The Management Pack for Dell EMC PowerEdge creates Resource Kinds and Relationships (associations) for critical resources in your Dell EMC PowerEdge environment.

Resource Kinds

Performance, health, availability, and capacity data are collected for the following VxRail/PowerEdge resource kinds:

  • Dell EMC Amperage Probe*
  • Dell EMC Blade Server
  • Dell EMC Chassis
  • Dell EMC Chassis Power Supply*
  • Dell EMC Cluster**
  • Dell EMC Cooling Device*
  • Dell EMC Intrusion Probe*
  • Dell EMC Memory Device*
  • Dell EMC Physical Disk*
  • Dell EMC Power Unit*
  • Dell EMC Processor Device*
  • Dell EMC Rack Power Supply*
  • Dell EMC Rack Server
  • Dell EMC System Battery*
  • Dell EMC Temperature Probe*
  • Dell EMC Virtual Disk*
  • Dell EMC Voltage Probe*
Important: The resource kinds marked with a single asterisk (*) are not collected by default. If you want to enable collection for these resources, you must set the applicable parameter in the file to true. See: Configuring the Properties File (Dell EMC PowerEdge).
Important: The VXRail Cluster resource is created in a unique way. It is created only if a Blade/Rack server is related to a VMWare Host system, which is related to a VMware vSAN Cluster resource. Again, the following relationship must exist: Blade/Rack server > Host System > vSAN Cluster.


Relationships among discovered resources are also created by the management pack.

How Relationships are Collected

Relationships are returned to vROps during the second collection. Internal relationships are returned every collection. External relationships are re-calculated at the interval specified by the relationship_sync_interval properties in the file, whose default value is 8 (i.e. recalculated in collection 2, 10, 18, etc.).

External relationships to VMware Host System resources are made from Blade/Rack server resources using the following methods:

  1. First attempt: Matching the Blade/Rack Server's host_name metric (via vCenter) to the resource name of a VMware Host System
  2. Fallback: Matching the Blade/Rack Server's fqdn metric to the resource name of a VMware Host System

Dell EMC VxRail and PowerEdge Relationships Diagram

The hierarchical structure of the Dell EMC VxRail/PowerEdge relationships is depicted in the diagram below.


External Relationships

In addition to internal relationships, the management pack also includes the following external relationships:

  • VxRail Cluster > Blade/Rack Server (N/A for PowerEdge)
  • Blade/Rack Server > VMware Host

See also:

Inventory Tree (Traversal Spec) (Dell EMC PowerEdge)