Unable to monitor the health of Tenant App and check if the application is up and running.
You can use the API from Tenant App to monitor the health of the dockers running in the Tenant App.
- If you do not have a token, then enter the command, GET : https://<tenant-app-ip>/ui. A document is displayed as response. If the response code is 200, then we can conclude that the tenant-app-ui container is up and running.
- If you have a token, then enter the command, POST: https://<tenant-app-ip>/suite-api/api/auth/token/acquire
{ "username": "<admi-username>", "password": "<admin-password>" }
The following response is displayed:{ "token": "string", "validity": 0, "expiresAt": "string", "roles": [ "string" ] }
- For self-health check for Tenant App, enter the command, GET : https://<tenant-app-ip>/tenant-app-api/services and enter the token that you acquired in the header as
"Authorization": "vRealizeOpsToken <token>"
The list of all services in the Tenant App along with the status will be displayed.