The Management Pack for Cohesity collects the metrics listed in the table below, according to Cohesity resource kinds.

Note: Latest Run metrics for Cohesity Protection Jobs will not be returned if the latest run is more than 24 hours old.

Download metrics list as .csv file

Resource Kind Resource Group Resource Attribute Attribute Type Attribute Description
Cohesity vCenter Protection Source Tag Relationships Protection Source Children string List of children Protection Source resources.
Cohesity VM Tag Relationships Protection Job Children string List of children Protection Job resources.
Cohesity Cluster Details Bonding Mode string The bonding mode when bonding NICs, such as '802_3ad' or 'BalanceAlb'. Supported NIC bonding modes such as '802_3ad' or 'BalanceAlb'.
Cohesity Cluster Details Created Time integer The Epoch time of cluster creation.
Cohesity Cluster Details Current Operation string The current Cluster-level operation in progress. One of 'None', 'Upgrade', 'Destroy', 'Clean', or 'Remove Node'.
Cohesity Cluster Details DNS Server IPs string The list of server IPs for the Cluster.
Cohesity Cluster Details Domain Names string The list of domain names in which the Cluster resides.
Cohesity Cluster Details Encryption Enabled string Is true if encryption is enabled for the Cluster.
Cohesity Cluster Details Hardware Models string The hardware type for motherboard of the nodes that make up this Cohesity Cluster such as S2600WB for Ivy Bridge or S2600TP for Haswell.
Cohesity Cluster Details Name string The name of the resource.
Cohesity Cluster Details Node Count integer The number of nodes connected to the Cluster.
Cohesity Cluster Details Software Version string The software version for the Cluster.
Cohesity Cluster Disk Cloud and Local Disk Usage double Computed metric Cloud and Local Disk Usage.
Cohesity Cluster Disk Cloud and Local Physical Disk Capacity integer The physical disk capacity of the Cluster.
Cohesity Cluster Disk Cloud and Local System Disk Capacity integer The system disk capacity of the Cluster.
Cohesity Cluster Disk Cloud and Local System Disk Usage integer The system disk usage of the Cluster.
Cohesity Cluster Disk Cloud and Local Total Physical Disk Usage integer The total physical disk usage of the Cluster.
Cohesity Cluster Disk Data Reduction Ratio float The ratio of logical bytes (not reduced by change-block tracking, compression and deduplication) to physical bytes (reduced by change-block tracking, compression and deduplication).
Cohesity Cluster Disk Local Disk Usage double Computed metric Local Disk Usage.
Cohesity Cluster Disk Physical Disk Capacity integer The physical disk capacity of the Cluster.
Cohesity Cluster Disk System Disk Capacity integer The system disk capacity of the Cluster.
Cohesity Cluster Disk System Disk Usage integer The system disk usage of the Cluster.
Cohesity Cluster Disk Total Logical Disk Usage integer The logical usage as computed by the Cohesity Cluster. The size of the data without reduction by change-block tracking, compression and deduplication.
Cohesity Cluster Disk Total Physical Disk Usage integer The total physical disk usage of the Cluster.
Cohesity Cluster Performance Cloud and Local Data Read integer Provides the total amount of data read.
Cohesity Cluster Performance Cloud and Local Data Written integer Provides the total amount of data written.
Cohesity Cluster Performance Cloud and Local Read IOs integer Provides the Read latency for Read IOs.
Cohesity Cluster Performance Cloud and Local Read Latency float The read latency of the Cluster.
Cohesity Cluster Performance Cloud and Local Write IOs integer Provides the Write latency for Write IOs.
Cohesity Cluster Performance Cloud and Local Write Latency float The write latency of the Cluster.
Cohesity Cluster Performance Local Data Read integer Provides the total amount of data read.
Cohesity Cluster Performance Local Data Written integer Provides the total amount of data written.
Cohesity Cluster Performance Local Read IOs integer Provides Read IOS.
Cohesity Cluster Performance Local Read Latency float The read latency of the Cluster.
Cohesity Cluster Performance Local Write IOs integer Provides Write IOS.
Cohesity Cluster Performance Local Write Latency float The write latency of the Cluster.
Cohesity Cluster Performance Logical Data Read integer Provides the total amount of data read.
Cohesity Cluster Performance Logical Data Written integer Provides the total amount of data written.
Cohesity Cluster Performance Logical Read IOs integer Provides Read IOs.
Cohesity Cluster Performance Logical Read Latency integer Provides the Read latency for Read IOS.
Cohesity Cluster Performance Logical Write IOs integer Provides Write IOs.
Cohesity Cluster Performance Logical Write Latency integer Provides the Write latency for Write IOS.
Cohesity Cluster Status Canceled Runs integer The number of canceled protection job runs for this cluster.
Cohesity Cluster Status Exists integer Metric to ensure vrops marks this resource as collecting.
Cohesity Cluster Status Failed Runs integer The number of failed protection job runs for this cluster.
Cohesity Cluster Status Jobs Running integer The current number of protection jobs running for this cluster.
Cohesity Cluster Status Last Day Canceled Runs integer The number of canceled protection job runs for this cluster in the past day.
Cohesity Cluster Status Last Day Failed Runs integer The number of failed protection job runs for this cluster in the past day.
Cohesity Cluster Status Last Day Jobs Running integer The current number of protection jobs running for this cluster in the past day.
Cohesity Cluster Status Last Day SLA Violations integer The number of protection job runs with SLA Violations for this cluster in the past day.
Cohesity Cluster Status Last Day Successful Runs integer The number of Successful protection job runs for this cluster in the past day.
Cohesity Cluster Status Last Day Total Runs integer The total number of protection job runs for this cluster in the past day.
Cohesity Cluster Status SLA Violations integer The number of protection job runs with SLA Violations for this cluster.
Cohesity Cluster Status Successful Runs integer The number of Successful protection job runs for this cluster.
Cohesity Cluster Status Total Runs integer The total number of protection job runs for this cluster.
Cohesity Cluster Relationships Cohesity Adapter Instance Parent string The Cohesity Adapter Instance that is collecting this resource.
Cohesity Cluster Relationships Cohesity Remote Cluster Parent string The Cohesity Remote Clusters related to the Cluster.
Cohesity Cluster Relationships External Target Children string List of child External Target resources.
Cohesity Cluster Relationships Partition Children string List of child Partition resources.
Cohesity Cluster Relationships Protection Policy Children string List of child Protection Policy resources.
Cohesity Cluster Relationships Protection Source Children string List of child Protection Source resources.
Cohesity Cluster Relationships Remote Cluster Children string List of child Remote Cluster resources.
Cohesity External Target Details Compression Policy string Specifies whether to send data to the Vault in a compressed format. 'Compression None' indicates that data is not compressed. 'Compression Low' indicates that data is compressed.
Cohesity External Target Details Customer Managed Encryption Keys string Specifies whether to manage the encryption key manually or let the Cohesity Cluster manage it. If true, you must get the encryption key store it outside the Cluster, before disaster strikes such as the source local Cohesity Cluster being down. You can get the encryption key by downloading it using the Cohesity Dashboard or by calling the GET /public/vaults/encryptionKey/{id} operation.
Cohesity External Target Details Deduplication Enabled string Specifies whether to deduplicate data before sending it to the Vault.
Cohesity External Target Details Description string Description about the External Target.
Cohesity External Target Details Encryption Key File Download User string Specifies the user who downloaded the encryption key from the Cohesity Dashboard (Cohesity UI). This field is only populated if encryption is enabled for the Vault and customerManagingEncryptionKeys is true.
Cohesity External Target Details Encryption Key File Downloaded Time integer Specifies the time when the encryption key file was downloaded from the Cohesity Dashboard (Cohesity UI). An encryption key can only be downloaded once using the Cohesity Dashboard.
Cohesity External Target Details Encryption Policy string Specifies whether to send and store data in an encrypted format. 'Encryption None' indicates the data is not encrypted. 'Encryption Strong' indicates the data is encrypted.
Cohesity External Target Details Full Archive Interval integer Specifies the number days between full archives to the Vault. The current default is 90 days. This is only meaningful when incrementalArchivesEnabled is true and the Vault usage type is Archival.
Cohesity External Target Details Incremental Archives string Specifies whether to perform incremental archival when sending data to the Vault. If false, only full backups are performed. If true, incremental backups are performed between the full backups.
Cohesity External Target Details Name string The name of the resource.
Cohesity External Target Details Type string Specifies the type of Vault. 'Nearline' indicates a Google Nearline Vault. 'Glacier' indicates an AWS Glacier Vault. 'S3' indicates an AWS S3 Vault. 'Azure Standard' indicates a Microsoft Azure Standard Vault. 'S3 Compatible' indicates an AWS S3 Compatible Vault. (See the online help for supported types.) 'QStar Tape' indicates a QStar Tape Vault. 'Google Standard' indicates a Google Standard Vault. 'GoogleDRA' indicates a Google DRA Vault. 'AWS GovCloud' indicates an AWS GovCloud Vault. 'NAS' indicates a NAS Vault. 'Azure Government' indicates a Microsoft Azure Government Cloud Vault.
Cohesity External Target Details Usage Type string Specifies the usage type of the Vault. 'Archival' indicates the Vault provides archive storage for backup data. 'Cloud Spill' indicates the Vault provides additional storage for cold data.
Cohesity External Target Status Exists integer Metric to ensure vrops marks this resource as collecting.
Cohesity External Target Relationships Cluster Parents string List of parent Cluster resources.
Cohesity External Target Relationships Cohesity Adapter Instance Parent string The Cohesity Adapter Instance that is collecting this resource.
Cohesity Partition Details Hostname string Specifies that hostname that resolves to one or more Virtual IP Addresses (VIPs).
Cohesity Partition Details Name string The name of the resource.
Cohesity Partition Details Node IDs string List of Node Ids that assigned to the Cluster Partition.
Cohesity Partition Details VLAN IPs string List of VLAN IP Addresses that route network traffic within certain VLANs to the Cluster Partition.
Cohesity Partition Details Virtual IPs string List of Virtual IP Addresses (VIPs) that route network traffic to the Cluster Partition.
Cohesity Partition Status Exists integer Metric to ensure vrops marks this resource as collecting.
Cohesity Partition Relationships Cluster Parents string List of parent Cluster resources.
Cohesity Partition Relationships Cohesity Adapter Instance Parent string The Cohesity Adapter Instance that is collecting this resource.
Cohesity Partition Relationships View Box Children string List of child View Box resources.
Cohesity Protection Job Details Abort In Blackout Period string If true, the Cohesity Cluster aborts any currently executing Job Runs of this Protection Job when a blackout period specified for this Job starts, even if the Job Run started before the blackout period began.
Cohesity Protection Job Details Description string Description about the Protection Job.
Cohesity Protection Job Details Environment string The environment type (such as VMware or SQL) of the Protection Policy. Supported environment types include 'View', 'SQL', 'VMware', 'Puppeteer', 'Physical' or 'Pure'. NOTE: 'Puppeteer' refers to Cohesity's Remote Adapter.
Cohesity Protection Job Details Full Protection Start Hour integer The time of day to start the Full Protection Schedule.
Cohesity Protection Job Details Full Protection Start Minute integer The time of day to start the Full Protection Schedule.
Cohesity Protection Job Details Is Active string If the current state of the Protection Job is Active or Inactive.
Cohesity Protection Job Details Is Deleted string If the Protection Job was deleted but some Snapshots are still associated with this Job.
Cohesity Protection Job Details Is Paused string If the Protection Job is paused, which means that no new Job Runs are started but any existing Job Runs continue to execute.
Cohesity Protection Job Details Last Modified Time integer The last time this Job was updated.
Cohesity Protection Job Details Name string The name of the resource.
Cohesity Protection Job Details Parent Source ID integer The id of the registered Protection Source that is the parent of the Objects that may be protected by this Job.
Cohesity Protection Job Details Policy ID string The unique id of the Protection Policy associated with the Protection Job.
Cohesity Protection Job Details Priority string The priority of execution for a Protection Job.
Cohesity Protection Job Details Source IDs string Specifies the list of Object ids from the Protection Source to protect (or back up) by the Protection Job.
Cohesity Protection Job Details View Box ID integer The View Box id where this Job writes data.
Cohesity Protection Job Details View Name string For a Remote Adapter 'Puppeteer' Job or a 'View' Job, this field specifies a View name that should be protected.
Cohesity Protection Job Details VirtualMachine Object IDs string Specifies the list of VMware Virtual Machine object ids to protect by the Protection Job.
Cohesity Protection Job Latest Run Current Run Duration integer The SLA Status of the current run of this protection job.
Cohesity Protection Job Latest Run Current Run Error Message string The status message of the current run of this protection job.
Cohesity Protection Job Latest Run Current Run SLA Violated string The SLA Status of the current run of this protection job.
Cohesity Protection Job Latest Run Current Run Start Time integer The start time of the current run of this protection job.
Cohesity Protection Job Latest Run Current Run Status string The status of the current run of this protection job.
Cohesity Protection Job Latest Run Duration integer The SLA Status of the latest run of this protection job.
Cohesity Protection Job Latest Run Error Message string The status message of the latest run of this protection job.
Cohesity Protection Job Latest Run Logical Backup Size integer Specifies the size of the source object (such as a VM) protected by this task on the primary storage after the snapshot is taken. The logical size of the data on the source if the data is fully hydrated or expanded and not reduced by change-block tracking, compression and deduplication.
Cohesity Protection Job Latest Run Physical Backup Size integer Specifies the total amount of physical space used on the Cohesity Cluster to store the protected object after being reduced by change-block tracking, compression and deduplication. For example, if the logical backup size is 1GB, but only 1MB was used on the Cohesity Cluster to store it, this field be equal to 1MB.
Cohesity Protection Job Latest Run SLA Violated string The SLA Status of the latest run of this protection job.
Cohesity Protection Job Latest Run Size Read from Source integer Specifies the total amount of data read from the source (so far).
Cohesity Protection Job Latest Run Source Size integer Specifies the size of the source object (such as a VM) protected by this task on the primary storage before the snapshot is taken. The logical size of the data on the source if the data is fully hydrated or expanded and not reduced by change-block tracking, compression and deduplication.
Cohesity Protection Job Latest Run Start Time integer The start time of the latest run of this protection job.
Cohesity Protection Job Latest Run Status string The status of the latest run of this protection job.
Cohesity Protection Job Status Exists integer Metric to ensure vrops marks this resource as collecting.
Cohesity Protection Job Status Last Day Canceled Runs integer The number of canceled runs for this protection job in the past day.
Cohesity Protection Job Status Last Day Failed Runs integer The number of failed runs for this protection job in the past day.
Cohesity Protection Job Status Last Day Jobs Running integer The current number of jobs running for this protection job in the past day.
Cohesity Protection Job Status Last Day SLA Violations integer The number of runs with SLA Violations for this protection job in the past day.
Cohesity Protection Job Status Last Day Successful Runs integer The number of Successful runs for this protection job in the past day.
Cohesity Protection Job Status Last Day Total Runs integer The total number of runs for this protection job in the past day.
Cohesity Protection Job Relationships Cohesity Adapter Instance Parent string The Cohesity Adapter Instance that is collecting this resource.
Cohesity Protection Job Relationships Cohesity VM Tag Parents string List of parent Cohesity VM Tag resources.
Cohesity Protection Job Relationships Protection Policy Parents string List of parent Protection Policy resources.
Cohesity Protection Job Relationships Protection Source Parents string List of parent Protection Source resources.
Cohesity Protection Job Relationships View Box Parents string List of parent View Box resources.
Cohesity Protection Job Relationships Virtual Machine Parents string List of parent Virtual Machine resources.
Cohesity Protection Policy Details Continuous Backup Interval integer Defines the time interval in minutes when new Job Runs are started.
Cohesity Protection Policy Details Daily Days to Run string The list of days of the week when to start Job Runs.
Cohesity Protection Policy Details Description string Description about the Protection Policy.
Cohesity Protection Policy Details Environment string The environment type (such as VMware or SQL) of the Protection Policy. Supported environment types include 'View', 'SQL', 'VMware', 'Puppeteer', 'Physical' or 'Pure'. NOTE: 'Puppeteer' refers to Cohesity's Remote Adapter.
Cohesity Protection Policy Details Last Modified Time integer The Epoch time when the Protection Policy was last modified.
Cohesity Protection Policy Details Monthly Day Count string The day count in the month (such as 'Third') to start the Job Run.
Cohesity Protection Policy Details Monthly Days to Run string The day of the week (such as 'Monday') to start the Job Run. Used with Monthly Day Count to define the day in the month to start the Job Run.
Cohesity Protection Policy Details Name string The name of the resource.
Cohesity Protection Policy Details Periodicity string How often to start new Job Runs of a Protection Job.
Cohesity Protection Policy Details Retries integer The number of times to retry capturing Snapshots before the Job Run fails.
Cohesity Protection Policy Details Retry Interval integer The number of minutes before retrying a failed Protection Job.
Cohesity Protection Policy Details Skip Interval integer The period of time before skipping the execution of new Job Runs if an existing queued Job Run of the same Protection Job has not started.
Cohesity Protection Policy Details Snapshot Retention integer How many days to retain Snapshots on the Cohesity Cluster.
Cohesity Protection Policy Status Exists integer Metric to ensure vrops marks this resource as collecting.
Cohesity Protection Policy Relationships Cluster Parents string List of parent Cluster resources.
Cohesity Protection Policy Relationships Cohesity Adapter Instance Parent string The Cohesity Adapter Instance that is collecting this resource.
Cohesity Protection Policy Relationships Protection Job Children string List of child Protection Job resources.
Cohesity Protection Source Details Database Instance Name string The database name of the SQL Protection Source.
Cohesity Protection Source Details Database Name string The database name of the SQL Protection Source.
Cohesity Protection Source Details Database Object Type string The type of the managed Object in a SQL Protection Source.
Cohesity Protection Source Details Database Owner ID integer The id of the container VM for the SQL Protection Source.
Cohesity Protection Source Details Environment string The environment such as 'SQL' or 'VMware', where the Protection Source exists.
Cohesity Protection Source Details Last Refresh Time integer The Unix epoch time the Protection Source tree was most recently fetched and built.
Cohesity Protection Source Details NAS Name string The name of the NAS Object.
Cohesity Protection Source Details NAS Protocol string The protocol used by the NAS server.
Cohesity Protection Source Details NAS Type string The type of a Protection Source Object in a generic NAS Source such as 'Group', or 'Host'.
Cohesity Protection Source Details Name string The name of the resource.
Cohesity Protection Source Details NetApp Name string The name of the NetApp Object.
Cohesity Protection Source Details NetApp Type string The type of managed NetApp Object in a NetApp Protection Source such as 'Cluster', 'Vserver' or 'Volume'.
Cohesity Protection Source Details NetApp UUID string The globally unique ID of this Object assigned by the NetApp server.
Cohesity Protection Source Details Physical Agent ID integer The physical server agent ID.
Cohesity Protection Source Details Physical Agent Version string The version of the Agent software.
Cohesity Protection Source Details Physical Host Type string The environment type for the host.
Cohesity Protection Source Details Physical ID integer The unique Physical server ID.
Cohesity Protection Source Details Registration Time integer The Epoch time when the Protection Source was registered.
Cohesity Protection Source Details Throttling Enabled string Whether read operations from the datastores, which are part of the registered Protection Source, are throttled.
Cohesity Protection Source Details Throttling Thresholds for Existing Tasks integer If the latency of a datastore is above this value, existing backup tasks using the datastore are throttled.
Cohesity Protection Source Details Throttling Thresholds for New Tasks integer If the latency of a datastore is above this value, then new backup tasks using the datastore will not be started.
Cohesity Protection Source Details VMware Host Type string The host type for the 'VirtualMachine' Object.
Cohesity Protection Source Details VMware Object ID string Specifies the Managed Object Reference Item.
Cohesity Protection Source Details VMware Object UUID string The type of managed Object in a VMware Protection Source.
Cohesity Protection Source Details VMware Source Type string The type of managed Object in a VMware Protection Source.
Cohesity Protection Source Status Exists integer Metric to ensure vrops marks this resource as collecting.
Cohesity Protection Source Status Physical Agent Status string The status of the agent running on a physical source. 'Unknown' indicates the Agent is not known. No attempt to connect to the Agent has occurred. 'Unreachable' indicates the Agent is not reachable. 'Healthy' indicates the Agent is healthy. 'Degraded' indicates the Agent is running but in a degraded state.
Cohesity Protection Source Status Physical Agent Upgradability string The upgradability of the agent running on the physical server. 'Upgradable' indicates the Agent can be upgraded to the agent software version on the cluster. 'Current' indicates the Agent is running the latest version. 'Unknown' indicates the Agent's version is not known. 'NonUpgradableInvalidVersion' indicates the Agent's version is invalid. 'NonUpgradableAgentIsNewer' indicates the Agent's version is newer than the agent software version the cluster. 'NonUpgradableAgentIsOld' indicates the Agent's version is too old that does not support upgrades.
Cohesity Protection Source Status VMware Connection State string The connection state of ESXi hosts ('Host System') or virtual machines ('Virtual Machine'). One of 'Connected', 'Disconnected', 'Inaccessible', 'Invalid', or 'Orphaned'.
Cohesity Protection Source Relationships Cluster Parents string List of parent Cluster resources.
Cohesity Protection Source Relationships Cohesity Adapter Instance Parent string The Cohesity Adapter Instance that is collecting this resource.
Cohesity Protection Source Relationships Cohesity vCenter Protection Source Tag Parents string List of parent Cohesity vCenter Protection Source Tag resources.
Cohesity Protection Source Relationships Host System Parents string List of parent Host System resources.
Cohesity Protection Source Relationships Protection Job Children string List of child Protection Job resources.
Cohesity Protection Source Relationships Restore Task Children string List of child Restore Task resources.
Cohesity Protection Source Relationships VMwareAdapter Instance Parents string List of parent VMwareAdapter Instance resources.
Cohesity Remote Cluster Details Bandwidth Limit integer The maximum allowed data transfer rate between the local Cluster and remote Clusters.
Cohesity Remote Cluster Details Encryption Key string The encryption key used for encrypting the replication data from a local Cluster to a remote Cluster.
Cohesity Remote Cluster Details Name string The name of the resource.
Cohesity Remote Cluster Details Network Interface Group string The group name of the network interfaces to use for communicating with the remote Cluster.
Cohesity Remote Cluster Details Remote Cluster IPs string The IP addresses of the Nodes on the remote Cluster to connect with. These IP addresses can also be VIPS. Specifying hostnames is not supported.
Cohesity Remote Cluster Details Timezone string A time zone for the specified time period. The time zone is defined in the following format: "Area/Location", for example: "America/New_York".
Cohesity Remote Cluster Details User Name string The Cohesity user name used to connect to the remote Cluster.
Cohesity Remote Cluster Details VLAN ID integer Is the id of the vlan to use when communicating with the remote cluster.
Cohesity Remote Cluster Status Exists integer Metric to ensure vrops marks this resource as collecting.
Cohesity Remote Cluster Relationships Cluster Parents string List of parent Cluster resources.
Cohesity Remote Cluster Relationships Cohesity Adapter Instance Parent string The Cohesity Adapter Instance that is collecting this resource.
Cohesity Remote Cluster Relationships Cohesity Cluster Child string The Cohesity Cluster related to the Remote Cluster.
Cohesity Restore Task Details Bring Disks Online string If the volumes are brought online on the mount target after attaching the disks.
Cohesity Restore Task Details Completion Time integer The end time of the Restore Task as a Unix epoch Timestamp.
Cohesity Restore Task Details Continue On Error string If the Restore Task should continue when some operations on some objects fail.
Cohesity Restore Task Details Datastore ID integer The datastore where the object's files are recovered to.
Cohesity Restore Task Details Name string The name of the resource.
Cohesity Restore Task Details Powered On string The power state of the cloned or recovered objects.
Cohesity Restore Task Details Protection Source IDs string List of related Protection Sources.
Cohesity Restore Task Details Resource Pool ID integer The overall status of the Restore Task. 'Ready To Schedule' indicates the Restore Task is waiting to be scheduled. 'Progress Monitor Created' indicates the progress monitor for the Restore Task has been created. 'Retrieved From Archive' indicates that the objects to restore have been retrieved from the specified archive. A Task will only ever transition to this state if a retrieval is necessary. 'Admitted' indicates the task has been admitted. After a task has been admitted, its status does not move back to 'Ready To Schedule' state even if it is rescheduled. 'In Progress' indicates that the Restore Task is in progress. 'Finishing Progress Monitor' indicates that the Restore Task is finishing its progress monitoring. 'Finished' indicates that the Restore Task has finished.
Cohesity Restore Task Details Start Time integer The start time of the Restore Task as a Unix epoch Timestamp.
Cohesity Restore Task Details Type string The type of Restore Task. 'kRecoverVMs' specifies a Restore Task that recovers VMs. 'kCloneVMs' specifies a Restore Task that clones VMs. 'kCloneView' specifies a Restore Task that clones a View. 'kMountVolumes' specifies a Restore Task that mounts volumes. 'kRestoreFiles' specifies a Restore Task that recovers files and folders.
Cohesity Restore Task Details Username string The Cohesity user who requested this Restore Task.
Cohesity Restore Task Status Error Code integer Operation response error code.
Cohesity Restore Task Status Error Message string Description of the error.
Cohesity Restore Task Status Exists integer Metric to ensure vrops marks this resource as collecting.
Cohesity Restore Task Status Non-mount Error Message string Error that did not occur during the mount operation.
Cohesity Restore Task Status Status string The overall status of the restore task. 'Ready To Schedule' indicates the task is waiting to be scheduled. 'Progress Monitor Created' indicates the progress monitor for the restore task has been created. 'Retrieved From Archive' indicates that the objects to restore have been retrieved from the specified archive. A task will only ever transition to this state if a retrieval is necessary. 'Admitted' indicates the task has been admitted. After a task has been admitted, its status does not move back to 'Ready To Schedule' state even if it is rescheduled. 'In Progress' indicates that the restore task is in progress. 'Finishing Progress Monitor' indicates that the restore task is finishing its progress monitoring. 'Finished' indicates that the Restore Task has finished. The status indicating success or failure is found in the error code that is stored with the restore task.
Cohesity Restore Task Relationships Cohesity Adapter Instance Parent string The Cohesity Adapter Instance that is collecting this resource.
Cohesity Restore Task Relationships Protection Source Parents string List of parent Protection Source resources.
Cohesity View Details Basic Mount Path string The NFS mount path of the View (without the hostname information). This path is used to support NFS mounting of the paths specified in the nfsExportPathList on Windows systems.
Cohesity View Details Creation Time integer The time of the View Box.
Cohesity View Details Description string Description about the View.
Cohesity View Details Is Inactive string If this View is an inactive View that was created on this Remote Cluster to store the Snapshots created by replication. This inactive View cannot be NFS or SMB mounted.
Cohesity View Details Name string The name of the resource.
Cohesity View Details Supported Protocols string The supported of the View Box.
Cohesity View Details View Box ID string The ID of the View Box where the View is stored.
Cohesity View Details View Box Name string The name of the View Box where the View is stored.
Cohesity View Disk Alert Limit Quota integer If an alert should be triggered when the usage of this resource exceeds this quota limit.
Cohesity View Disk Hard Limit Quota integer Optional quota limit on the usage allowed for this resource.
Cohesity View Disk Logical Usage integer The Logical Usage for the View.
Cohesity View Status Exists integer Metric to ensure vrops marks this resource as collecting.
Cohesity View User Configuration SMB Owner SID string The security identifier of the owner of the SMB share.
Cohesity View Relationships Cohesity Adapter Instance Parent string The Cohesity Adapter Instance that is collecting this resource.
Cohesity View Relationships View Box Parents string List of parent View Box resources.
Cohesity View Box Details Cluster Partition ID integer The NFS mount path of the View (without the hostname information). This path is used to support NFS mounting of the paths specified in the nfsExportPathList on Windows systems.
Cohesity View Box Details Compression Policy string The compression setting to be applied to a View Box. 'Compression None' indicates that data is not compressed. 'Compression Low' indicates that data is compressed.
Cohesity View Box Details Encryption Policy string The encryption setting for the View Box. 'Encryption None' indicates the data is not encrypted. 'Encryption Strong' indicates the data is encrypted.
Cohesity View Box Details Inline Compression string If compression should occur inline (as the data is being written).
Cohesity View Box Details Inline Deduplication string If deduplication should occur inline (as the data is being written).
Cohesity View Box Details Name string The name of the resource.
Cohesity View Box Details Removal State string The current removal state of the View Box. "Don't Remove" means the state of object is functional and it is not being removed. 'Marked For Removal' means the object is being removed. 'Ok To Remove' means the object has been removed on the Cohesity Cluster and if the object is physical, it can be removed from the Cohesity Cluster.
Cohesity View Box Details Replica Count integer The number of times a piece of data shall be replicated if the data is stored in replicated form.
Cohesity View Box Disk Alert Limit Quota integer If an alert should be triggered when the usage of this resource exceeds this quota limit.
Cohesity View Box Disk Cloud and Local Physical Capacity integer The total physical capacity as computed by the Cohesity Cluster.
Cohesity View Box Disk Cloud and Local System Capacity integer The total available capacity as computed by the Linux 'statfs' command.
Cohesity View Box Disk Cloud and Local System Usage integer The usage, as computed by the Linux ‘statfs’ command, after the size of the data is reduced by change-block tracking, compression and deduplication.
Cohesity View Box Disk Cloud and Local Total Physical Raw Usage integer The usage, as computed by the Cohesity Cluster, before the size of the data is reduced by change-block tracking, compression and deduplication.
Cohesity View Box Disk Cloud and Local Total Physical Usage integer The total capacity, as computed by the Cohesity Cluster, after the size of the data has been reduced by change-block tracking, compression and deduplication.
Cohesity View Box Disk Data Reduction Ratio float The ratio of logical bytes (not reduced by change-block tracking, compression and deduplication) to physical bytes (reduced by change-block tracking, compression and deduplication).
Cohesity View Box Disk Hard Limit Quota integer Optional quota limit on the usage allowed for this resource.
Cohesity View Box Disk Local Physical Capacity integer The total physical capacity as computed by the Cohesity Cluster.
Cohesity View Box Disk Local System Capacity integer The total available capacity as computed by the Linux 'statfs' command.
Cohesity View Box Disk Local System Usage integer The usage, as computed by the Linux ‘statfs’ command, after the size of the data is reduced by change-block tracking, compression and deduplication.
Cohesity View Box Disk Local Total Physical Raw Usage integer The usage, as computed by the Cohesity Cluster, before the size of the data is reduced by change-block tracking, compression and deduplication.
Cohesity View Box Disk Local Total Physical Usage integer The total capacity, as computed by the Cohesity Cluster, after the size of the data has been reduced by change-block tracking, compression and deduplication.
Cohesity View Box Disk Total Logical Disk Usage integer The logical usage as computed by the Cohesity Cluster. The size of the data without reduction by change-block tracking, compression and deduplication.
Cohesity View Box Performance Cloud and Local Data Read integer Provides the total amount of data read.
Cohesity View Box Performance Cloud and Local Data Written integer Provides the total amount of data written.
Cohesity View Box Performance Cloud and Local Read IOs integer Provides the Read latency for Read IOs.
Cohesity View Box Performance Cloud and Local Read Latency integer The Read latency for Read IOS.
Cohesity View Box Performance Cloud and Local Write IOs integer Provides the Write latency for Write IOs.
Cohesity View Box Performance Cloud and Local Write Latency integer The Write latency for Read IOS.
Cohesity View Box Performance Local Data Read integer Provides the total amount of data read.
Cohesity View Box Performance Local Data Written integer Provides the total amount of data written.
Cohesity View Box Performance Local Read IOs integer Provides Read IOS.
Cohesity View Box Performance Local Read Latency integer The Read latency for Read IOS.
Cohesity View Box Performance Local Write IOs integer Provides Write IOS.
Cohesity View Box Performance Local Write Latency integer The Write latency for Read IOS.
Cohesity View Box Performance Logical Data Read integer Provides the total amount of data read.
Cohesity View Box Performance Logical Data Written integer Provides the total amount of data written.
Cohesity View Box Performance Logical Read IOs integer Provides Read IOs.
Cohesity View Box Performance Logical Read Latency integer Provides the Read latency for Read IOS.
Cohesity View Box Performance Logical Write IOs integer Provides Write IOs.
Cohesity View Box Performance Logical Write Latency integer Provides the Write latency for Write IOS.
Cohesity View Box Status Exists integer Metric to ensure vrops marks this resource as collecting.
Cohesity View Box User Configuration Deduplication Enabled string If deduplication is enabled for the View Box.
Cohesity View Box Relationships Cohesity Adapter Instance Parent string The Cohesity Adapter Instance that is collecting this resource.
Cohesity View Box Relationships Partition Parents string List of parent Partition resources.
Cohesity View Box Relationships Protection Job Children string List of child Protection Job resources.
Cohesity View Box Relationships View Children string List of child View resources.