HyperFlex Node Disk Reclaimed Space Amount of disk reclaimed from the cleaner garbage collector.
Cisco HyperFlex Node Details Serial Number Node Serial Number
Cisco HyperFlex Node Disk Total Addressable Disk Space Byte addressable memory.
Cisco HyperFlex Node Disk Total Node Savings Total savings for the Node
Cisco HyperFlex Node Disk Total Unique Addressable Disk Space Unique Byte addressable memory
Cisco HyperFlex Node Disk Total Unique Disk Space Total unique disk space for the node
Cisco HyperFlex Node Details VM Controller Name VM controller Name for the Node
Cisco HyperFlex Virtual Machine Status Connection State VM Connection State
Cisco HyperFlex Virtual Machine Details CPU Count CPU count for the VM
Cisco HyperFlex Virtual Machine Details Guest IP Address Guest IP Address for the VM
Cisco HyperFlex Virtual Machine Details Guest Operating System Operating System for the VM
Cisco HyperFlex Virtual Machine Details Guest Operating System Family Which type of operating system this VM is based off of.
Cisco HyperFlex Virtual Machine Status Guest State VM State
Cisco HyperFlex Virtual Machine Details Hardware Memory Physical memory allocated to the virtual machine.
Cisco HyperFlex Virtual Machine Details ID VM ID
Cisco HyperFlex Virtual Machine Status Power State VM Power State
Cisco HyperFlex Virtual Machine Details HyperFlexResource Pool HyperFlex Resource Pool associated with the VM
Cisco HyperFlex Virtual Machine Details Runtime Host Host associated with the VM
Cisco HyperFlex Virtual Machine Disk Storage Committed Total storage space committed to this virtual machine across all datastores.
Cisco HyperFlex Virtual Machine Disk Storage Uncommitted Storage space available to this virtual machine across all datastores.
Cisco HyperFlex Virtual Machine Details Templated Whether this VM came from a templated vmx file.
Cisco HyperFlex Virtual Machine Details Version The version of a format where this vm came from. i.e vmx-10
Cisco HyperFlex Virtual Machine Details VM Group The grouping of the VMs based off their functionality.
Cisco HyperFlex Virtual Machine Details VM Path Name Path Name for the VM