You can integrate vRealize Operations Tenant App for vCenter with vRealize Operations to deploy the tenant view. Deploy the OVF File for a Tenant App To deploy a vRealize Operations Tenant App for vCenter, you have to download and install the OVF file from the Solution Exchange website. You can install the Tenant App OVF file through vSphere Web Client. Reset Root Password in Tenant AppYou can reset the password in Tenant App using root credentials. Log in to the Tenant AppTo access the tenant view UI, use the IP address of the deployed OVF file. Changing Default SSL Certificates By default, the vRealize Operations Tenant App for vCenter has a self-signed certificate. You can modify the default certificate, if necessary. When you attempt to use vRealize Operations Tenant App for vCenter over a trusted SSL Internet connection, and open the interface in a Web browser; you receive warnings that the connection is untrusted (in Mozilla Firefox) or that problems have been detected with the website's security certificate (in Internet Explorer). Register a Different vRealize Operations for Tenant AppYou can register a different vRealize Operations for Tenant App when the vRealize Operations registered with Tenant App becomes unavailable or when there is a change in the requirement of vRealize Operations for Tenant App. HA and Backup Configurations for Tenant AppAll the data that is processed by Tenant App is stored in vRealize Operations except for the bills generated for the tenant and configuration or the tenant UI access. Therefore, the Tenant App does not have a HA and Backup guide of its own.