The Management Pack for Dell EMC Isilon collects the metrics listed in the table below, according to Dell EMC Isilon resource kinds.

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Resource Kind Resource Group Resource Attribute Attribute Type Attribute Description
Dell EMC Isilon Access Zone Details Groupnet string Groupnet identifier
Dell EMC Isilon Access Zone Details Name string Specifies the access zone name.
Dell EMC Isilon Access Zone Details Path string Specifies the access zone base directory path.
Dell EMC Isilon Access Zone Details System string True if the access zone is built-in.
Dell EMC Isilon Access Zone Relationships Cluster Parents string List of parent Cluster resources
Dell EMC Isilon Access Zone Relationships Hadoop FS Children string List of child Hadoop FS resources
Dell EMC Isilon Access Zone Relationships NFS Children string List of child NFS resources
Dell EMC Isilon Access Zone Relationships SMB Children string List of child SMB resources
Dell EMC Isilon Cloud Pool Details Description string A brief description of this pool
Dell EMC Isilon Cloud Pool Details Name string A unique name for this pool
Dell EMC Isilon Cloud Pool Details State string Indicates whether this pool is in a good state ("OK") or disabled ("disabled")
Dell EMC Isilon Cloud Pool Details Type string The type of cloud protocol required. E.g., "isilon" for EMC Isilon, "ecs" for EMC ECS Appliance, "virtustream" for Virtustream Storage Cloud, "azure" for Microsoft Azure and "s3" for Amazon S3
Dell EMC Isilon Cloud Pool Details Vendor string A string identifier of the cloud services vendor
Dell EMC Isilon Cloud Pool Relationships Cluster Parents string List of parent Cluster resources
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster CPU CPU Nice Average float Cluster average of nice CPU usage
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster CPU CPU Nice Maximum float Maximum cluster average of nice CPU usage
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster CPU CPU System Average float Cluster average of sytem CPU usage
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster CPU CPU System Maximum float Maximum cluster average of sytem CPU usage
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster CPU CPU Usage float The percentage CPU utilization.
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster CPU CPU User Average float Cluster average of user CPU usage
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster CPU CPU User Maximum float Maximum cluster average of user CPU usage
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Details Compliance Mode Enabled string If true, the cluster is in compliance mode. Compliance mode clusters do not allow root access and have stricter WORM (Write Once Read Many) features for retaining data in compliance with U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission rule 17a-4.
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Details Description string Customer configurable description.
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Details External IPs string External IPs
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Details Is Virtual string true if the cluster is deployed on a desktop VMWorkstation
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Details Local Serial Number string Device serial number of the queried node.
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Details Name string The name of the resource.
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Details Node Count integer Number of configured nodes in the cluster
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Details Path string Timezone hierarchical name.
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Details Release Version string Kernel release number.
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Details Revision string OneFS build number.
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Details Type string Kernel release type.
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Disk Disk Busy float Average busy
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Disk Disk In float Traffic to disk.
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Disk Disk Traffic Out float Traffic from disk.
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Disk Estimated Deduplicated Space integer Estimated deduplicated space.
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Disk IFS Ops In Rate float Cumulative operation rate into /ifs
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Disk IFS Ops Out Rate float Cumulative operation rate out of /ifs
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Disk IFS Percent Avail float Percent of /ifs filesystem available for storage
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Disk IFS Percent Free float Percent of /ifs filesystem free for the system
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Disk IFS Percent Used float Percent of /ifs filesystem used for storage
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Disk IFS Reserved Drive integer Reserved space per drive
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Disk IFS Reserved Snapshots integer Space reserved for snapshots
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Disk IFS Space Available integer Space available in the /ifs filesystem
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Disk IFS Space Free integer Space free in the /ifs filesystem
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Disk IFS Space Total integer Total space in the /ifs filesystem
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Disk IFS Space Used integer Space used in the /ifs filesystem
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Disk IFS Throughput In Rate float Cumulative throughput rate into /ifs
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Disk IFS Throughput In Rate Max float Cumulative maximum throughput rate into /ifs
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Disk IFS Throughput Out Rate float Cumulative throughput rate out of /ifs
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Disk IFS Throughput Out Rate Max float Cumulative maximum throughput rate out of /ifs
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Disk Logical Deduplicated Space integer The logical space deduplicated.
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Disk SSD Free float Percent of SSD space in /ifs filesystem free for the system
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Disk SSD Space Free integer Free space on SSDs in the /ifs filesystem
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Disk SSD Space Total integer Total space on SSDs in the /ifs filesystem
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Disk SSD Space Used integer Used space on SSDs in the /ifs filesystem
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Disk SSD Used float Percent of SSD space in /ifs filesystem used for storage
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Disk Total Space Used integer Space Used on the cluster.
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Network FTP Throughput float The total throughput for FTP operations.
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Network HDFS Throughput float The total throughput for HDFS operations.
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Network HTTP Throughput float The total throughput for HTTP operations.
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Network NFS Throughput float The total throughput for NFS (NFS3 & NFS4) operations.
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Network Network In Rate float In Throughput for all external interfaces
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Network Network Out Rate float Out Throughput for all external interfaces
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Network Network Traffic In float Incoming network traffic for all operations.
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Network Network Traffic Out float Outgoing network traffic throughput for all operations.
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Network SMB Throughput float The total throughput for SMB (SMB1 & SMB2) operations.
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Network Total Protocol Throughput float The total throughput for all protocols listed.
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Status Nodes Currently Down integer Number of cluster nodes currently down
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Status Nodes Currently Up integer Number of cluster nodes currently up
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Relationships Access Zone Children string List of child Access Zone resources
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Relationships Cloud Pool Children string List of child Cloud Pool resources
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Relationships Hadoop FS Children string List of child Hadoop FS resources
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Relationships NFS Children string List of child NFS resources
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Relationships Node Children string List of child Node resources
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Relationships Quota Children string List of child Quota resources
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Relationships SMB Children string List of child SMB resources
Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Relationships Storage Pool Children string List of child Storage Pool resources
Dell EMC Isilon Hadoop FS Details IP Pools string Array of IP pool names to use for serving clients from client_ip_ranges.
Dell EMC Isilon Hadoop FS Details Name string Name of the rack
Dell EMC Isilon Hadoop FS Relationships Access Zone Parents string List of parent Access Zone resources
Dell EMC Isilon Hadoop FS Relationships Cluster Parents string List of parent Cluster resources
Dell EMC Isilon Network Interface Details IP Addresses string List of IP addresses.
Dell EMC Isilon Network Interface Details LNN integer Logical Node Number
Dell EMC Isilon Network Interface Details NIC Name string NIC name
Dell EMC Isilon Network Interface Details Name string The name of the interface.
Dell EMC Isilon Network Interface Details Status string Status of the interface
Dell EMC Isilon Network Interface Details Type string Interface type. The '*gige' types stand for 'gigabit ethernet'. 'gige' itself is occasionally also referred to in other places as 'ext' for 'external'. 'ib' and 'ib_qdr' are internal Infiniband interface types. 'vlan' and 'vmxnet3' are virtual interface types that appear on virtual nodes. 'loopback' is an interface for failover addresses and should only appear if failover is configured.
Dell EMC Isilon Network Interface Performance Inbound Throughput float Inbound Throughput for this interface
Dell EMC Isilon Network Interface Performance Outbound Throughput float Outbound Throughput for this interface
Dell EMC Isilon Network Interface Relationships Node Parents string List of parent Node resources
Dell EMC Isilon NFS Details Description string Specifies the user-defined string that is used to identify the export.
Dell EMC Isilon NFS Details Is Read Only string True if the export is set to read-only.
Dell EMC Isilon NFS Details Paths string The paths associated with the NFS export.
Dell EMC Isilon NFS Details Zone string Specifies the zone in which the export is valid.
Dell EMC Isilon NFS Disk Block Size integer Specifies the block size returned by the NFS statfs procedure.
Dell EMC Isilon NFS Relationships Access Zone Parents string List of parent Access Zone resources
Dell EMC Isilon NFS Relationships Cluster Parents string List of parent Cluster resources
Dell EMC Isilon NFS Relationships Datastore parents string List of parent Datastores
Dell EMC Isilon Node CPU CPU Nice Average float Node average of nice CPU usage.
Dell EMC Isilon Node CPU CPU Nice Maximum float Node Maximum of nice CPU usage.
Dell EMC Isilon Node CPU CPU System Average float Node average of system CPU usage.
Dell EMC Isilon Node CPU CPU System Maximum float Node Maximum of system CPU usage.
Dell EMC Isilon Node CPU CPU Usage float The percentage CPU utilization.
Dell EMC Isilon Node CPU CPU User Average float Node average of user CPU usage.
Dell EMC Isilon Node CPU CPU User Maximum float Node Maximum of user CPU usage.
Dell EMC Isilon Node Details CPU Model string Manufacturer and model of this node's CPU.
Dell EMC Isilon Node Details Chassis string Name of this node's chassis.
Dell EMC Isilon Node Details Class string Class of this node (storage, accelerator, etc.).
Dell EMC Isilon Node Details Code Name string Code name of this node if applicable (Minnetonka, MiniHuron, Huron, Union, Tahoe, Superior, Unknown). If not supported: Unknown. If Logic to determine code name fails: Unknown. If PSI_Get fails: Unknown. PSI_Get can fail if PSI not initialized, or key does not exist.
Dell EMC Isilon Node Details Connected FTP Clients integer Number of connected FTP clients
Dell EMC Isilon Node Details Connected HDFS Clients integer Number of connected HDFS clients
Dell EMC Isilon Node Details Connected HTTP Clients integer Number of connected HTTP clients
Dell EMC Isilon Node Details Connected NDMP Clients integer Number of connected NDMP clients
Dell EMC Isilon Node Details Connected NFS Clients integer Number of connected NFS clients
Dell EMC Isilon Node Details Connected SMB Clients integer Number of connected SMB clients
Dell EMC Isilon Node Details Hardware Generation Name string Isilon hardware generation name.
Dell EMC Isilon Node Details Is Read Only string The current read-only user mode status for the node. NOTE: If read-only mode is currently disallowed for this node, it will remain read/write until read-only mode is allowed again. This value only sets or clears any user-specified requests for read-only mode. If the node has been placed into read-only mode by the system, it will remain in read-only mode until the system conditions which triggered read-only mode have cleared.
Dell EMC Isilon Node Details Is Up string True if this node is still available to the cluster.
Dell EMC Isilon Node Details Model string Isilon node model identifier string (S200, X410, Infinity-H500, etc.).
Dell EMC Isilon Node Details Product string Isilon product name.
Dell EMC Isilon Node Details Release Version string OneFS release.
Dell EMC Isilon Node Details Serial Number string Serial number of this node.
Dell EMC Isilon Node Details Series string Series of this node (X, I, NL, etc.).
Dell EMC Isilon Node Details Storage Class string Storage class of this node (storage or diskless).
Dell EMC Isilon Node Details Tier integer Platform tier level of this node if applicable (1-4 are defined, 0 for unknown or not supported, -1 for error). If not supported: 0. If Logic to determine tier fails: 0 for unknown. If PSI_Get fails: -1 for error. PSI_Get can fail if PSI not initialized, or key does not exist.
Dell EMC Isilon Node Details Total Connected Clients integer The total number of clients connected to FTP, HTTP, HDFS, NFS, and SMB
Dell EMC Isilon Node Disk Disk Busy Avg float Average disk busy
Dell EMC Isilon Node Disk Disk In float Traffic to disk.
Dell EMC Isilon Node Disk Disk Out Rate Avg float Average read throughput for all disks
Dell EMC Isilon Node Disk Disk Traffic Out float Traffic from disk.
Dell EMC Isilon Node Disk Disk Xfers Rate Avg float Average transfer rate for all disks
Dell EMC Isilon Node Disk Disk in Rate Avg float Average write throughput for all disks
Dell EMC Isilon Node Disk Drive Bay Count integer Number of drive bays (maximum disk count)
Dell EMC Isilon Node Disk IFS Percent Free float Percentage of free space on /ifs on the node
Dell EMC Isilon Node Disk IFS Percent Used float Percentage of used space on /ifs on the node
Dell EMC Isilon Node Disk IFS SSD Percent Free float Percentage of free space on SSDs on /ifs on the node
Dell EMC Isilon Node Disk IFS SSD Percent Free float Percentage of used space on SSDs on /ifs on the node
Dell EMC Isilon Node Disk IFS SSD Space Free integer Free space on SSDs on /ifs on the node
Dell EMC Isilon Node Disk IFS SSD Space Total integer Total size of SSD space in /ifs on the node
Dell EMC Isilon Node Disk IFS SSD Space Used integer Used space on SSDs on/ifs on the node
Dell EMC Isilon Node Disk IFS Space Free integer Free space on /ifs on the node
Dell EMC Isilon Node Disk IFS Space Total integer Total size of /ifs on the node
Dell EMC Isilon Node Disk IFS Space Used integer Used space on /ifs on the node
Dell EMC Isilon Node Memory Cached Memory integer Amount of physical system memory that are in use for cache.
Dell EMC Isilon Node Memory Free Memory integer Amount of physical system memory that are free.
Dell EMC Isilon Node Memory Memory Free Percent float Percentage of free memory on the node
Dell EMC Isilon Node Memory Memory Used Percent float Percentage of used memory on the node
Dell EMC Isilon Node Memory Total Ram integer Size of RAM.
Dell EMC Isilon Node Memory Used Memory integer Amount of physical system memory that are in use.
Dell EMC Isilon Node Network FTP Throughput float The total throughput for FTP operations.
Dell EMC Isilon Node Network HDFS Throughput float The total throughput for HDFS operations.
Dell EMC Isilon Node Network HTTP Throughput float The total throughput for HTTP operations.
Dell EMC Isilon Node Network NFS Throughput float The total throughput for NFS (NFS3 & NFS4) operations.
Dell EMC Isilon Node Network Network Traffic In float Incoming network traffic for all operations.
Dell EMC Isilon Node Network Network Traffic Out float Outgoing network traffic for all operations.
Dell EMC Isilon Node Network SMB Throughput float The total throughput for SMB (SMB1 & SMB2) operations.
Dell EMC Isilon Node Network Total Protocol Throughput float The total throughput for all protocols listed.
Dell EMC Isilon Node Relationships Cluster Parents string List of parent Cluster resources
Dell EMC Isilon Node Relationships Network Interface Children string List of child Network Interface resources
Dell EMC Isilon Quota Details Advisory Threshold integer Usage space at which notifications will be sent but writes will not be denied.
Dell EMC Isilon Quota Details Advisory Threshold Exceeded string True if the advisory threshold has been hit.
Dell EMC Isilon Quota Details Hard Threshold integer Usage space at which further writes will be denied.
Dell EMC Isilon Quota Details Hard Threshold Exceeded string True if the hard threshold has been hit.
Dell EMC Isilon Quota Details Include Snapshots string If true, quota governs snapshot data as well as head data.
Dell EMC Isilon Quota Details Is Enforced string True if the quota provides enforcement, otherwise a accounting quota.
Dell EMC Isilon Quota Details Is up to date string True if the accounting is accurate on the quota. If false, this quota is waiting on completion of a QuotaScan job.
Dell EMC Isilon Quota Details Logical Used Space integer Apparent space used by governed data.
Dell EMC Isilon Quota Details Path string The /ifs path governed.
Dell EMC Isilon Quota Details Persona ID string Specifies the serialized form of a persona, which can be 'UID:0', 'USER:name', 'GID:0', 'GROUP:wheel', or 'SID:S-1-1'.
Dell EMC Isilon Quota Details Soft Threshold integer Usage space at which notifications will be sent and soft grace time will be started.
Dell EMC Isilon Quota Details Soft Threshold Exceeded string True if the soft threshold has been hit.
Dell EMC Isilon Quota Details Thresholds Include Overhead string If true, thresholds apply to data plus filesystem overhead required to store the data (i.e. 'physical' usage).
Dell EMC Isilon Quota Details Type string The type of quota.
Dell EMC Isilon Quota Details Usage Percent float Percent of quota used based on hard threshold.
Dell EMC Isilon Quota Disk Physical Used Space integer Space used for governed data and filesystem overhead.
Dell EMC Isilon Quota Relationships Cluster Parents string List of parent Cluster resources
Dell EMC Isilon SMB Details Access Zone ID integer Numeric ID of the access zone which contains this SMB share.
Dell EMC Isilon SMB Details Description string Description for this SMB share.
Dell EMC Isilon SMB Details Name string Share name.
Dell EMC Isilon SMB Details Path string Path of share within /ifs.
Dell EMC Isilon SMB Relationships Access Zone Parents string List of parent Access Zone resources
Dell EMC Isilon SMB Relationships Cluster Parents string List of parent Cluster resources
Dell EMC Isilon Storage Pool Details Balanced string Whether or not the pool usage is currently balanced.
Dell EMC Isilon Storage Pool Details Can Disable L3 string Indicates if disabling L3 is possible.
Dell EMC Isilon Storage Pool Details Can Enable L3 string Indicates if enabling L3 is possible. L3 cannot be enabled if there are unprovisioned drives.
Dell EMC Isilon Storage Pool Details L3 Status string 'storage' if the 'l3' option is disabled. If the l3 option is enabled, 'migrating' if any SSDs in this node pool have not yet been migrated to L3. If all SSDs have been migrated, 'l3'.
Dell EMC Isilon Storage Pool Details LNNs string The nodes that are part of this pool.
Dell EMC Isilon Storage Pool Details Manually Managed string Whether or not the node pool is manually managed.
Dell EMC Isilon Storage Pool Details Name string The pool name.
Dell EMC Isilon Storage Pool Details Type string The pool type.
Dell EMC Isilon Storage Pool Disk Available HDD Space integer Available free space remaining in the pool on HDD drives when virtual hot spare is taken into account.
Dell EMC Isilon Storage Pool Disk Available SSD integer Available free space remaining in the pool on SSD drives when virtual hot spare is taken into account.
Dell EMC Isilon Storage Pool Disk Free HDD Space integer Free space remaining in the pool on HDD drives.
Dell EMC Isilon Storage Pool Disk Free SSD Space integer Free space remaining in the pool on SSD drives.
Dell EMC Isilon Storage Pool Disk Free Space integer Free space remaining in the pool.
Dell EMC Isilon Storage Pool Disk Total Available Space integer Available free space remaining in the pool when virtual hot spare is taken into account.
Dell EMC Isilon Storage Pool Disk Total HDD Space integer Total space in the pool on HDD drives.
Dell EMC Isilon Storage Pool Disk Total SSD Space integer Total space in the pool on SSD drives.
Dell EMC Isilon Storage Pool Disk Total Space integer Total space in the pool.
Dell EMC Isilon Storage Pool Disk Total Used Space integer Used space in the pool.
Dell EMC Isilon Storage Pool Disk Total Used Space Ratio float Percentage of usable space in the pool which is used.
Dell EMC Isilon Storage Pool Disk Usable HDD Space integer Total space in the pool on HDD drives when virtual hot spare is taken into account.
Dell EMC Isilon Storage Pool Disk Usable SSD integer Total space in the pool on SSD drives when virtual hot spare is taken into account.
Dell EMC Isilon Storage Pool Disk Usable Space integer Total space in the pool drives when virtual hot spare is taken into account.
Dell EMC Isilon Storage Pool Disk Used HDD Ratio float Percentage of usable space on HDD drives in the pool which is used.
Dell EMC Isilon Storage Pool Disk Used HDD Space integer Used space in the pool on HDD drives.
Dell EMC Isilon Storage Pool Disk Used SSD Ratio float Percentage of usable space on SSD drives in the pool which is used.
Dell EMC Isilon Storage Pool Disk Used SSD Space integer Used space in the pool on SSD drives.
Dell EMC Isilon Storage Pool Disk Virtual Hot Spare Space integer Space available on the virtual hot spare.
Dell EMC Isilon Storage Pool Relationships Cluster Parents string List of parent Cluster resources