Running commands locally

This topic describes how to execute commands locally with Docker.

If you want to use the underlying om and p-automator CLI tools from your local workstation, VMware recommends using Docker to execute commands.

With p-automator, in particular, using Docker is necessary, because the IaaS CLIs upon which we depend can be tricky to install. With om, it's more a matter of convenience,, and you can just as easily download the binary if it's available for your system.

Executing commands

To execute commands in Docker:

  1. First import the image:

      docker import ${PLATFORM_AUTOMATION_IMAGE_TGZ} platform-automation-image

    Where ${PLATFORM_AUTOMATION_IMAGE_TGZ} is the image file downloaded from the Broadcom Support portal.

  2. Now you can use docker run to pass it arbitrary commands.

    Here, we're running the p-automator CLI to see what commands are available:

      docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/workspace -w /workspace platform-automation-image \
        p-automator -h

    Note This will have read / write access to files in your current working directory. If you need to mount other directories as well, you can add more -v arguments.

Useful commands

Retrieving product staged configuration

  docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/workspace -w /workspace platform-automation-image \
    export OM_PASSWORD='ASDF' om --env ${ENV_FILE} staged-config \
    --product-name ${PRODUCT_SLUG} --include-placeholders


The resulting file can then be parameterized, saved, and committed to a config repo.

Retrieving director configuration

  docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/workspace -w /workspace platform-automation-image \
    om --env ${ENV_FILE} staged-director-config --include-placeholders

Tanzu Operations Manager targeting

Use environment variables to set what Tanzu Operations Manager om is targeting. For example:

 docker run -it -e "OM_PASSWORD=my-password" --rm -v $PWD:/workspace \
    -w /workspace platform-automation-image \
    om --env ${ENV_FILE} staged-director-config --include-placeholders

Note the additional space before the docker command. This ensures that the command is not kept in bash history. The environment variable OM_PASSWORD overwrites the password value in the ENV_FILE. See the om GitHub page for a full list of supported environment variables.

Disable verifiers

In cases where verifiers are incorrectly failing for known reasons, you can disable those specific verifiers so that you can apply the changes. om has commands to disable individual verifiers:

For director verifiers:

  docker run -it -e "OM_PASSWORD=my-password" --rm -v $PWD:/workspace \
    -w /workspace platform-automation-image \
    om --env ${ENV_FILE} disable-director-verifiers \
    --type ${VERIFIER_TYPE}

Where ${VERIFIER_TYPE} is the failing verifier.

For product verifiers:

  docker run -it -e "OM_PASSWORD=my-password" --rm -v $PWD:/workspace \
    -w /workspace platform-automation-image \
    om --env ${ENV_FILE} disable-product-verifiers \
    --product-name ${PRODUCT_NAME} --type ${VERIFIER_TYPE}


  • ${VERIFIER_TYPE} is the failing verifier
  • ${PRODUCT_NAME} is the metadata name of the associated product.

A list of failed verifiers is available in the output from the Apply Changes attempt. To retrieve a list of currently failing director and product verifiers without applying changes, run:

  docker run -it -e "OM_PASSWORD=my-password" --rm -v $PWD:/workspace \
    -w /workspace platform-automation-image \
    om --env ${ENV_FILE} pre-deploy-check

See the Tanzu Operations Manager Documentation for information about managing verifiers.

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