You add a custom property to retrieve data from a source using a custom vRealize Orchestrator action when you want users to select the retrieved values in the request form.


Limitations depend on your custom action.


Verify that you have a working vRealize Orchestrator action. For information about developing workflows and creating and using vRealize Orchestrator script actions, see Developing with VMware vCenter Orchestrator .

The action script must accept the input parameter values. You can configure the values as key value pairs. You can present user-readable names for less friendly identifiers using key value pairs.

Custom Property Configuration Values

You use these options to create the custom property. For the general steps, see Create a vRealize Orchestrator Action Custom Property Definition.

Table 1. Custom Action Custom Property Configuration Values
Option Value
Name You can use any string.
Data type Decimal, Integer, or String
Display as Dropdown
Values External
Action folder Location of your custom action.
Script action Name of your custom action.
Input parameters Depends on your custom action.

Blueprint Configuration

Usually you add the custom property on the blueprint Properties tab. Whether you add it to the Properties tab depends on your action. See Add a Custom Property to a Blueprint.