Before you can begin using the Management Pack, you must create an adapter instance to identify the host from which the Management Pack will retrieve data.



  1. From the top navigation bar, select Administration. In the right panel, the Solutions view will be displayed.
  2. Select NetApp OCUM from the Solutions list on the right.
  3. Click the Configure configure_icon icon. The Manage Solution window will appear.
    Note: Click the Add add_icon icon above the Instance Name list on the left to create multiple adapter instances.
  4. In the Manage Solution window, enter the following information:
    1. Instance Settings:
      • Display Name: A name for this particular instance of the Management Pack.
      • Description: Optional, but it can be helpful to describe multiple instances of the Management Pack.
    2. Basic Settings:
    3. Advanced Settings:
      • Port: The default port used by the management pack is 443. 
      • SSL Config: The SSL mode to use when connecting to the target. Can be configured to use SSL but do not verify the target's certificate (No Verify) or use SSL and verify the target's certificate (Verify).
      • Request Timeout: The number of seconds to allow for the API to return a response.
      • Max Concurrent Requests: The maximum number fo requests to allow simultaneously.
      • Event Severity: The maximum event severity to collect.
      • Collect [resource]: Each of these options toggle collection of the specified resource type.
  5. Click Test Connection to ensure vROps can connect properly to the system.
  6. Click Save Settings to save your adapter instance configuration.

What to do next